[Tuto] Rom avec code game genie
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Re: [Tuto] Rom avec code game genie
les codes son pour la megadrive
D.J. Boy
1 BCZA-JA94 Almost infinite life
2 AGMT-JADR Start with life meter at length of 1
3 ARMT-JADR Start with life meter at length of 3
4 A0MT-JADR Start with life meter at length of 5
5 A4MT-JADR Start with life meter at length of 6
6 A8MT-JADR Start with life meter at length of 7
7 BCMT-JADR Start with life meter at length of 8
8 BGMT-JADR Start with life meter at length of 9
9 BLMT-JADR Start with life meter at length of 10
10 AGMT-JADG Start with 1 life point in life meter
11 ALMT-JADG Start with 2 life points in life meter
12 ARMT-JADG Start with 3 life points in life meter
13 A0MT-JADG Start with 5 life points in life meter
14 A4MT-JADG Start with 6 life points in life meter
15 A8MT-JADG Start with 7 life points in life meter
16 BCMT-JADG Start with 8 life points in life meter
17 BGMT-JADG Start with 9 life points in life meter
18 BLMT-JADG Start with 10 life points in life meter
19 AT6T-JA6A Life meter not extended at end of each round
20 SE6T-KEYA Life meter extended by 1 at end of each round
21 SE6T-KNYA Life meter extended by 3 at end of each round
22 CKBA-JA8N All items in the item shop are free
23 AVBA-JA84 All items in the item shop that you
can afford are free
24 SHFA-MJWY All coins worth 40
25 SHFA-MNWY All coins worth 60
26 SHFA-MYWY All coins worth 100
27 SHFA-MAWY All coins worth 160
The Death and Return of Superman
1. AAOT-DYFC Start with 1 life
2. AJOT-DYFC Start with 3 lives
3. ANOT-DYFC Start with 4 lives
4. AYOT-DYFC Start with 6 lives
5. BEOT-DYFC Start with 10 lives
6. ACDT-ANPE Infinite lives
7. ACBA-AANL Start with 1/2 health on your first life
8. ACBA-BANL Start with 3/4 health on your first life
9. ACBA-ABEL Start with double health on your first life
10. ECDT-BYFT Start with 1/2 health after your first life
11. GCDT-BYFT Start with 3/4 health after your first life
12. TCDT-BYFT Start with double health after your first life
13. AEOT-DYEO Start with 1 special attack
14. AJOT-DYEO Start with 2 special attacks
15. AYOT-DYEO Start with 5 special attacks
16. BEOT-DYEO Start with 9 special attacks
17. ACLT-ANLC Infinite special attacks
2 R17T-E60G Almost invincible
3 AL2T-EA5W Bridge segments don't fall
4 CX8A-EA5N Infinite everything
5 G57A-FAPA Start with 6 lives
6 G57A-FAN2 Start with 6 of everything
7 GX7A-FAN2 Start with 4 of everything
8 GH7A-FAN2 Start with 1 of everything
Desert Strike
2 AE1A-AAGG Start at campaign 2
3 AJ1A-AAGG Start at campaign 3
4 AN1A-AAGG Start at campaign 4
5 AE1A-AADC Start with 1 life instead of 3
6 AJ1A-AADC Start with 2 lives
7 AY1A-AADC Start with 5 lives
8 BE1A-AADC Start with 9 lives
9 D3ZA-AA7E Infinite lives
10 MBST-WEEN Chain gun capacity is 600 rounds instead of 1,178
11 4BST-WREN Chain gun capacity is 2,000 rounds
12 VBST-XGEN Chain gun capacity is 5,000 rounds
13 AKST-WAER Chain gun inflicts 2 points of damage instead of 3
14 A3ST-WAER Chain gun inflicts 6 points of damage
15 BVST-WAER Chain gun inflicts 12 points of damage
16 CVST-WAFL Hydra capacity is 20 rockets instead of 38
17 NVST-WAFL Hydra capacity is 100 rockets
18 FVST-WCFL Hydra capacity is 300 rockets
19 BKST-WAFN Hydra rocket inflicts 10 points of damage
instead of 25
20 GKST-WAFN Hydra rocket inflicts 50 points of damage
21 NVST-WAFN Hydra rocket inflicts 100 points of damage
22 AVST-WAGJ Hellfire capacity is 4 missiles instead of 8
23 DFST-WAGJ Hellfire capacity is 25 missiles
24 NPST-WAGJ Hellfire capacity is 99 missiles
25 GKST-WAGL Hellfire missile inflicts 50 points of damage
instead of 100
26 3BST-WAGL Hellfire missile inflicts 200 points of damage
27 WBST-WCGL Hellfire missile inflicts 400 points of damage
28 AMLT-AA44 Infinite capacity for all weapons
29 GKET-AAAC Fuel capacity is 50 units instead of 100
30 3BET-AAAC Fuel capacity is 200 units
31 8VET-ACAC Fuel capacity is 500 units
32 AVET-AAF8 Helicopter consumes fuel faster
33 AFET-AAF8 Helicopter consumes fuel slower
34 ABET-AAF8 Helicopter consumes no fuel
35 FVET-ACGT Maximum armor protection is 300 instead of 600
36 0BET-AJGT Maximum armor protection is 1,200
37 2VET-AWGT Maximum armor protection is 2,500
38 AHSA-AAFR Helicopter carries 1 passenger instead of 6
39 ASSA-AAFR Helicopter carries 3 passengers
40 BMSA-AAFR Helicopter carries 10 passengers
41 SHRA-BJYR Red cross box worth 2 extra lives instead of 1
42 SHRA-BTYR Red cross box worth 4 extra lives
43 AXRA-AA6R Red cross box worth nothing
Dick Tracy
1 AHNA-JABE Start with 1 life instead of 3
2 A1NA-JABE Start with 5 lives
3 A9NA-JABE Start with 7 lives
4 BHNA-JABE Start with 9 lives
5 DHNA-JABE Start with 25 lives
6 GMNA-JABE Start with 50 lives
7 NSNA-JABE Start with 99 lives
8 EW7A-LA7C Almost invincible
9 RGDA-N6WG Infinite time
1 AF1T-AAGR Player 1 starts with 1 life
2 AK1T-AAGR Player 1 starts with 2 lives
3 AV1T-AAGR Player 1 starts with 4 lives
4 AZ1T-AAGR Player 1 starts with 5 lives
5 A31T-AAGR Player 1 starts with 6 lives
6 A71T-AAGR Player 1 starts with 7 lives
7 BB1T-AAGR Player 1 starts with 8 lives
8 BF1T-AAGR Player 1 starts with 9 lives
9 R1GA-A6ZT Infinite lives for player 1--1-player game
10 J35T-AA7R Infinite lives for player 1--2-player game
11 AF1T-AAG4 Player 2 starts with 1 life
12 AK1T-AAG4 Player 2 starts with 2 lives
13 AV1T-AAG4 Player 2 starts with 4 lives
14 AZ1T-AAG4 Player 2 starts with 5 lives
15 A31T-AAG4 Player 2 starts with 6 lives
16 A71T-AAG4 Player 2 starts with 7 lives
17 BB1T-AAG4 Player 2 starts with 8 lives
18 BF1T-AAG4 Player 2 starts with 9 lives
19 C35T-AA88 Infinite lives--player 2
20 AZ1T-AAGJ Player 1 starts with 5 bonus points
21 CV1T-AAGJ Player 1 starts with 20 bonus points
22 GK1T-AAGJ Player 1 starts with 50 bonus points
23 NV1T-AAGJ Player 1 starts with 100 bonus points
24 AZ1T-AAGY Player 2 starts with 5 bonus points
25 CV1T-AAGY Player 2 starts with 20 bonus points
26 GK1T-AAGY Player 2 starts with 50 bonus points
27 NV1T-AAGY Player 2 starts with 100 bonus points
Double Dragon
1 AX2A-GA9J Infinite continues
2 AMZT-EA2G Both players invulnerable to most damage
3 CW4A-CAH2 Start with 1/4 health
4 FC4A-CAH2 Start with 1/2 health
5 HW4A-CAH2 Start with 3/4 health
6 AE5T-JAA0 Start with 1 reserve point
7 AJ5T-JAA0 Start with 2 reserve points
8 AN5T-JAA0 Start with 3 reserve points
9 AT5T-JAA0 Start with 4 reserve points
10 AY5T-JAA0 Start with 5 reserve points
11 A25T-JAA0 Start with 6 reserve points
12 9F8T-HAXR Play as either of the two bosses--NOT IN
13 AMDT-EA3E Charging isn't necessary for special moves
14 Z5WA-AEVE Dizzy is over instantly
15 AC0A-HA3N Always fight Billy Lee
16 AG0A-HA3N Always fight Jimmy Lee
17 AL0A-HA3N Always fight Jawbreaker
18 AR0A-HA3N Always fight Icepick
19 AW0A-HA3N Always fight Shadow Master
20 A00A-HA3N Always fight Bones
21 A40A-HA3N Always fight Sickle
22 A80A-HA3N Always fight Blade
23 BC0A-HA3N Always fight Trigger Happy
24 BG0A-HA3N Always fight Countdown
25 BL0A-HA3N Always fight Dominique
26 BR0A-HA3N Always fight Sekka
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
1 AW9A-AAH8 Start on Stage 2
2 A09A-AAH8 Start on Stage 3
3 A49A-AAH8 Start on Stage 4
4 A89A-AAH8 Start on Stage 5
5 BC9A-AAH8 Start on Stage 6
6 BG9A-AAH8 Start on Stage 7
7 BL9A-AAH8 Start on Stage 8
8 BR9A-AAH8 Start on Stage 9
9 BW9A-AAH8 Start on Stage 10
10 B09A-AAH8 Start on Stage 11
11 B49A-AAH8 Start on Stage 12
12 B89A-AAH8 Start on Stage 13
13 ALNT-AA66 Refugee beans are disabled
14 VWNT-AAHE Refugee beans come in smaller amounts
15 ERNT-AAHE Refugee beans come in larger amounts
16 C8NT-AAHE Refugee beans come in larger amounts
Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story
1. VADT-AABT Both players start with 1/4 energy
2. AADT-ACBT Both players start with 1/2 energy
3. VADT-ACBT Both players start with 3/4 energy
4. ACPT-AAA8 Super power
5. 98AT TCAR Standing weak kick does more damage
6. 977T TCEW Standing weak punch does more damage
7. 978A TCC4 Crouching weak kick does more damage
8. C38A V92T Crouching weak punch does more damage
Dragon's Fury
1 AECT-BA3W Start game with 1 ball instead of 3
2 AJCT-BA3W Start with 2 balls
3 ATCT-BA3W Start with 4 balls
4 AYCT-BA3W Start with 5 balls
5 A6CT-BA3W Start with 7 balls
6 BJCT-BA3W Start with 10 balls
7 B6CT-BA3W Start with 15 balls
8 DECT-BA3W Start with 25 balls
9 GJCT-BA3W Start with 50 balls
10 KNCT-BA3W Start with 75 balls
11 NTCT-BA3W Start with 100 balls
12 RE0A-A6WR Infinite balls
13 AACT-AAEN Start with 0 bonus points instead of 100
14 AYCT-AAEN Start with 500 bonus points
15 BJCT-AAEN Start with 1000 bonus points
16 B6CT-AAEN Start with 1500 bonus points
17 DECT-AAEN Start with 2,500 bonus points
18 GJCT-AAEN Start with 5,000 bonus points
19 KNCT-AAEN Start with 7,500 bonus points
20 NNCT-AAEN Start with 9,900 bonus points
21 AJCT-AAE0 Start with bonus multiplier at 2 instead of 1
22 ANCT-AAE0 Start with bonus multiplier at 3
23 ATCT-AAE0 Start with bonus multiplier at 4
24 AYCT-AAE0 Start with bonus multiplier at 5
25 A6CT-AAE0 Start with bonus multiplier at 7
26 BECT-AAE0 Start with bonus multiplier at 9
27 AVPA-AA8L Bonus points never reset when bonus is
28 AVPA-AA8Y Bonus multiplier never resets when bonus is
Dune: The Battle for Arrakis
