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[Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news

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[Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news - Page 4 Empty Re: [Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news

Message par davlar Mer 17 Avr 2019 - 22:47

Completement craqué, mais tu ne seras pas déçu. MD obligatoire le jeu est pensé pour, AES ça va être un super jeu neogeo c'est assuré, la dreamcast tu ne pouvais pas faire sans, ça se passe de commentaire Very Happy
Géant X
Géant X

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[Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news - Page 4 Empty Re: [Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news

Message par zouzzz Jeu 18 Avr 2019 - 5:06

Je pourrai faire un comparatif... du coup. Smile

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Date d'inscription : 22/10/2012
Localisation : Poitiers


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[Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news - Page 4 Empty Re: [Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news

Message par Pad'Lézard Jeu 18 Avr 2019 - 9:44

j'ai fait pire que toi en fait ZouzZz, j'avais pris (j'avais oublié) le pack MD + DC + Vynile + la MVS limited + l'AES limited !
Grand X
Grand X

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[Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news - Page 4 Empty Re: [Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news

Message par zouzzz Jeu 18 Avr 2019 - 19:18

Ah ouais entre frappés on s'entend bien ^^.

Nouvel update pour les pré-commandeurs MVS/AES :

Thank you for your support of Xeno Crisis!

If you pre-ordered the Collector's Edition for Neo Geo AES/MVS you can customize your hostage name in the game, please fill out the survey below to provide your chosen details:

Here is also a link to the Kickstarter updates page where you can find our latest development progress:


If you wanted a custom serial number and haven't yet provided us one (ideally a few preferred options) please feel free to add to the comments on this hostage survey or contact us by other means. We'll be hopefully emailing people in the coming weeks with confirmation of their serial number(s). (All serial numbers are on a first come first served basis).

Bitmap Bureau

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Date d'inscription : 22/10/2012
Localisation : Poitiers


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[Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news - Page 4 Empty Re: [Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news

Message par Matt_ Jeu 18 Avr 2019 - 19:24

Des bonnes nouvelles !
J'avais pensé le prendre sur MD mais j'ai eu peur de la qualité sonore sur cette console.
Du coup, je l'ai pris sur Dreamcast Very Happy
Ca leur fait un sacré boulot de sortir ce jeu sur toutes ces consoles
Moyen X
Moyen X

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Date d'inscription : 12/04/2019

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[Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news - Page 4 Empty Re: [Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news

Message par zouzzz Ven 19 Avr 2019 - 6:43

Une fois que le code est créé il faut "juste" l'adapter sur d'autres supports. C'est un peu de taf c'est sur mais cela permet de rentabiliser au maximum leurs travaux.

Toujours est-il que BB a du retard sur les livraisons (initialement prévues en octobre 2018 sur MD).

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Date d'inscription : 22/10/2012
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[Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news - Page 4 Empty Re: [Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news

Message par zouzzz Mar 4 Juin 2019 - 6:40

Nouvelle vidéo :
Le jeu semble d'un niveau de difficulté très élevé.

Messages : 8400
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2012
Localisation : Poitiers


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[Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news - Page 4 Empty Re: [Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news

Message par fafadou Sam 8 Juin 2019 - 10:28

Disons que si tu te rate sur l'arrivé des ennemis ça se corse rapidement oui ^^
Mais quel jeu holalala vivement !
Newseur DC

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Date d'inscription : 21/10/2016

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[Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news - Page 4 Empty Re: [Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news

Message par bomb78 Sam 8 Juin 2019 - 10:34

Un vrai smash tv Smile
Grand X
Grand X

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[Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news - Page 4 Empty Re: [Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news

Message par dc103chaos Lun 10 Juin 2019 - 21:56

ça a l air super , je vais regretter de pas la voir acheter sur aes Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad
Moyen X
Moyen X

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[Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news - Page 4 Empty Re: [Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news

Message par zouzzz Mar 11 Juin 2019 - 6:37

Il est toujours disponible à la préco AES.