1 AK0T-DA2C Start on Scenario 2
2 AP0T-DA2C Start on Scenario 3
3 AV0T-DA2C Start on Scenario 4
4 AZ0T-DA2C Start on Scenario 5
5 A30T-DA2C Start on Scenario 6
6 A70T-DA2C Start on Scenario 7
7 BB0T-DA2C Start on Scenario 8
8 BF0T-DA2C Start on Scenario 9
9 BK0T-DA2C Show credits
10 A5BA-AA6G Construction done faster and cheaper than
11 ADAA-ACGR Buildings fixed faster and cheaper than
12 ADAA-AAGR Buildings cannot be fixed-will still use up
money if you try to fix them
13 AMZT-AA6R Buildings not damaged when layed on rock
instead of concrete
Dynamite Duke
1 BJWA-AA5W Invincibility
2 AJBT-AAG2 Start on stage 2
3 ANBT-AAG2 Start on stage 3
4 ATBT-AAG2 Start on stage 4
5 AYBT-AAG2 Start on stage 5
6 A2BT-AAG2 Start on stage 6
7 A6BT-AAG2 Start on stage 7
8 F31T-BJ1W + AB1T-AA96 Each D pick-up worth
2 dynamite punches
9 F31T-BT1W + AB1T-AA96 Each D pick-up worth
4 dynamite punches
10 F31T-B21W + AB1T-AA96 Each D pick-up worth
6 dynamite punches
11 F31T-BA1W + AB1T-AA96 Each D pick-up worth
8 dynamite punches
12 AJWA-AA20 Infinite dynamite punches
13 NTBT-AAH0 Begin each stage with 100
rounds of ammo
14 9JBT-AAH0 Begin each stage with 250
rounds of ammo
15 72BT-AEH0 Begin each stage with 750
rounds of ammo
16 66BT-AGH0 Begin each stage with 999
rounds of ammo
17 AJYT-AA6A Infinite machine gun ammo
18 ATNA-AA2A Keep ammo when advancing
to next stage
19 BK2A-AAAN 4-bullet box worth 10 rounds
20 DF2A-AAAN 4-bullet box worth 25 rounds
21 NV2A-AAAN 4-bullet box worth 100 rounds
22 CV2A-AAA0 8-bullet box worth 20 rounds
23 GK2A-AAA0 8-bullet box worth 50 rounds
24 3B2A-AAA0 8-bullet box worth 200 rounds
25 WB2A-ACA0 8-bullet box worth 400 rounds
26 GK2A-AACC Full-auto weapon carries 50 rounds
27 NV2A-AACC Full-auto weapon carries 100 rounds
28 8V2A-ACCC Full-auto weapon carries 500 rounds
29 BTYA-AA9N Full-auto weapon lasts until next stage
30 CB2A-AAE8 Magnum pistol carries 15 rounds
31 GP2A-AAE8 Magnum pistol carries 50 rounds
32 NZ2A-AAE8 Magnum pistol carries 100 rounds
33 3F2A-AAE8 Magnum pistol carries 200 rounds
34 G2YT-AA3J Magnum pistol lasts until next stage
35 A32A-AAF4 Bazooka carries 5 rounds
36 CZ2A-AAF4 Bazooka carries 20 rounds
37 GP2A-AAF4 Bazooka carries 50 rounds
38 NZ2A-AAF4 Bazooka carries 100 rounds
39 CJYT-AA4N Bazooka lasts until next stage
40 BB2A-AABG Flak jacket less protective
41 EB2A-AABG Flak jacket more protective
42 NV2A-AABG Flak jacket much more protective
43 BB2A-AAC0 First aid restores 1 bar of life gauge
44 FB2A-AAC0 First aid restores 5 bars of life gauge
45 JB2A-AAC0 First aid restores life gauge to full
double dragon
Infinite Energy P1 FDJA-AEZ6
double dragon
Stage Select 1 **0A-AAGC
# Note
1 AE-1
2 Enemy punches and kicks will still hit you, but the energy meter will remain at 999.
3 Has only been tested in the first shop.
4 You have to buy at least one extra guy for this code to work.
Have 1st Set of Enemies Cleared On Stage 1 AJ0T-AAEA
Start Stage 1 With A Lot More Time AA0T-AAFG
Invincible 2 66V9-8GB2
Start A New Game With A Lot More Coins 560A-BCSL
This Code Allows You To Buy An Infinite Number of "Extra Guys" In The Shop (As Long As You Have Coins) 3 AHEA-AACC
Infinite "Extra Guys" 4 AB2T-AAD2
Earthworm Jim
1 GC3C-JA9W Infinite health--may cause graphic errors
2 GC3C-JA4C Infinite ammo
3 AW6C-JA2T Infinite continues
4 CT3W-LA9T No air loss in Sea Pod
5 J4BW-LA4Y No damage to Sea Pod from running into walls
6 GG3C-JAAR Start with 1 life on Practice level
7 GR3C-JAAR Start with 3 lives on Practice level
8 G83C-JAAR Start with 7 lives on Practice level
9 HG3C-JAAR Start with 9 lives on Practice level
10 GG3C-JAA6 Start with 1 life on Normal level
11 GL3C-JAA6 Start with 2 lives on Normal level
12 G03C-JAA6 Start with 5 lives on Normal level
13 G83C-JAA6 Start with 7 lives on Normal level
14 HG3C-JAA6 Start with 9 lives on Normal level
15 GG3C-JABL Start with 1 life on Difficult level
16 GR3C-JABL Start with 3 lives on Difficult level
17 G03C-JABL Start with 5 lives on Difficult level
18 G83C-JABL Start with 7 lives on Difficult level
19 HG3C-JABL Start with 9 lives on Difficult level
20 G03W-JAGA Start with 150% health
21 GL3W-JAF6 Start with 200% health
22 GR3W-JAF6 Start with 300% health
23 GW3W-JAF6 Start with 400% health
24 G03W-JAF6 Start with 500% health
25 G83W-JAF6 Start with 700% health
26 HG3W-JAF6 Start with 900% health
27 SE9C-MAT4 Health power-ups worth 8 on Practice, 7 on
Normal, 6 on HARD
28 SE9C-MJT4 Health power-ups worth 2 on Practice, 1 on
Normal, 0 on HARD
29 SE9C-MNT4 Health power-ups worth 3 on Practice, 2 on
Normal, 1 on HARD
30 G02W-JAH4 Start with 1500 Plasma shots-1st life only
31 GL2W-JAH0 Start with 2000 Plasma shots-1st life only
32 GR2W-JAH0 Start with 3000 Plasma shots-1st life only
33 G02W-JAH0 Start with 5000 Plasma shots-1st life only
34 G82W-JAH0 Start with 7000 Plasma shots-1st life only
35 HG2W-JAH0 Start with 9000 Plasma shots-1st life only
36 GZRC-KCME Start with 1500 Plasma shots-2nd life and
37 GBRC-KEME Start with 2000 Plasma shots-2nd life and
38 GBRC-KGME Start with 3000 Plasma shots-2nd life and
39 GBRC-KLME Start with 5000 Plasma shots-2nd life and
40 GBRC-KRME Start with 7000 Plasma shots-2nd life and
41 GBRC-KWME Start with 9000 Plasma shots-2nd life and
42 NT1W-LAC8 Plasma gun power-ups worth 100
43 FT1W-LCC8 Plasma gun power-ups worth 300
44 8T1W-LCC8 Plasma gun power-ups worth 500
45 721W-LEC8 Plasma gun power-ups worth 750
46 7A1W-LGC8 Plasma gun power-ups worth 1000
47 AP5C-JAE2 Start with 3 continues on Normal level
48 AZ5C-JAE2 Start with 5 continues on Normal level
49 A75C-JAE2 Start with 7 continues on Normal level
50 BF5C-JAE2 Start with 9 continues on Normal level
51 AF5C-JADY Start on What the Heck
52 AK5C-JADY Start on Snowman Boss
53 AP5C-JADY Start on Evil Boss
54 B35C-JADY Start on Sea Tunnels
55 B75C-JADY Start on Pod Races
56 AV5C-JADY Start on Snot a Problem 1
57 AZ5C-JADY Start on Snot a Problem 2
58 A35C-JADY Start on Snot a Problem 3
59 A75C-JADY Start on Peter Puppy
60 BB5C-JADY Start on Slug For Butt
61 BF5C-JADY Start on Helicopter
62 BK5C-JADY Start on Professor's Lab
63 BP5C-JADY Start on Chicken Fly
64 BV5C-JADY Start on Naked Worm
65 BZ5C-JADY Start on Intestines
66 C75C-JADY Start on Darkness 1
67 DB5C-JADY Start on Darkness 2
68 DF5C-JADY Start on Darkness 3
69 DK5C-JADY Start on Darkness 4
70 DP5C-JADY Start on Darkness 5
71 DV5C-JADY Start on Psy-crow level (between levels 1 (between levels 1 and 2)
Earthworm Jim 2
1. GBZW-LAFN Start with no ammo
2. GKZW-LAFN Start with 2000 bullets
3. GPZW-LAFN Start with 3000 bullets
4. GVZW-LAFN Start with 4000 bullets
5. GZZW-LAFN Start with 5000 bullets
6. G3ZW-LAFN Start with 6000 bullets
7. G7ZW-LAFN Start with 7000 bullets
8. HBZW-LAFN Start with 8000 bullets
9. HFZW-LAFN Start with 9000 bullets
10. K7ZW-L8FN Start with mega ammo
11. GBZW-LAH4 Start with 1 life and no continues
12. GFZW-LAH4 Start with 2 lives
13. GVZW-LAH4 Start with 5 lives
14. G7ZW-LAH4 Start with 10 lives
15. KBZW-LAH4 Start with 25 lives
16. MFZW-LAH4 Start with 50 lives
17. RH2W-J6T8 Infinite lives
18. GK1C-LAH6 Start with 200% health
19. GP1C-LAH6 Start with 300% health
20. GV1C-LAH6 Start with 400% health
21. GZ1C-LAH6 Start with 500% health
22. G31C-LAH6 Start with 600% health
23. G71C-LAH6 Start with 700% health
24. HB1C-LAH6 Start with 800% health
25. HF1C-LAH6 Start with 900% health
26. 971C-LAH6 Start with mega health
27. AB1W-LAET Don't flash at all after getting hit
28. A71W-LAET Don't flash as long after getting hit
29. 971W-L8ET Flash longer after getting hit
Ecco the Dolphin
1 AKRT-JA64 Almost infinite breath„switch
off to die if you get stuck
2 AL2A-JA7L Protection from most jellyfish and
many other enemies
3 ALZA-JA5Y Protection from spiked shells
and some other enemies
4 AAVT-NAFC Protection from octopus
5 HAVT-NAFC Octopus is fatal
6 HCBT-LAEW Charging a school of fish restores
health completely instead of partially
7 SW2A-KGPJ + HC2A-JAFL Most jellyfish and some other
enemies restore health instead
of taking it away
8 SW2A-KGPJ + TC2A-JGFL + Most jellyfish and some other
E42A-JAFN enemies restore breath instead
of damaging health
Ecco the Tides of Time
1 ADLA-WAD4 Eating fish does not heal at all
2 BDLA-WAD4 Eating fish heals 1/2x as much as usual
3 EDLA-WAD4 Eating fish heals 2x as much as usual
4 HDLA-WAD4 Eating fish heals Ecco completely
5 AKZA-TA7A Infinite air
6 REAA-W6V0 Infinite health and air
7 A4KT-2A38 Always have 360-degree sonar blast
8 ALBA-4A8R No rings lost for missing gates in 3D stages
9 AKCT-4A7N No rings lost for shooting gates in 3D stages
10 AB0A-TAGY Start on Sea of Green
11 AF0A-TAGY Start on Deep Ridge
12 AK0A-TAGY Start on The Eye
13 AP0A-TAGY Start on Sea of Birds
14 AV0A-TAGY Start on Secret Cave
15 AZ0A-TAGY Start on The Hungry Ones
16 A30A-TAGY Start on Convergence
17 A70A-TAGY Start on Globe Holder
18 BF0A-TAGY Start on Two Tides
19 BK0A-TAGY Start on The Lost Orcas
20 BP0A-TAGY Start on Vents of Medusa
21 BV0A-TAGY Start on Four Islands
22 BZ0A-TAGY Start on Maze of Stone
23 B30A-TAGY Start on Home Bay
24 B70A-TAGY Start on Sea of Darkness
25 CB0A-TAGY Start on Crystal Springs
26 CF0A-TAGY Start on Fault Zone
27 CK0A-TAGY Start on Gateway
28 CP0A-TAGY Start on Trellia's Bay
29 CV0A-TAGY Start on Skyway
30 CZ0A-TAGY Start on Asterite's Cave
31 C30A-TAGY Start on Eagle's Bay
32 C70A-TAGY Start on Fin to Feather
33 DB0A-TAGY Start on Skylands
34 DF0A-TAGY Start on Tube of Medusa
35 DK0A-TAGY Start on Vortex Arrived
36 DP0A-TAGY Start on Aqua Tubeway
37 DV0A-TAGY Start on Sky Tides
38 DZ0A-TAGY Start on Moray Abyss
39 D30A-TAGY Start on Asterite's Home
40 D70A-TAGY Start on Epilogue
41 EB0A-TAGY Start on Atlantis
42 EF0A-TAGY Start on Fish City
43 EK0A-TAGY Start on City of Forever
44 EP0A-TAGY Start on Black Clouds
45 EV0A-TAGY Start on Vortex Future
46 EZ0A-TAGY Start on Gravitor Box
47 E30A-TAGY Start on Lunar Bay
48 E70A-TAGY Start on Dark Sea
49 FB0A-TAGY Start on New Machine
50 FF0A-TAGY Start on Inside
51 FK0A-TAGY Start on Inter
52 FP0A-TAGY Start on Innuendo
53 FV0A-TAGY Start on Trans
54 FZ0A-TAGY Start on Vortex Queen
55 F30A-TAGY Start on Big Water
56 F70A-TAGY Start on The Pod
57 GB0A-TAGY Start on TMachine
1 AKWA-BA20 + FKWA-B924 + AKWA-AA26 Start on mission 2
2 AVWA-BA20 + FKWA-B924 + AKWA-AA26 Start on mission 3
3 A3WA-BA20 + FKWA-B924 + AKWA-AA26 Start on mission 4
4 BBWA-BA20 + FKWA-B924 + AKWA-AA26 Start on mission 5
5 BKWA-BA20 + FKWA-B924 + AKWA-AA26 Start on mission 6
6 BVWA-BA20 + FKWA-B924 + AKWA-AA26 Start on mission 7
7 B3WA-BA20 + FKWA-B924 + AKWA-AA26 Start on mission 8
8 A41T-FA38 Start with 7 lives
9 BC1T-FA38 Start with 9 lives
10 EW1T-FA38 Start with 25 lives
11 KG1T-FA38 Start with 50 lives
12 AB2A-AACN Infinite lives
13 J78A-AEWC Almost invincible
14 AATT-B62J Floor spikes do no damage
15 AV3A-B666 Life-up restores 1 bar of life
gauge instead of 2
16 BV3A-B666 Life-up restores 3 bars of life gauge
17 CB3A-B666 Life-up restores 4 bars of life gauge
18 JB3A-B666 Life-up restores life gauge to full
19 1K3A-BE6Y Life-up worth same as 1-up
20 AK2A-AAB2 1-up worth 2 lives instead of 1
21 AP2A-AAB2 1-up worth 3 lives
22 AZ2A-AAB2 1-up worth 5 lives
23 CB2A-AAB2 1-up worth 10 lives
24 AFWA-AABC Start with 1 credit
25 AKWA-AABC Start with 2 credits
26 BKWA-AABC Start with 10 credits
27 BDCA-EA9E Infinite credits
Eternal Champions
1 BEHT-GAD4 In a 2-player game, either player can choose
the Eternal Champion with the left button
2 9THT-HCP4 + BEHT-GAF6 In a 1-player game, Player 1 plays
as the Eternal Champion (can select any character, but will then play
as Eternal Champion)
3 ACNT-LAE0 Insult uses no inner strength
4 GCNT-LAE0 Insult uses more inner strength
5 ACXT-LAC6 Shadow's High Jump Angle Kick uses no inner
6 GCXT-LAC6 Shadow's High Jump Angle Kick uses more
inner strength
7 RGZT-L6XA Inner strength is restored very quickly
8 GWEA-LAFJ Shadow starts with 1/2 energy
9 GTST-LAH0 Rax starts with 1/2 energy
10 GWGA-JAFT Blade starts with 1/2 energy
11 GVYA-JAEW Jetta starts with 1/2 energy
12 GVDA-LAHL Slash starts with 1/2 energy
13 GX9T-JAHA Trident's starts with 1/2 energy
14 GW2A-JABA Xavier starts with 1/2 energy
15 GXKT-JADW Midknight starts with 1/2 energy
16 GVYA-LACY Larcen starts with 1/2 energy
17 AWSA-NAFR Shadow's Snap when close in does no damage
18 AWSA-PAPR Shadow's Snap when close in does more
19 AWMT-NABL Shadow's Snap when farther away does no
20 AWMT-PAKL Shadow's Snap when farther away does more
21 A0SA-NAHR Shadow's Thrust when close in does no
22 A0SA-PASR Shadow's Thrust when close in does more
23 A0MT-NAD0 Shadow's Thrust when farther away does no
24 A0MT-PAM0 Shadow's Thrust when farther away does
more damage
25 A4ST-NAER Shadow's Wheel when close in does no damage
26 A4ST-PANR Shadow's Wheel when close in does more
27 A4MT-NAGC Shadow's Wheel when farther away does no
28 A4MT-PARC Shadow's Wheel when farther away does more
29 FLVT-NAAR Shadow's High Jump Angle Kick does no
30 FLVT-PAJR Shadow's High Jump Angle Kick does more
31 EGWT-NAAG Shadow's Short Slide does less damage
32 EGWT-PAJG Shadow's Short Slide does more damage
33 EGWT-NAAW Shadow's Medium Slide does less damage
34 EGWT-PAJW Shadow's Medium Slide does more damage
35 ALNA-NAE0 Shadow's lunge when farther away does no
36 ALNA-PAN0 Shadow's lunge when farther away does more
37 ALTA-NABG Shadow's lunge when close in does no damage
38 ALTA-PAKG Shadow's lunge when close in does more
39 ARNT-NAAG Shadow's swing when farther away does no
40 ARNT-P0JG Shadow's swing when farther away does more
41 ARTA-NAD8 Shadow's swing when close in does no damage
42 ARTA-PAM8 Shadow's's swing when close in does more
43 AWDT-NAEE Larcen's snap when farther away does no
44 AWDT-PANE Larcen's snap when farther away does more
45 ERDT-NAF2 Larcen's thrust when farther away does no
46 ERDT-PAP2 Larcen's thrust when farther away does more
47 EWGT-NAA6 Larcen's wheel when close in does no damage
48 EWGT-PAJ6 Larcen's wheel when close in does more
49 ELGA-NADA Larcen's snap when close in does no damage
50 ELGA-PAMA Larcen's's snap when close in does more
51 A0GA-NAGE Larcen's thrust when close in does no damage
52 A0GA-PARE Larcen's thrust when close in does more
53 A4EA-NAAT Larcen's wheel when farther away does no
54 A4EA-PAJT Larcen's wheel when farther away does more
55 AGGT-NADY Larcen's straight when close in does no
56 AGGT-PAMY Larcen's straight when close in does more
57 ALHA-NAAN Larcen's swing when close in does less
58 ALHA-PAJN Larcen's swing when close in does more
59 F0JT-NAH2 Larcen's Swinging Hammer Fist does less
60 F0JT-PAS2 Larcen's Swinging Hammer Fistdoes more
61 AT8T-NAEJ Midknight's snap when farther away does no
62 AT8T-PANJ Midknight's snap when farther away does
more damage
63 FY8A-NAHY Midknight's lunge when farther away does no
64 FY8A-PASY Midknight's lunge when farther away does
more damage
65 A28A-NAD2 Midknight's wheel when farther away does no
66 A28A-PAM2 Midknight's wheel when farther away does
more damage
67 FY7T-NADJ Midknight's lunge when farther away does no
68 FY7T-PAMJ Midknight's lunge when farther away does
more damage
69 FZCT-NAGJ Midknight's lunge when close in does less
70 FZCT-PARJ Midknight's lunge when close in does more
71 FZDA-NAC6 Midknight's swing when close in does less
72 FZDA-PAL6 Midknight's swing when close in does more
73 AN7T-NAFJ Midknight's swing when farther away does no
74 AN7T-PAPJ Midknight's swing when farther away does
more damage
75 AZ5A-NAC8 Slash's snap when farther away does no
76 AZ5A-PAL8 Slash's snap when farther away does more
77 AV7T-NADG Slash's snap when close in does no damage
78 AV7T-PAMG Slash's snap when close in does more damage
79 AZ7T-NAE4 Slash's thrust when close in does no damage
80 AZ7T-PAN4 Slash's thrust when close in does more
81 BK5A-NAEW Slash's thrust when farther away does less
82 BK5A-PANW Slash's thrust when farther away does more
83 A35A-NAH0 Slash's wheel when farther away does no
84 A35A-PAS0 Slash's wheel when farther away does more
85 AK7T-NAGN Slash's wheel when close in does no damage
86 AK7T-PARN Slash's wheel when close in does more
87 AF8A-NAAC Slash's straight when close in does no
88 AF8A-PAJC Slash's straight when close in does more
89 AK8A-NAB0 Slash's lunge when close in does no damage
90 AK8A-PAK0 Slash's lunge when close in does more damage
91 AP8A-NAD0 Slash's swing when close in does no damage
92 AP8A-PAM0 Slash's swing when close in does more
93 AK9A-NAB4 Slash's Massive Club Swing does less damage
94 AK9A-PAK4 Slash's Massive Club Swing does more damage
95 ALAT-NAB4 Slash's Spinal Crush does less damage
96 ALAT-PAK4 Slash's Spinal Crush does more damage
97 BJ4A-NAB0 Xavier's snap when close in does less damage
98 BJ4A-PAK0 Xavier's snap when close in does more damage
99 AY4A-NAFW Xavier's thrust when close in does less
100 AY4A-PAPW Xavier's thrust when close in does more
101 AE3A-NAF0 Xavier's straight when close in does less
102 AE3A-PAP0 Xavier's straight when close in does more
103 ANYT-NADW Xavier's swing when farther away does no
104 ANYT-PAMW Xavier's swing when farther away does more
105 EE6T-NAER Xavier's Attack and Smash do no damage
106 EE6T-PANR Xavier's Attack and Smash do more damage
107 AZKA-NAA8 Trident's thrust when farther away does no
108 AZKA-PAJ8 Trident's thrust when farther away does more
109 A3JT-NACC Trident's wheel when farther away does less
110 A3JT-PALC Trident's wheel when farther away does more
111 A3RA-NACG Trident's wheel when close in does less
112 A3RA-PALG Trident's wheel when close in does more
113 AFHT-NAE8 Trident's straight when farther away does no
114 AFHT-PAN8 Trident's straight when farther away does
more damage
115 AKHT-NAH0 Trident's lunge when farther away does no
116 AKHT-PAS0 Trident's lunge when farther away does more
117 ATET-NAE8 Jetta's snap when farther away does no
118 ATET-PAN8 Jetta's snap when farther away does more
119 ATKA-NAFG Jetta's snap when close in does no damage
120 ATKA-PAPG Jetta's snap when close in does more damage
121 FYKT-NAA0 Jetta's thrust when close in does less damage
122 FYKT-PAJ0 Jetta's thrust when close in does more
123 AYET-NAB4 Jetta's thrust when farther away does no
124 AYET-PAK4 Jetta's thrust when farther away does more
125 A2LA-NAC8 Jetta's wheel when close in does no damage
126 A2LA-PYL8 Jetta's wheel when close in does more
127 A2EA-NAG0 Jetta's wheel when farther away does less
128 A2EA-PAR0 Jetta's wheel when farther away does more
129 AEJT-NADR Jetta's straight when close in does no damage
130 AEJT-PJMR Jetta's straight when close in does more