Messages : 8400
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2012
Localisation : Poitiers


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[Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news - Page 4 Empty Re: [Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news

Message par zouzzz Ven 26 Juil 2019 - 15:58

Nouvel newsletter :

Sega Mega Drive / Genesis latest
Over the last few weeks we’ve made excellent progress with reducing the bug list down, and we’re pleased to say we’re now in to single figures! We’ll shortly be making the release candidate version of the game available to a handful of carefully chosen testers who will be giving Xeno Crisis a thorough play test before we can finally burn the ROM to the cartridges!
Fighting the bug list has been long and hard, we continue to add different techniques into our debugging and testing cycles. These last few weeks saw our “funky chicken” testing come on leaps and bounds. Funky chicken is basically a randomisation of the controller inputs, effectively a continual button mash. This is extremely useful to find obscure bugs in the game, what has been really great though is we found that a couple of the emulators we use have options to frameskip and run them really fast. In fact with Gens KMod we found you could modify the config file to a much higher frameskip than what the UI allows. So we’re now able to have funky chicken run at 500-1000x. We’ve fixed the bugs it’s thrown up so far and it’s able to play randomly through the whole game (if we give it infinite health / ammo!) - here is some footage of it in action:
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Whilst we’re on the subject of testing, we’ve been steadily acquiring a wide range of models and motherboard revisions and we finally acquired a Japanese Mega Drive version “VA0” to test Xeno Crisis on - it’s one of the rarer models featuring a daughterboard in the centre of the motherboard as you can see in the photo below:
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Despite needing a good clean, this is an important acquisition for us as some titles have compatibility issues with this particular revision of the Mega Drive!
As well as the consoles themselves we’re also testing out a range of the more popular controllers, both official and 3rd party ones to make sure they’re working well where possible. We’ve collected a wide range of controllers and adaptors including the AsciiPad MD-6, EA 4-way Play adapter, Arcade Power Stick 1 and 2, 8BitDo M30, lots of 3/6 button pads and also an XE-1 SG.
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After some last minute tweaks and improvements from the amazing René Richard at db electronics, the UMD flashing software is now ready and we’ve finalised our parallel burning rig ahead of cartridge flashing. We’ve managed to hook up 8 in parallel which should help reduce the manufacturing time down - a big thank you to Catskull Electronics, Adam Wells, Derek Bonner and Matt Phillips for donor UMD devices.
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Neo Geo latest
Obviously we’ve been focusing on finalising the Mega Drive version in recent weeks but this has the immediate benefit of bringing the Neo Geo version closer to completion. We’re already able to compile and play the Mega Drive codebase on a Neo Geo nicely.
This month we spent a bit of time finalising the V ROM (Audio) for the Neo Geo, packing in some extra SFX/Voices and getting the in-game music working. We then tested it on AES/MVS and NGCD and (aside from a stack of CD-R coasters chasing a bug on NGCD) we’re pleased to report it’s working nicely. 
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We’re expecting delivery of our Neo Geo MVS cabinet next week, so we hope to capture footage of the game playing on it for our next update! Once the MD version reaches final, we’ll begin the process of looking at the extra enhancements and content we can add to the Neo Geo version and we’re pleased to say HPMAN has kindly supplied us some developer kit updates with scaling support!
Other non-software development aspects are still ticking along nicely; back in June we received photos of the test molds for the MVS plastics (final versions will of course be black). The plastics are currently in production at the factory and we hope to receive those in due course.
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We continue to ramp up the non-game side of release - we’ve recently secured a new warehouse with better storage and a long work-bench for easier manufacturing. We’re also now sorting out the last of the physical rewards, including the collector’s edition t-shirts which arrived a couple of weeks ago and look fantastic:
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The OST CD is currently being manufactured, which was mastered by our friend Lee Mintram, also known as “Featurecast” - he’s an amazing producer and even has a track featured in Jet Grind Radio! Here’s the mastered version of the lab track to give you an idea of the quality:
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We also received this month the final shots of one of the customised Mega Drives designed by Vadu Amka, which was the top pledge in the Xeno Crisis Kickstarter campaign:
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We hope you’ll agree that she’s done a fantastic job! 
As we’re close to release for the Mega Drive now, in the next couple of weeks we’ll be locking down all the BackerKit (Kickstarter) pledges/rewards and charging any outstanding extra payments. If you need to update your address please do so, the sooner the better, although I expect we will let people know when we need them to finalise that just before shipping labels are printed.
Last month we were invited to showcase Xeno Crisis at Joypadbar’s SuperIndieWareHouse event in London, which was a good opportunity for us to have a load of people check out the game ahead of release and discover a couple of new bugs (which we’ve since fixed)!
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The creator of Tanglewood, Matt Phillips, was also there demoing Tanglewood, so the Mega Drive was well represented, and he took some time out to have a crack at Xeno Crisis, and had this to say:
“Controls are TIGHT, graphics a solid 10, and it's difficult but not unfair. Super excited for this.”
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It was great to meet Matt in person at last, and if you haven’t checked out Tanglewood yet then you really should - you can grab a copy right here:
Talking of other Mega Drive games, if you haven’t already please make sure to check out the Phantom Gear kickstarter campaign:
Right, that’s all for this update, we’d better get back to fixing those last few bugs!