131 AEDT-NADC Jetta's straight when farther away does no
132 AEDT-PLMC Jetta's straight when farther away does more
133 AJDT-NAGG Jetta's lunge when farther away does no
134 AJDT-PARG Jetta's lunge when farther away does more
135 AJJT-NAGG Jetta's lunge when close in does no damage
136 AJJT-PWRG Jetta's lunge when close in does more damage
137 ANEA-NAA8 Jetta's swing when farther away does no
138 ANEA-PAJ8 Jetta's swing when farther away does more
139 ANKA-NACR Jetta's swing when close in does no damage
140 ANKA-PALR Jetta's swing when close in does more
141 ATRA-NAHA Blade's snap when farther away does no
142 ATRA-PASA Blade's snap when farther away does more
143 ATVA-NAHJ Blade's snap when close in does no damage
144 ATVA-PASJ Blade's snap when close in does more damage
145 G2RA-NAFN Blade's thrust when farther away does no
146 G2RA-PAPN Blade's thrust when farther away does more
147 AYVT-NAA6 Blade's thrust when close in does no damage
148 AYVT-PAJ6 Blade's thrust when close in does more
149 ANVT-NACT Blade's wheel when close in does no damage
150 ANVT-PALT Blade's wheel when close in does more
151 A2RA-NADN Blade's wheel when farther away does no
152 A2RA-PAMN Blade's wheel when farther away does more
153 AETT-NAFT Blade's straight when close in does no
154 AETT-PAPT Blade's straight when close in does more
155 AJVA-NABA Blade's lunge when close in does less damage
156 AJVA-PAKA Blade's lunge when close in does more damage
157 ANVA-NAF6 Blade's swing when close in does no damage
158 ANVA-PAP6 Blade's swing when close in does more
159 FYPT-NADA Blade's swing when farther away does less
160 FYPT-PAMA Blade's swing when farther away does more
161 AVVT-NAHJ Rax's snap when farther away does less
162 AVVT-PASJ Rax's snap when farther away does more
163 AVZT-NACN Rax's snap when close in does no damage
164 AVZT-PALN Rax's snap when close in does more damage
165 AZVT-NAEE Rax's thrust when farther away does no
166 AZVT-PANE Rax's thrust when farther away does more
167 AZZT-NAEN Rax's thrust when close in does no damage
168 AZZT-PANN Rax's thrust when close in does more damage
169 DZZT-NAG2 Rax's wheel when close in does no damage
170 DZZT-PAR2 Rax's wheel when close in does more damage
171 A3VT-NAAY Rax's wheel when farther away does no
172 A3VT-PAJY Rax's wheel when farther away does more
173 AFTT-NAFN Rax's straight when farther away does no
174 AFTT-PAPN Rax's straight when farther away does more
175 AFZA-NAC6 Rax's straight when close in does no damage
176 AFZA-PNL6 Rax's straight when close in does more
177 AKTT-NAHN Rax's lunge when farther away does no
178 AKTT-PNSN Rax's lunge when farther away does more
179 AKZA-NAFJ Rax's lunge when close in does no damage
180 AKZA-PRPJ Rax's lunge when close in does more damage
181 APZT-NAAA Rax's swing when close in does no damage
182 APZT-PAJA Rax's swing when close in does more damage
183 APVA-NACE Rax's swing when farther away does no
184 APVA-PALE Rax's swing when farther away does more
Evander Holyfield's Real Deal Boxing
1 AJWA-AA64 Always round 1
2 BJWA-ACFN + BJNA-ACHW Rounds are 1 minute long
3 BJWA-AEFN + BJNA-AEHW Rounds are 2 minutes long
4 BJWA-AJEN + BJNA-AJHW Rounds are 4 minutes long
5 BJWA-ANFN + BJNA-ANHW Rounds are 6 minutes long
6 BJWA-AWFN + BJNA-AWHW Rounds are 9 minutes long
7 CTRA-AA2L Rounds never end
8 RGKT-A6VW + TCKT-A4AN + TCKT-A4BR Set up new
career any way you want
Elemental Master (Japan,USA)
Infinite Life AJSA-AA8J
Almost Instant Weapon Charge SAKA-BA0Y
Eliminate Down (Japan)
Infinite Lives AKAT-AA4R
Infinite HP A5YA-AA8T
Infinite HP 1 R1YA-A60J
Bosses Die Instantly ACET-DJ8G
Infinite Bombs (Weapon 1) AW3A-CA6N
Infinite Shots (Weapon 2) AW2A-CA46
Invincible Against A Gas In The Tunnel (The 1st Part of The Last Level) 2 RGNA-A6TJ
Invincible Against Dangerous Zones (Lava, Spikes, Etc) PMMA-AA3L
Invincible Against 'Small' Objects (Bullets, Etc) CXNT-AN2G
Invincible Against Explosions ADSA-AA2N
Invincible Against 'Big' Objects (Bodies of Enemies, Etc) ADTT-AA5C
Infinite Jump 3 FCHA-AA6Y
Debugger Code 4 ADJT-AA3L
D.J. Boy
1 BCZA-JA94 Almost infinite life
2 AGMT-JADR Start with life meter at length of 1
3 ARMT-JADR Start with life meter at length of 3
4 A0MT-JADR Start with life meter at length of 5
5 A4MT-JADR Start with life meter at length of 6
6 A8MT-JADR Start with life meter at length of 7
7 BCMT-JADR Start with life meter at length of 8
8 BGMT-JADR Start with life meter at length of 9
9 BLMT-JADR Start with life meter at length of 10
10 AGMT-JADG Start with 1 life point in life meter
11 ALMT-JADG Start with 2 life points in life meter
12 ARMT-JADG Start with 3 life points in life meter
13 A0MT-JADG Start with 5 life points in life meter
14 A4MT-JADG Start with 6 life points in life meter
15 A8MT-JADG Start with 7 life points in life meter
16 BCMT-JADG Start with 8 life points in life meter
17 BGMT-JADG Start with 9 life points in life meter
18 BLMT-JADG Start with 10 life points in life meter
19 AT6T-JA6A Life meter not extended at end of each round
20 SE6T-KEYA Life meter extended by 1 at end of each round
21 SE6T-KNYA Life meter extended by 3 at end of each round
22 CKBA-JA8N All items in the item shop are free
23 AVBA-JA84 All items in the item shop that you
can afford are free
24 SHFA-MJWY All coins worth 40
25 SHFA-MNWY All coins worth 60
26 SHFA-MYWY All coins worth 100
27 SHFA-MAWY All coins worth 160
The Death and Return of Superman
1. AAOT-DYFC Start with 1 life
2. AJOT-DYFC Start with 3 lives
3. ANOT-DYFC Start with 4 lives
4. AYOT-DYFC Start with 6 lives
5. BEOT-DYFC Start with 10 lives
6. ACDT-ANPE Infinite lives
7. ACBA-AANL Start with 1/2 health on your first life
8. ACBA-BANL Start with 3/4 health on your first life
9. ACBA-ABEL Start with double health on your first life
10. ECDT-BYFT Start with 1/2 health after your first life
11. GCDT-BYFT Start with 3/4 health after your first life
12. TCDT-BYFT Start with double health after your first life
13. AEOT-DYEO Start with 1 special attack
14. AJOT-DYEO Start with 2 special attacks
15. AYOT-DYEO Start with 5 special attacks
16. BEOT-DYEO Start with 9 special attacks
17. ACLT-ANLC Infinite special attacks
2 R17T-E60G Almost invincible
3 AL2T-EA5W Bridge segments don't fall
4 CX8A-EA5N Infinite everything
5 G57A-FAPA Start with 6 lives
6 G57A-FAN2 Start with 6 of everything
7 GX7A-FAN2 Start with 4 of everything
8 GH7A-FAN2 Start with 1 of everything
Desert Strike
2 AE1A-AAGG Start at campaign 2
3 AJ1A-AAGG Start at campaign 3
4 AN1A-AAGG Start at campaign 4
5 AE1A-AADC Start with 1 life instead of 3
6 AJ1A-AADC Start with 2 lives
7 AY1A-AADC Start with 5 lives
8 BE1A-AADC Start with 9 lives
9 D3ZA-AA7E Infinite lives
10 MBST-WEEN Chain gun capacity is 600 rounds instead of 1,178
11 4BST-WREN Chain gun capacity is 2,000 rounds
12 VBST-XGEN Chain gun capacity is 5,000 rounds
13 AKST-WAER Chain gun inflicts 2 points of damage instead of 3
14 A3ST-WAER Chain gun inflicts 6 points of damage
15 BVST-WAER Chain gun inflicts 12 points of damage
16 CVST-WAFL Hydra capacity is 20 rockets instead of 38
17 NVST-WAFL Hydra capacity is 100 rockets
18 FVST-WCFL Hydra capacity is 300 rockets
19 BKST-WAFN Hydra rocket inflicts 10 points of damage
instead of 25
20 GKST-WAFN Hydra rocket inflicts 50 points of damage
21 NVST-WAFN Hydra rocket inflicts 100 points of damage
22 AVST-WAGJ Hellfire capacity is 4 missiles instead of 8
23 DFST-WAGJ Hellfire capacity is 25 missiles
24 NPST-WAGJ Hellfire capacity is 99 missiles
25 GKST-WAGL Hellfire missile inflicts 50 points of damage
instead of 100
26 3BST-WAGL Hellfire missile inflicts 200 points of damage
27 WBST-WCGL Hellfire missile inflicts 400 points of damage
28 AMLT-AA44 Infinite capacity for all weapons
29 GKET-AAAC Fuel capacity is 50 units instead of 100
30 3BET-AAAC Fuel capacity is 200 units
31 8VET-ACAC Fuel capacity is 500 units
32 AVET-AAF8 Helicopter consumes fuel faster
33 AFET-AAF8 Helicopter consumes fuel slower
34 ABET-AAF8 Helicopter consumes no fuel
35 FVET-ACGT Maximum armor protection is 300 instead of 600
36 0BET-AJGT Maximum armor protection is 1,200
37 2VET-AWGT Maximum armor protection is 2,500
38 AHSA-AAFR Helicopter carries 1 passenger instead of 6
39 ASSA-AAFR Helicopter carries 3 passengers
40 BMSA-AAFR Helicopter carries 10 passengers
41 SHRA-BJYR Red cross box worth 2 extra lives instead of 1
42 SHRA-BTYR Red cross box worth 4 extra lives
43 AXRA-AA6R Red cross box worth nothing
Dick Tracy
1 AHNA-JABE Start with 1 life instead of 3
2 A1NA-JABE Start with 5 lives
3 A9NA-JABE Start with 7 lives
4 BHNA-JABE Start with 9 lives
5 DHNA-JABE Start with 25 lives
6 GMNA-JABE Start with 50 lives
7 NSNA-JABE Start with 99 lives
8 EW7A-LA7C Almost invincible
9 RGDA-N6WG Infinite time
1 AF1T-AAGR Player 1 starts with 1 life
2 AK1T-AAGR Player 1 starts with 2 lives
3 AV1T-AAGR Player 1 starts with 4 lives
4 AZ1T-AAGR Player 1 starts with 5 lives
5 A31T-AAGR Player 1 starts with 6 lives
6 A71T-AAGR Player 1 starts with 7 lives
7 BB1T-AAGR Player 1 starts with 8 lives
8 BF1T-AAGR Player 1 starts with 9 lives
9 R1GA-A6ZT Infinite lives for player 1--1-player game
10 J35T-AA7R Infinite lives for player 1--2-player game
11 AF1T-AAG4 Player 2 starts with 1 life
12 AK1T-AAG4 Player 2 starts with 2 lives
13 AV1T-AAG4 Player 2 starts with 4 lives
14 AZ1T-AAG4 Player 2 starts with 5 lives
15 A31T-AAG4 Player 2 starts with 6 lives
16 A71T-AAG4 Player 2 starts with 7 lives
17 BB1T-AAG4 Player 2 starts with 8 lives
18 BF1T-AAG4 Player 2 starts with 9 lives
19 C35T-AA88 Infinite lives--player 2
20 AZ1T-AAGJ Player 1 starts with 5 bonus points
21 CV1T-AAGJ Player 1 starts with 20 bonus points
22 GK1T-AAGJ Player 1 starts with 50 bonus points
23 NV1T-AAGJ Player 1 starts with 100 bonus points
24 AZ1T-AAGY Player 2 starts with 5 bonus points
25 CV1T-AAGY Player 2 starts with 20 bonus points
26 GK1T-AAGY Player 2 starts with 50 bonus points
27 NV1T-AAGY Player 2 starts with 100 bonus points
Double Dragon
1 AX2A-GA9J Infinite continues
2 AMZT-EA2G Both players invulnerable to most damage
3 CW4A-CAH2 Start with 1/4 health
4 FC4A-CAH2 Start with 1/2 health
5 HW4A-CAH2 Start with 3/4 health
6 AE5T-JAA0 Start with 1 reserve point
7 AJ5T-JAA0 Start with 2 reserve points
8 AN5T-JAA0 Start with 3 reserve points
9 AT5T-JAA0 Start with 4 reserve points
10 AY5T-JAA0 Start with 5 reserve points
11 A25T-JAA0 Start with 6 reserve points
12 9F8T-HAXR Play as either of the two bosses--NOT IN
13 AMDT-EA3E Charging isn't necessary for special moves
14 Z5WA-AEVE Dizzy is over instantly
15 AC0A-HA3N Always fight Billy Lee
16 AG0A-HA3N Always fight Jimmy Lee
17 AL0A-HA3N Always fight Jawbreaker
18 AR0A-HA3N Always fight Icepick
19 AW0A-HA3N Always fight Shadow Master
20 A00A-HA3N Always fight Bones
21 A40A-HA3N Always fight Sickle
22 A80A-HA3N Always fight Blade
23 BC0A-HA3N Always fight Trigger Happy
24 BG0A-HA3N Always fight Countdown
25 BL0A-HA3N Always fight Dominique
26 BR0A-HA3N Always fight Sekka
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
1 AW9A-AAH8 Start on Stage 2
2 A09A-AAH8 Start on Stage 3
3 A49A-AAH8 Start on Stage 4
4 A89A-AAH8 Start on Stage 5
5 BC9A-AAH8 Start on Stage 6
6 BG9A-AAH8 Start on Stage 7
7 BL9A-AAH8 Start on Stage 8
8 BR9A-AAH8 Start on Stage 9
9 BW9A-AAH8 Start on Stage 10
10 B09A-AAH8 Start on Stage 11
11 B49A-AAH8 Start on Stage 12
12 B89A-AAH8 Start on Stage 13
13 ALNT-AA66 Refugee beans are disabled
14 VWNT-AAHE Refugee beans come in smaller amounts
15 ERNT-AAHE Refugee beans come in larger amounts
16 C8NT-AAHE Refugee beans come in larger amounts
Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story
1. VADT-AABT Both players start with 1/4 energy
2. AADT-ACBT Both players start with 1/2 energy
3. VADT-ACBT Both players start with 3/4 energy
4. ACPT-AAA8 Super power
5. 98AT TCAR Standing weak kick does more damage
6. 977T TCEW Standing weak punch does more damage
7. 978A TCC4 Crouching weak kick does more damage
8. C38A V92T Crouching weak punch does more damage
Dragon's Fury
1 AECT-BA3W Start game with 1 ball instead of 3
2 AJCT-BA3W Start with 2 balls
3 ATCT-BA3W Start with 4 balls
4 AYCT-BA3W Start with 5 balls
5 A6CT-BA3W Start with 7 balls
6 BJCT-BA3W Start with 10 balls
7 B6CT-BA3W Start with 15 balls
8 DECT-BA3W Start with 25 balls
9 GJCT-BA3W Start with 50 balls
10 KNCT-BA3W Start with 75 balls
11 NTCT-BA3W Start with 100 balls
12 RE0A-A6WR Infinite balls
13 AACT-AAEN Start with 0 bonus points instead of 100
14 AYCT-AAEN Start with 500 bonus points
15 BJCT-AAEN Start with 1000 bonus points
16 B6CT-AAEN Start with 1500 bonus points
17 DECT-AAEN Start with 2,500 bonus points
18 GJCT-AAEN Start with 5,000 bonus points
19 KNCT-AAEN Start with 7,500 bonus points
20 NNCT-AAEN Start with 9,900 bonus points
21 AJCT-AAE0 Start with bonus multiplier at 2 instead of 1
22 ANCT-AAE0 Start with bonus multiplier at 3
23 ATCT-AAE0 Start with bonus multiplier at 4
24 AYCT-AAE0 Start with bonus multiplier at 5
25 A6CT-AAE0 Start with bonus multiplier at 7
26 BECT-AAE0 Start with bonus multiplier at 9
27 AVPA-AA8L Bonus points never reset when bonus is
28 AVPA-AA8Y Bonus multiplier never resets when bonus is
Dune: The Battle for Arrakis
1 AK0T-DA2C Start on Scenario 2
2 AP0T-DA2C Start on Scenario 3
3 AV0T-DA2C Start on Scenario 4
4 AZ0T-DA2C Start on Scenario 5
5 A30T-DA2C Start on Scenario 6
6 A70T-DA2C Start on Scenario 7
7 BB0T-DA2C Start on Scenario 8
8 BF0T-DA2C Start on Scenario 9
9 BK0T-DA2C Show credits
10 A5BA-AA6G Construction done faster and cheaper than
11 ADAA-ACGR Buildings fixed faster and cheaper than
12 ADAA-AAGR Buildings cannot be fixed-will still use up
money if you try to fix them
13 AMZT-AA6R Buildings not damaged when layed on rock
instead of concrete
Dynamite Duke
1 BJWA-AA5W Invincibility
2 AJBT-AAG2 Start on stage 2
3 ANBT-AAG2 Start on stage 3
4 ATBT-AAG2 Start on stage 4
5 AYBT-AAG2 Start on stage 5
6 A2BT-AAG2 Start on stage 6
7 A6BT-AAG2 Start on stage 7
8 F31T-BJ1W + AB1T-AA96 Each D pick-up worth
2 dynamite punches
9 F31T-BT1W + AB1T-AA96 Each D pick-up worth
4 dynamite punches
10 F31T-B21W + AB1T-AA96 Each D pick-up worth
6 dynamite punches
11 F31T-BA1W + AB1T-AA96 Each D pick-up worth
8 dynamite punches
12 AJWA-AA20 Infinite dynamite punches
13 NTBT-AAH0 Begin each stage with 100
rounds of ammo
14 9JBT-AAH0 Begin each stage with 250
rounds of ammo
15 72BT-AEH0 Begin each stage with 750
rounds of ammo
16 66BT-AGH0 Begin each stage with 999
rounds of ammo
17 AJYT-AA6A Infinite machine gun ammo
18 ATNA-AA2A Keep ammo when advancing
to next stage
19 BK2A-AAAN 4-bullet box worth 10 rounds
20 DF2A-AAAN 4-bullet box worth 25 rounds
21 NV2A-AAAN 4-bullet box worth 100 rounds
22 CV2A-AAA0 8-bullet box worth 20 rounds
23 GK2A-AAA0 8-bullet box worth 50 rounds
24 3B2A-AAA0 8-bullet box worth 200 rounds
25 WB2A-ACA0 8-bullet box worth 400 rounds
26 GK2A-AACC Full-auto weapon carries 50 rounds
27 NV2A-AACC Full-auto weapon carries 100 rounds
28 8V2A-ACCC Full-auto weapon carries 500 rounds
29 BTYA-AA9N Full-auto weapon lasts until next stage
30 CB2A-AAE8 Magnum pistol carries 15 rounds
31 GP2A-AAE8 Magnum pistol carries 50 rounds
32 NZ2A-AAE8 Magnum pistol carries 100 rounds
33 3F2A-AAE8 Magnum pistol carries 200 rounds
34 G2YT-AA3J Magnum pistol lasts until next stage
35 A32A-AAF4 Bazooka carries 5 rounds
36 CZ2A-AAF4 Bazooka carries 20 rounds
37 GP2A-AAF4 Bazooka carries 50 rounds
38 NZ2A-AAF4 Bazooka carries 100 rounds
39 CJYT-AA4N Bazooka lasts until next stage
40 BB2A-AABG Flak jacket less protective
41 EB2A-AABG Flak jacket more protective
42 NV2A-AABG Flak jacket much more protective
43 BB2A-AAC0 First aid restores 1 bar of life gauge
44 FB2A-AAC0 First aid restores 5 bars of life gauge
45 JB2A-AAC0 First aid restores life gauge to full
double dragon
Infinite Energy P1 FDJA-AEZ6
double dragon
Stage Select 1 **0A-AAGC
# Note
1 AE-1
2 Enemy punches and kicks will still hit you, but the energy meter will remain at 999.
3 Has only been tested in the first shop.
4 You have to buy at least one extra guy for this code to work.
Have 1st Set of Enemies Cleared On Stage 1 AJ0T-AAEA
Start Stage 1 With A Lot More Time AA0T-AAFG
Invincible 2 66V9-8GB2
Start A New Game With A Lot More Coins 560A-BCSL
This Code Allows You To Buy An Infinite Number of "Extra Guys" In The Shop (As Long As You Have Coins) 3 AHEA-AACC
Infinite "Extra Guys" 4 AB2T-AAD2
Earthworm Jim
1 GC3C-JA9W Infinite health--may cause graphic errors
2 GC3C-JA4C Infinite ammo
3 AW6C-JA2T Infinite continues
4 CT3W-LA9T No air loss in Sea Pod
5 J4BW-LA4Y No damage to Sea Pod from running into walls
6 GG3C-JAAR Start with 1 life on Practice level
7 GR3C-JAAR Start with 3 lives on Practice level
8 G83C-JAAR Start with 7 lives on Practice level
9 HG3C-JAAR Start with 9 lives on Practice level
10 GG3C-JAA6 Start with 1 life on Normal level
11 GL3C-JAA6 Start with 2 lives on Normal level
12 G03C-JAA6 Start with 5 lives on Normal level
13 G83C-JAA6 Start with 7 lives on Normal level
14 HG3C-JAA6 Start with 9 lives on Normal level
15 GG3C-JABL Start with 1 life on Difficult level
16 GR3C-JABL Start with 3 lives on Difficult level
17 G03C-JABL Start with 5 lives on Difficult level
18 G83C-JABL Start with 7 lives on Difficult level
19 HG3C-JABL Start with 9 lives on Difficult level
20 G03W-JAGA Start with 150% health
21 GL3W-JAF6 Start with 200% health
22 GR3W-JAF6 Start with 300% health
23 GW3W-JAF6 Start with 400% health
24 G03W-JAF6 Start with 500% health
25 G83W-JAF6 Start with 700% health
26 HG3W-JAF6 Start with 900% health
27 SE9C-MAT4 Health power-ups worth 8 on Practice, 7 on
Normal, 6 on HARD
28 SE9C-MJT4 Health power-ups worth 2 on Practice, 1 on
Normal, 0 on HARD
29 SE9C-MNT4 Health power-ups worth 3 on Practice, 2 on
Normal, 1 on HARD
30 G02W-JAH4 Start with 1500 Plasma shots-1st life only
31 GL2W-JAH0 Start with 2000 Plasma shots-1st life only
32 GR2W-JAH0 Start with 3000 Plasma shots-1st life only
33 G02W-JAH0 Start with 5000 Plasma shots-1st life only
34 G82W-JAH0 Start with 7000 Plasma shots-1st life only
35 HG2W-JAH0 Start with 9000 Plasma shots-1st life only
36 GZRC-KCME Start with 1500 Plasma shots-2nd life and
37 GBRC-KEME Start with 2000 Plasma shots-2nd life and
38 GBRC-KGME Start with 3000 Plasma shots-2nd life and
39 GBRC-KLME Start with 5000 Plasma shots-2nd life and
40 GBRC-KRME Start with 7000 Plasma shots-2nd life and
41 GBRC-KWME Start with 9000 Plasma shots-2nd life and
42 NT1W-LAC8 Plasma gun power-ups worth 100
43 FT1W-LCC8 Plasma gun power-ups worth 300
44 8T1W-LCC8 Plasma gun power-ups worth 500