Messages : 8400
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2012
Localisation : Poitiers


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[Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news - Page 4 Empty Re: [Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news

Message par davlar Ven 26 Juil 2019 - 21:53

J'ai hâte, j'ai hâte !!! Je les trouve super pro. Le suivi est vraiment appréciable.
Géant X
Géant X

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Date d'inscription : 15/01/2013
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[Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news - Page 4 Empty Re: [Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news

Message par fafadou Sam 27 Juil 2019 - 9:13

La hype est immense sur celui là :-)
Newseur DC

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Date d'inscription : 21/10/2016

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[Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news - Page 4 Empty Re: [Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news

Message par davlar Mer 23 Oct 2019 - 22:38

J'ai reçu l'e-mail de confirmation d'adresse pour la version backer megadrive,  punaise ça sent l'expedition imminente !
Géant X
Géant X

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Date d'inscription : 15/01/2013
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[Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news - Page 4 Empty Re: [Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news

Message par zouzzz Jeu 24 Oct 2019 - 7:28

E-mail reçu également !
Ça sent bon ça !

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Date d'inscription : 22/10/2012
Localisation : Poitiers


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[Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news - Page 4 Empty Re: [Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news

Message par Fei Jeu 24 Oct 2019 - 18:41

Idem *_*
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Géant X

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[Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news - Page 4 Empty Re: [Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news

Message par davlar Ven 25 Oct 2019 - 21:14

Je suis trop content,  au final on a moins d'un an de retard,  mais on a eu des news tous les mois/ 2 mois, la version kickstarter apporte quelquechose de special ( nom d'otages)  qui ne se refera pas je pense,  et le retard est pas mal du au succes et aux portages sur multiplateforme,  notamment neogeo quand meme.  J'ai vraiment hâte de jouer et me rendre compte que c'est une tuerie ! La cerise sur le gateau !
Géant X
Géant X

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Date d'inscription : 15/01/2013
Age : 43
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[Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news - Page 4 Empty Re: [Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news

Message par bomb78 Ven 25 Oct 2019 - 21:40

Euh j’ai du mal à croire que les versions dreamcast soient prêtes au même moment que les version megadrive les amis
Grand X
Grand X

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Date d'inscription : 01/03/2014

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[Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news - Page 4 Empty Re: [Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news

Message par zouzzz Sam 26 Oct 2019 - 15:58

Moi aussi, j'ai un gros doute même que les version MD soient prêtes, les versions démat sont prévues pour lundi prochain (le 28 octobre).

Messages : 8400
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2012
Localisation : Poitiers


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[Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news - Page 4 Empty Re: [Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news

Message par zouzzz Dim 27 Oct 2019 - 9:43

Sur Twitter, certains postent des photos du jeu MD réceptionné !

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Date d'inscription : 22/10/2012
Localisation : Poitiers


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[Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news - Page 4 Empty Re: [Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news

Message par bomb78 Dim 27 Oct 2019 - 10:26

J’avais pas de doute sur la version MD elle est prête depuis quelques temps, c’est la version dreamcast qui a mon avis ne sera pas dispo avant quelques mois, enfin j’espère me tromper.
Grand X
Grand X

Messages : 644
Date d'inscription : 01/03/2014

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[Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news - Page 4 Empty Re: [Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news

Message par zouzzz Dim 27 Oct 2019 - 20:50

1st play sur Switch :


Messages : 8400
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2012
Localisation : Poitiers


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[Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news - Page 4 Empty Re: [Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news

Message par davlar Lun 28 Oct 2019 - 3:07

ho la grosse vexe... et la ROM alors...
Géant X
Géant X

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Date d'inscription : 15/01/2013
Age : 43
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[Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news - Page 4 Empty Re: [Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news

Message par zouzzz Lun 28 Oct 2019 - 7:21

Ils vont peut-être l'envoyer aujourd'hui.

Messages : 8400
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2012
Localisation : Poitiers


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[Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news - Page 4 Empty Re: [Multi-supports] Xeno Crisis, les différentes news

Message par Contenu sponsorisé

Contenu sponsorisé

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