45 721W-LEC8 Plasma gun power-ups worth 750
46 7A1W-LGC8 Plasma gun power-ups worth 1000
47 AP5C-JAE2 Start with 3 continues on Normal level
48 AZ5C-JAE2 Start with 5 continues on Normal level
49 A75C-JAE2 Start with 7 continues on Normal level
50 BF5C-JAE2 Start with 9 continues on Normal level
51 AF5C-JADY Start on What the Heck
52 AK5C-JADY Start on Snowman Boss
53 AP5C-JADY Start on Evil Boss
54 B35C-JADY Start on Sea Tunnels
55 B75C-JADY Start on Pod Races
56 AV5C-JADY Start on Snot a Problem 1
57 AZ5C-JADY Start on Snot a Problem 2
58 A35C-JADY Start on Snot a Problem 3
59 A75C-JADY Start on Peter Puppy
60 BB5C-JADY Start on Slug For Butt
61 BF5C-JADY Start on Helicopter
62 BK5C-JADY Start on Professor's Lab
63 BP5C-JADY Start on Chicken Fly
64 BV5C-JADY Start on Naked Worm
65 BZ5C-JADY Start on Intestines
66 C75C-JADY Start on Darkness 1
67 DB5C-JADY Start on Darkness 2
68 DF5C-JADY Start on Darkness 3
69 DK5C-JADY Start on Darkness 4
70 DP5C-JADY Start on Darkness 5
71 DV5C-JADY Start on Psy-crow level (between levels 1 (between levels 1 and 2)
Earthworm Jim 2
1. GBZW-LAFN Start with no ammo
2. GKZW-LAFN Start with 2000 bullets
3. GPZW-LAFN Start with 3000 bullets
4. GVZW-LAFN Start with 4000 bullets
5. GZZW-LAFN Start with 5000 bullets
6. G3ZW-LAFN Start with 6000 bullets
7. G7ZW-LAFN Start with 7000 bullets
8. HBZW-LAFN Start with 8000 bullets
9. HFZW-LAFN Start with 9000 bullets
10. K7ZW-L8FN Start with mega ammo
11. GBZW-LAH4 Start with 1 life and no continues
12. GFZW-LAH4 Start with 2 lives
13. GVZW-LAH4 Start with 5 lives
14. G7ZW-LAH4 Start with 10 lives
15. KBZW-LAH4 Start with 25 lives
16. MFZW-LAH4 Start with 50 lives
17. RH2W-J6T8 Infinite lives
18. GK1C-LAH6 Start with 200% health
19. GP1C-LAH6 Start with 300% health
20. GV1C-LAH6 Start with 400% health
21. GZ1C-LAH6 Start with 500% health
22. G31C-LAH6 Start with 600% health
23. G71C-LAH6 Start with 700% health
24. HB1C-LAH6 Start with 800% health
25. HF1C-LAH6 Start with 900% health
26. 971C-LAH6 Start with mega health
27. AB1W-LAET Don't flash at all after getting hit
28. A71W-LAET Don't flash as long after getting hit
29. 971W-L8ET Flash longer after getting hit
Ecco the Dolphin
1 AKRT-JA64 Almost infinite breath„switch
off to die if you get stuck
2 AL2A-JA7L Protection from most jellyfish and
many other enemies
3 ALZA-JA5Y Protection from spiked shells
and some other enemies
4 AAVT-NAFC Protection from octopus
5 HAVT-NAFC Octopus is fatal
6 HCBT-LAEW Charging a school of fish restores
health completely instead of partially
7 SW2A-KGPJ + HC2A-JAFL Most jellyfish and some other
enemies restore health instead
of taking it away
8 SW2A-KGPJ + TC2A-JGFL + Most jellyfish and some other
E42A-JAFN enemies restore breath instead
of damaging health
Ecco the Tides of Time
1 ADLA-WAD4 Eating fish does not heal at all
2 BDLA-WAD4 Eating fish heals 1/2x as much as usual
3 EDLA-WAD4 Eating fish heals 2x as much as usual
4 HDLA-WAD4 Eating fish heals Ecco completely
5 AKZA-TA7A Infinite air
6 REAA-W6V0 Infinite health and air
7 A4KT-2A38 Always have 360-degree sonar blast
8 ALBA-4A8R No rings lost for missing gates in 3D stages
9 AKCT-4A7N No rings lost for shooting gates in 3D stages
10 AB0A-TAGY Start on Sea of Green
11 AF0A-TAGY Start on Deep Ridge
12 AK0A-TAGY Start on The Eye
13 AP0A-TAGY Start on Sea of Birds
14 AV0A-TAGY Start on Secret Cave
15 AZ0A-TAGY Start on The Hungry Ones
16 A30A-TAGY Start on Convergence
17 A70A-TAGY Start on Globe Holder
18 BF0A-TAGY Start on Two Tides
19 BK0A-TAGY Start on The Lost Orcas
20 BP0A-TAGY Start on Vents of Medusa
21 BV0A-TAGY Start on Four Islands
22 BZ0A-TAGY Start on Maze of Stone
23 B30A-TAGY Start on Home Bay
24 B70A-TAGY Start on Sea of Darkness
25 CB0A-TAGY Start on Crystal Springs
26 CF0A-TAGY Start on Fault Zone
27 CK0A-TAGY Start on Gateway
28 CP0A-TAGY Start on Trellia's Bay
29 CV0A-TAGY Start on Skyway
30 CZ0A-TAGY Start on Asterite's Cave
31 C30A-TAGY Start on Eagle's Bay
32 C70A-TAGY Start on Fin to Feather
33 DB0A-TAGY Start on Skylands
34 DF0A-TAGY Start on Tube of Medusa
35 DK0A-TAGY Start on Vortex Arrived
36 DP0A-TAGY Start on Aqua Tubeway
37 DV0A-TAGY Start on Sky Tides
38 DZ0A-TAGY Start on Moray Abyss
39 D30A-TAGY Start on Asterite's Home
40 D70A-TAGY Start on Epilogue
41 EB0A-TAGY Start on Atlantis
42 EF0A-TAGY Start on Fish City
43 EK0A-TAGY Start on City of Forever
44 EP0A-TAGY Start on Black Clouds
45 EV0A-TAGY Start on Vortex Future
46 EZ0A-TAGY Start on Gravitor Box
47 E30A-TAGY Start on Lunar Bay
48 E70A-TAGY Start on Dark Sea
49 FB0A-TAGY Start on New Machine
50 FF0A-TAGY Start on Inside
51 FK0A-TAGY Start on Inter
52 FP0A-TAGY Start on Innuendo
53 FV0A-TAGY Start on Trans
54 FZ0A-TAGY Start on Vortex Queen
55 F30A-TAGY Start on Big Water
56 F70A-TAGY Start on The Pod
57 GB0A-TAGY Start on TMachine
1 AKWA-BA20 + FKWA-B924 + AKWA-AA26 Start on mission 2
2 AVWA-BA20 + FKWA-B924 + AKWA-AA26 Start on mission 3
3 A3WA-BA20 + FKWA-B924 + AKWA-AA26 Start on mission 4
4 BBWA-BA20 + FKWA-B924 + AKWA-AA26 Start on mission 5
5 BKWA-BA20 + FKWA-B924 + AKWA-AA26 Start on mission 6
6 BVWA-BA20 + FKWA-B924 + AKWA-AA26 Start on mission 7
7 B3WA-BA20 + FKWA-B924 + AKWA-AA26 Start on mission 8
8 A41T-FA38 Start with 7 lives
9 BC1T-FA38 Start with 9 lives
10 EW1T-FA38 Start with 25 lives
11 KG1T-FA38 Start with 50 lives
12 AB2A-AACN Infinite lives
13 J78A-AEWC Almost invincible
14 AATT-B62J Floor spikes do no damage
15 AV3A-B666 Life-up restores 1 bar of life
gauge instead of 2
16 BV3A-B666 Life-up restores 3 bars of life gauge
17 CB3A-B666 Life-up restores 4 bars of life gauge
18 JB3A-B666 Life-up restores life gauge to full
19 1K3A-BE6Y Life-up worth same as 1-up
20 AK2A-AAB2 1-up worth 2 lives instead of 1
21 AP2A-AAB2 1-up worth 3 lives
22 AZ2A-AAB2 1-up worth 5 lives
23 CB2A-AAB2 1-up worth 10 lives
24 AFWA-AABC Start with 1 credit
25 AKWA-AABC Start with 2 credits
26 BKWA-AABC Start with 10 credits
27 BDCA-EA9E Infinite credits
Eternal Champions
1 BEHT-GAD4 In a 2-player game, either player can choose
the Eternal Champion with the left button
2 9THT-HCP4 + BEHT-GAF6 In a 1-player game, Player 1 plays
as the Eternal Champion (can select any character, but will then play
as Eternal Champion)
3 ACNT-LAE0 Insult uses no inner strength
4 GCNT-LAE0 Insult uses more inner strength
5 ACXT-LAC6 Shadow's High Jump Angle Kick uses no inner
6 GCXT-LAC6 Shadow's High Jump Angle Kick uses more
inner strength
7 RGZT-L6XA Inner strength is restored very quickly
8 GWEA-LAFJ Shadow starts with 1/2 energy
9 GTST-LAH0 Rax starts with 1/2 energy
10 GWGA-JAFT Blade starts with 1/2 energy
11 GVYA-JAEW Jetta starts with 1/2 energy
12 GVDA-LAHL Slash starts with 1/2 energy
13 GX9T-JAHA Trident's starts with 1/2 energy
14 GW2A-JABA Xavier starts with 1/2 energy
15 GXKT-JADW Midknight starts with 1/2 energy
16 GVYA-LACY Larcen starts with 1/2 energy
17 AWSA-NAFR Shadow's Snap when close in does no damage
18 AWSA-PAPR Shadow's Snap when close in does more
19 AWMT-NABL Shadow's Snap when farther away does no
20 AWMT-PAKL Shadow's Snap when farther away does more
21 A0SA-NAHR Shadow's Thrust when close in does no
22 A0SA-PASR Shadow's Thrust when close in does more
23 A0MT-NAD0 Shadow's Thrust when farther away does no
24 A0MT-PAM0 Shadow's Thrust when farther away does
more damage
25 A4ST-NAER Shadow's Wheel when close in does no damage
26 A4ST-PANR Shadow's Wheel when close in does more
27 A4MT-NAGC Shadow's Wheel when farther away does no
28 A4MT-PARC Shadow's Wheel when farther away does more
29 FLVT-NAAR Shadow's High Jump Angle Kick does no
30 FLVT-PAJR Shadow's High Jump Angle Kick does more
31 EGWT-NAAG Shadow's Short Slide does less damage
32 EGWT-PAJG Shadow's Short Slide does more damage
33 EGWT-NAAW Shadow's Medium Slide does less damage
34 EGWT-PAJW Shadow's Medium Slide does more damage
35 ALNA-NAE0 Shadow's lunge when farther away does no
36 ALNA-PAN0 Shadow's lunge when farther away does more
37 ALTA-NABG Shadow's lunge when close in does no damage
38 ALTA-PAKG Shadow's lunge when close in does more
39 ARNT-NAAG Shadow's swing when farther away does no
40 ARNT-P0JG Shadow's swing when farther away does more
41 ARTA-NAD8 Shadow's swing when close in does no damage
42 ARTA-PAM8 Shadow's's swing when close in does more
43 AWDT-NAEE Larcen's snap when farther away does no
44 AWDT-PANE Larcen's snap when farther away does more
45 ERDT-NAF2 Larcen's thrust when farther away does no
46 ERDT-PAP2 Larcen's thrust when farther away does more
47 EWGT-NAA6 Larcen's wheel when close in does no damage
48 EWGT-PAJ6 Larcen's wheel when close in does more
49 ELGA-NADA Larcen's snap when close in does no damage
50 ELGA-PAMA Larcen's's snap when close in does more
51 A0GA-NAGE Larcen's thrust when close in does no damage
52 A0GA-PARE Larcen's thrust when close in does more
53 A4EA-NAAT Larcen's wheel when farther away does no
54 A4EA-PAJT Larcen's wheel when farther away does more
55 AGGT-NADY Larcen's straight when close in does no
56 AGGT-PAMY Larcen's straight when close in does more
57 ALHA-NAAN Larcen's swing when close in does less
58 ALHA-PAJN Larcen's swing when close in does more
59 F0JT-NAH2 Larcen's Swinging Hammer Fist does less
60 F0JT-PAS2 Larcen's Swinging Hammer Fistdoes more
61 AT8T-NAEJ Midknight's snap when farther away does no
62 AT8T-PANJ Midknight's snap when farther away does
more damage
63 FY8A-NAHY Midknight's lunge when farther away does no
64 FY8A-PASY Midknight's lunge when farther away does
more damage
65 A28A-NAD2 Midknight's wheel when farther away does no
66 A28A-PAM2 Midknight's wheel when farther away does
more damage
67 FY7T-NADJ Midknight's lunge when farther away does no
68 FY7T-PAMJ Midknight's lunge when farther away does
more damage
69 FZCT-NAGJ Midknight's lunge when close in does less
70 FZCT-PARJ Midknight's lunge when close in does more
71 FZDA-NAC6 Midknight's swing when close in does less
72 FZDA-PAL6 Midknight's swing when close in does more
73 AN7T-NAFJ Midknight's swing when farther away does no
74 AN7T-PAPJ Midknight's swing when farther away does
more damage
75 AZ5A-NAC8 Slash's snap when farther away does no
76 AZ5A-PAL8 Slash's snap when farther away does more
77 AV7T-NADG Slash's snap when close in does no damage
78 AV7T-PAMG Slash's snap when close in does more damage
79 AZ7T-NAE4 Slash's thrust when close in does no damage
80 AZ7T-PAN4 Slash's thrust when close in does more
81 BK5A-NAEW Slash's thrust when farther away does less
82 BK5A-PANW Slash's thrust when farther away does more
83 A35A-NAH0 Slash's wheel when farther away does no
84 A35A-PAS0 Slash's wheel when farther away does more
85 AK7T-NAGN Slash's wheel when close in does no damage
86 AK7T-PARN Slash's wheel when close in does more
87 AF8A-NAAC Slash's straight when close in does no
88 AF8A-PAJC Slash's straight when close in does more
89 AK8A-NAB0 Slash's lunge when close in does no damage
90 AK8A-PAK0 Slash's lunge when close in does more damage
91 AP8A-NAD0 Slash's swing when close in does no damage
92 AP8A-PAM0 Slash's swing when close in does more
93 AK9A-NAB4 Slash's Massive Club Swing does less damage
94 AK9A-PAK4 Slash's Massive Club Swing does more damage
95 ALAT-NAB4 Slash's Spinal Crush does less damage
96 ALAT-PAK4 Slash's Spinal Crush does more damage
97 BJ4A-NAB0 Xavier's snap when close in does less damage
98 BJ4A-PAK0 Xavier's snap when close in does more damage
99 AY4A-NAFW Xavier's thrust when close in does less
100 AY4A-PAPW Xavier's thrust when close in does more
101 AE3A-NAF0 Xavier's straight when close in does less
102 AE3A-PAP0 Xavier's straight when close in does more
103 ANYT-NADW Xavier's swing when farther away does no
104 ANYT-PAMW Xavier's swing when farther away does more
105 EE6T-NAER Xavier's Attack and Smash do no damage
106 EE6T-PANR Xavier's Attack and Smash do more damage
107 AZKA-NAA8 Trident's thrust when farther away does no
108 AZKA-PAJ8 Trident's thrust when farther away does more
109 A3JT-NACC Trident's wheel when farther away does less
110 A3JT-PALC Trident's wheel when farther away does more
111 A3RA-NACG Trident's wheel when close in does less
112 A3RA-PALG Trident's wheel when close in does more
113 AFHT-NAE8 Trident's straight when farther away does no
114 AFHT-PAN8 Trident's straight when farther away does
more damage
115 AKHT-NAH0 Trident's lunge when farther away does no
116 AKHT-PAS0 Trident's lunge when farther away does more
117 ATET-NAE8 Jetta's snap when farther away does no
118 ATET-PAN8 Jetta's snap when farther away does more
119 ATKA-NAFG Jetta's snap when close in does no damage
120 ATKA-PAPG Jetta's snap when close in does more damage
121 FYKT-NAA0 Jetta's thrust when close in does less damage
122 FYKT-PAJ0 Jetta's thrust when close in does more
123 AYET-NAB4 Jetta's thrust when farther away does no
124 AYET-PAK4 Jetta's thrust when farther away does more
125 A2LA-NAC8 Jetta's wheel when close in does no damage
126 A2LA-PYL8 Jetta's wheel when close in does more
127 A2EA-NAG0 Jetta's wheel when farther away does less
128 A2EA-PAR0 Jetta's wheel when farther away does more
129 AEJT-NADR Jetta's straight when close in does no damage
130 AEJT-PJMR Jetta's straight when close in does more
131 AEDT-NADC Jetta's straight when farther away does no
132 AEDT-PLMC Jetta's straight when farther away does more
133 AJDT-NAGG Jetta's lunge when farther away does no
134 AJDT-PARG Jetta's lunge when farther away does more
135 AJJT-NAGG Jetta's lunge when close in does no damage
136 AJJT-PWRG Jetta's lunge when close in does more damage
137 ANEA-NAA8 Jetta's swing when farther away does no
138 ANEA-PAJ8 Jetta's swing when farther away does more
139 ANKA-NACR Jetta's swing when close in does no damage
140 ANKA-PALR Jetta's swing when close in does more
141 ATRA-NAHA Blade's snap when farther away does no
142 ATRA-PASA Blade's snap when farther away does more
143 ATVA-NAHJ Blade's snap when close in does no damage
144 ATVA-PASJ Blade's snap when close in does more damage
145 G2RA-NAFN Blade's thrust when farther away does no
146 G2RA-PAPN Blade's thrust when farther away does more
147 AYVT-NAA6 Blade's thrust when close in does no damage
148 AYVT-PAJ6 Blade's thrust when close in does more
149 ANVT-NACT Blade's wheel when close in does no damage
150 ANVT-PALT Blade's wheel when close in does more
151 A2RA-NADN Blade's wheel when farther away does no
152 A2RA-PAMN Blade's wheel when farther away does more
153 AETT-NAFT Blade's straight when close in does no
154 AETT-PAPT Blade's straight when close in does more
155 AJVA-NABA Blade's lunge when close in does less damage
156 AJVA-PAKA Blade's lunge when close in does more damage
157 ANVA-NAF6 Blade's swing when close in does no damage
158 ANVA-PAP6 Blade's swing when close in does more
159 FYPT-NADA Blade's swing when farther away does less
160 FYPT-PAMA Blade's swing when farther away does more
161 AVVT-NAHJ Rax's snap when farther away does less
162 AVVT-PASJ Rax's snap when farther away does more
163 AVZT-NACN Rax's snap when close in does no damage
164 AVZT-PALN Rax's snap when close in does more damage
165 AZVT-NAEE Rax's thrust when farther away does no
166 AZVT-PANE Rax's thrust when farther away does more
167 AZZT-NAEN Rax's thrust when close in does no damage
168 AZZT-PANN Rax's thrust when close in does more damage
169 DZZT-NAG2 Rax's wheel when close in does no damage
170 DZZT-PAR2 Rax's wheel when close in does more damage
171 A3VT-NAAY Rax's wheel when farther away does no
172 A3VT-PAJY Rax's wheel when farther away does more
173 AFTT-NAFN Rax's straight when farther away does no
174 AFTT-PAPN Rax's straight when farther away does more
175 AFZA-NAC6 Rax's straight when close in does no damage
176 AFZA-PNL6 Rax's straight when close in does more
177 AKTT-NAHN Rax's lunge when farther away does no
178 AKTT-PNSN Rax's lunge when farther away does more
179 AKZA-NAFJ Rax's lunge when close in does no damage
180 AKZA-PRPJ Rax's lunge when close in does more damage
181 APZT-NAAA Rax's swing when close in does no damage
182 APZT-PAJA Rax's swing when close in does more damage
183 APVA-NACE Rax's swing when farther away does no
184 APVA-PALE Rax's swing when farther away does more
Evander Holyfield's Real Deal Boxing
1 AJWA-AA64 Always round 1
2 BJWA-ACFN + BJNA-ACHW Rounds are 1 minute long
3 BJWA-AEFN + BJNA-AEHW Rounds are 2 minutes long
4 BJWA-AJEN + BJNA-AJHW Rounds are 4 minutes long
5 BJWA-ANFN + BJNA-ANHW Rounds are 6 minutes long
6 BJWA-AWFN + BJNA-AWHW Rounds are 9 minutes long
7 CTRA-AA2L Rounds never end
8 RGKT-A6VW + TCKT-A4AN + TCKT-A4BR Set up new
career any way you want
Elemental Master (Japan,USA)
Infinite Life AJSA-AA8J
Almost Instant Weapon Charge SAKA-BA0Y
Eliminate Down (Japan)
Infinite Lives AKAT-AA4R
Infinite HP A5YA-AA8T
Infinite HP 1 R1YA-A60J
Bosses Die Instantly ACET-DJ8G
Infinite Bombs (Weapon 1) AW3A-CA6N
Infinite Shots (Weapon 2) AW2A-CA46
Invincible Against A Gas In The Tunnel (The 1st Part of The Last Level) 2 RGNA-A6TJ
Invincible Against Dangerous Zones (Lava, Spikes, Etc) PMMA-AA3L
Invincible Against 'Small' Objects (Bullets, Etc) CXNT-AN2G
Invincible Against Explosions ADSA-AA2N
Invincible Against 'Big' Objects (Bodies of Enemies, Etc) ADTT-AA5C
Infinite Jump 3 FCHA-AA6Y
Debugger Code 4 ADJT-AA3L
Dernière édition par larska le Ven 22 Juin - 8:21, édité 1 fois
larska- Moyen X
- Messages : 119
Date d'inscription : 10/03/2016
Age : 52
Re: [Tuto] Rom avec code game genie
Merci larska !
c'est génial :-)
c'est génial :-)
fafadou- Newseur DC
- Messages : 1025
Date d'inscription : 21/10/2016
Re: [Tuto] Rom avec code game genie
pour fafadou
est que tu a regler le probleme avec des rom sur ta dreamcast
est que tu a regler le probleme avec des rom sur ta dreamcast
larska- Moyen X
- Messages : 119
Date d'inscription : 10/03/2016
Age : 52
Re: [Tuto] Rom avec code game genie
Excuse moi je n'avais pas vu ton MP, merci de me recontacter :-)
J'ai fait un essai avec le dernier émulateur proposé par zouzzz via le blog, j'a fait un essai avec un dreamshell mais je n'avais pas d'image...
Je n'ai essayé qu'en vga c'est peut être pour ça.
Du coup je vais garder l'autre qui fonctionnait. Je n'ai pas réessayé de changer de rom mais maintenant je sais récupérer l'ip.bin d'un .cdi donc je pourrai surement le refaire mais j'avoue que je n'ai pas réessayé depuis l'autre fois.
J'ai fait un essai avec le dernier émulateur proposé par zouzzz via le blog, j'a fait un essai avec un dreamshell mais je n'avais pas d'image...
Je n'ai essayé qu'en vga c'est peut être pour ça.
Du coup je vais garder l'autre qui fonctionnait. Je n'ai pas réessayé de changer de rom mais maintenant je sais récupérer l'ip.bin d'un .cdi donc je pourrai surement le refaire mais j'avoue que je n'ai pas réessayé depuis l'autre fois.
fafadou- Newseur DC
- Messages : 1025
Date d'inscription : 21/10/2016
Re: [Tuto] Rom avec code game genie
F22 Interceptor
2 AHAA-AAEE Start with 2 lives
3 AMAA-AAEE Start with 3 lives
4 AXAA-AAEE Start with 5 lives
5 A1AA-AAEE Start with 6 lives
6 A9AA-AAEE Start with 8 lives
7 BMAA-AAEE Start with 11 lives
8 WCPA-GCA8 Start with 400 ammo
9 8WPA-GCA8 Start with 500 ammo
10 MCPA-GEA8 Start with 600 ammo
11 1WPA-GEA8 Start with 700 ammo
12 ECPA-GGA8 Start with 800 ammo
13 TWPA-GGA8 Start with 900 ammo
14 7CPA-GGA8 Start with 1000 ammo
15 FC1A-GAAG Start with 40 chaff
16 GL1A-GAAG Start with 50 chaff
17 HW1A-GAAG Start with 60 chaff
18 J41A-GAAG Start with 70 chaff
19 LC1A-GAAG Start with 80 chaff
20 ML1A-GAAG Start with 90 chaff
21 NW1A-GAAG Start with 100 chaff
22 1B7T-BLYW Fuel burns 2x faster than normal
23 1B7T-BRYW Fuel burns 4x faster than normal
24 1B7T-BGZA Afterburner fuel consumption 2x normal
25 1B7T-BLZA Afterburner fuel consumption 3x normal
26 1B7T-BWZA Afterburner fuel consumption 5x normal
27 1B7T-B0ZA Afterburner fuel consumption 6x normal
The Faery Tale Adventure
2 ABTT-AAD0 Julian starts with 0 coins instead of 20
3 NVTT-AAD0 Julian starts with 100 coins
4 8VTT-ACD0 Julian starts with 500 coins
5 67TT-AGD0 Julian starts with 999 coins
6 ABTT-AADT Julian starts with 0 kindness points instead of 15
7 GKTT-AADT Julian starts with 50 kindness points
8 NPTT-AADT Julian starts with 99 kindness points
9 ABTT-AADL Julian starts with 0 luck points instead of 20
10 GKTT-AADL Julian starts with 50 luck points
11 NPTT-AADL Julian starts with 99 luck points
12 ABTT-AADE Julian starts with 0 bravery points instead of 35
13 GKTT-AADE Julian starts with 50 bravery points
14 NVTT-AADE Julian starts with 100 bravery points
15 FVTT-ACDE Julian starts with 300 bravery points
16 8VTT-ACDE Julian starts with 500 bravery points
17 A2DA-CA38 All items are free even though the price still
shows on screen
18 AJYT-AA9E Swim without losing vitality points
19 GKVT-BA8R Julian, Phillip, and Kevin start with 50
vitality points
20 NVVT-BA8R Julian, Phillip, and Kevin start with 100
vitality points
21 FVTT-ACEC Phillip starts with 300 bravery points instead of 20
22 NPTT-AAEJ Phillip starts with 99 luck points instead of 35
23 NPTT-AAER Phillip starts with 99 kindness points instead of 15
24 NVTT-AAEY Phillip starts with 100 coins instead of 15
25 FVTT-ACFE Kevin starts with 300 bravery points instead of 15
26 NPTT-AAFL Kevin starts with 99 luck points instead of 20
27 NPTT-AAFT Kevin starts with 99 kindness points instead of 35
28 NVTT-AAF0 Kevin starts with 100 coins instead of 10
1 RFVA-A6WT Infinite small spells
2 RFVA-A6VJ Infinite large spells
3 ATVA-AA78 Infinite lives
4 RFRT-A6XR Infinite strength against obstacles
5 JBRT-AEYW Infinite strength under water
Fatal Fury 2
1 ATTT-CA4Y Infinite credits
2 AG3A-AAD2 Player 1's health starts at 1% in 1P and VS
3 DC3A-AAD2 Player 1's health starts at 25% in 1P and VS
4 GC3A-AAD2 Player 1's health starts at 50% in 1P and VS
5 KC3A-AAD2 Player 1's health starts at 75% in 1P and VS
6 S83A-AAD2 Player 1's health starts at 132% in 1P and VS
games-ignore energy bar
7 AG3A-AAEJ Player 2's health starts at 1% in 1P and VS
8 DC3A-AAEJ Player 2's health starts at 25% in 1P and VS
9 GC3A-AAEJ Player 2's health starts at 50% in 1P and VS
10 KC3A-AAEJ Player 2's health starts at 75% in 1P and VS
11 S83A-AAEJ Player 2's health starts at 132% in 1P and VS
12 AG3A-AABL + AG2T-AAGN Player 1's health starts at 1% in
Survival games
13 DC3A-AABL + DC2T-AAGN Player 1's health starts at 25% in
Survival games
14 GC3A-AABL + GC2T-AAGN Player 1's health starts at 50% in
Survival games
15 KC3A-AABL + KC2T-AAGN Player 1's health starts at 75% in
Survival games
16 S83A-AABL + S82T-AAGN Player 1's health starts at 132%
in Survival games-ignore energy bar
17 AG3A-AACY + AG2T-AAG6 Player 2's health starts at 1% in
Survival games
18 DC3A-AACY + DC2T-AAG6 Player 2's health starts at 25% in
Survival games
19 GC3A-AACY + GC2T-AAG6 Player 2's health starts at 50% in
Survival games
20 KC3A-AACY + KC2T-AAG6 Player 2's health starts at 75% in
Survival games
21 S83A-AACY + S82T-AAG6 Player 2's health starts at 132%
in Survival games
22 AG3A-AAGA Player 1 needs 1 victory for a win in 1P
23 AR3A-AAGA Player 1 needs 3 victories for a win in 1P
24 AW3A-AAGA Player 1 needs 4 victories for a win in 1P
25 A03A-AAGA Player 1 needs 5 victories for a win in 1P
26 AG3A-AAGE Player 2 needs 1 victories for a win in 1P
27 AR3A-AAGE Player 2 needs 3 victories for a win in 1P
28 AW3A-AAGE Player 2 needs 4 victories for a win in 1P
29 A03A-AAGE Player 2 needs 5 victories for a win in 1P
Fatal Fury
1 ADJT-CEYN All hits are nothing
2 AHJT-DA6N All hits are very weak
3 A1JT-DA6N All hits are weak
4 BMJT-DA6N All hits are average
5 CMJT-DA6N All hits are strong
6 EDJT-DA6N All hits are very strong
7 S5JT-DA6N All hits are lethal
8 ACVA-AAAA Infinite time to fight
9 AXBA-AA3C Infinite credits
10 S8AT-AABT + S8AT-AACA Initial health for you at 144% (maximum)
11 J4AT-AABT + J4AT-AACA Initial health for you at 80%
12 G0AT-AABT + G0AT-AACA Initial health for you at 60%
13 ERAT-AABT + ERAT-AACA Initial health for you at 40%
14 CLAT-AABT + CLAT-AACA Initial health for you at 20%
15 AGAT-AABT + AGAT-AACA Initial health for you at 1%
16 S8AT-AAB2 + S8AT-AACJ Initial health for opponent at 144% (maximum)
17 J4AT-AAB2 + J4AT-AACJ Initial health for opponent at 80%
18 G0AT-AAB2 + G0AT-AACJ Initial health for opponent at 60%
19 ERAT-AAB2 + ERAT-AACJ Initial health for opponent at 40%
20 CLAT-AAB2 + CLAT-AACJ Initial health for opponent at 20%
21 AGAT-AAB2 + AGAT-AACJ Initial health for opponent at 1%
22 AGGT-AAHY 1 globe required for you to win match
23 ARGT-AAHY 3 globes required for you to win match
24 A0GT-AAHY 5 globes required for you to win match
25 BLGT-AAHY 10 globes required for you to win match
26 CWGT-AAHY 20 globes required for you to win match
27 GLGT-AAHY 50 globes required for you to win match
28 AGGT-AAH2 1 globe required for opponent to win match
29 ARGT-AAH2 3 globes required for opponent to win match
30 A0GT-AAH2 5 globes required for opponent to win match
31 BLGT-AAH2 10 globes required for opponent to win match
32 CWGT-AAH2 20 globes required for opponent towin match
33 GLGT-AAH2 50 globes required for opponent towin match
Fatal Labyrinth
2 CBFA-AAER + CBFA-AAET Start with 10/10 hit points
instead of 50/50
3 ABFA-ACER + ABFA-ACET Start with 100/100 hit points
4 ABFA-ALER + ABFA-ALET Start with 500/500 hit points
5 ABFA-BAER + ABFA-BAET Start with 1,000/1,000 hit points
6 ABFA-ALNR + ABFA-ALNT Start with 2,500/2,500 hit points
7 ABFA-BAYR + ABFA-BAYT Start with 5,000/5,000 hit points
8 C4NT-AA5N Almost infinite hit points
9 AV2A-B22T Restore hit points 4x as fast
10 BB2A-B22T Restore hit points 8x as fast
11 CV2A-B22T Restore hit points 20x as fast
12 AKFA-AAE0 Start with 2 food instead of 10
13 EBFA-AAE0 Start with 20 food
14 LBFA-AAE0 Start with 50 food
15 XFFA-AAE0 Start with 99 food
16 BDBA-BA6T Most armor items worth 6 to 8
armor points instead of 1 or 2
17 CXBA-BA6T Most armor items worth 12 to 16
armor points
18 AF3T-BJ3C Each food item worth 10 instead of 30
19 AZ3T-BJ3C Each food item worth 40
20 AB2A-AAEE Never need food for exploring
21 AK2A-AAEE Use up food twice as fast
22 BK3T-AAD6 Each gold item worth 10 instead of 30
23 HV3T-AAD6 Each gold item worth 60
24 BKJA-AA9A Kill most enemies with one blow!
Fifa International Soccer
2 GBVA-DJZY Each goal worth 2--both players
3 GBVA-DNZY Each goal worth 3--both players
4 GBVA-DYZY Each goal worth 5--both players
5 GBVA-DAZY Each goal worth 8--both players
6 PYNA-DEYJ Player 1 starts each game with 2 more pts.
7 PYNA-DNYJ Player 1 starts each game with 6 more pts.
8 PYNA-DYYJ Player 1 starts each game with 10 more pts.
9 PYNA-DAYJ Player 1 starts each game with 16 more pts.
Fire Shark
1 9TEA-BGKC + AYEA-AABE Start with 5 lives
2 9TEA-BGKC + A2EA-AABE Start with 6 lives
3 9TEA-BGKC + A6EA-AABE Start with 7 lives
4 9TEA-BGKC + BAEA-AABE Start with 8 lives
5 9TEA-BGKC + BEEA-AABE Start with 9 lives
6 ATEA-AA5J Infinite lives
7 AFMT-AAEC Start with 1 bomb
8 AZMT-AAEC Start with 5 bombs
9 A7MT-AAEC Start with 7 bombs
10 BFMT-AAEC Start with 9 bombs
11 AFMT-AACC Start with 1 bomb after losing a life
12 AZMT-AACC Start with 5 bombs after losing a life
13 A7MT-AACC Start with 7 bombs after losing a life
14 BFMT-AACC Start with 9 bombs after losing a life
15 AK8T-AA4L Infinite bombs
16 ANEA-BE2A Start with 4 credits
17 A6EA-BE2A Start with 8 credits
18 BEEA-BE2A Start with 10 credits
19 DEEA-BE2A Start with 26 credits
20 GJEA-BE2A Start with 51 credits
21 NNEA-BE2A Start with 100 credits
22 ATFA-AA3R Infinite credits
23 LCGA-BNWY Each power-up item is worth 3x normal
24 BBMT-AACA Keep regular weapon upgrade
1 AJ2T-AA3C Never lose a shield when shot--MAY MAKE
2 AT2T-AA44 Protection from some falls--SOME FALLS
3 AM2A-WAH4 Start with 1 shield
4 AS2A-WAH4 Start with 2 shields
5 AX2A-WAH4 Start with 3 shields
6 A52A-WAH4 Start with 5 shields
7 BS2A-WAH4 Start with 10 shields
8 C12A-WAH4 Start with 20 shields
9 GS2A-WAH4 Start with 50 shields
10 N12A-WAH4 Start with 100 shields
11 GM6T-WAA4 Start with 50 credits
12 NX6T-WAA4 Start with 100 credits
13 HV9T-BELR + NV9T-AACT Credit packs worth 100 credits
14 HV9T-BELR + 7B9T-AGCT Credit packs worth 1,000 credits
15 HV9T-BELR + CB9T-ARLT Credit packs worth 10,000 credits
16 RGBT-A6T4 Always have enough money to buy
17 RGBT-A6XN Don't need to charge magnetic cartridge
2 AETA-CAAJ Start with 1 life
3 AJTA-CAAJ Start with 2 lives
4 ATTA-CAAJ Start with 4 lives
5 AYTA-CAAJ Start with 5 lives
6 BJTA-CAAJ Start with 10 lives
7 B6TA-CAAJ Start with 15 lives
8 CTTA-CAAJ Start with 20 lives
9 AVCA-CA30 Infinite lives
10 AABT-AAFE Hi score starts at 0, not 100,000
11 AJTA-CEAR Start on round 2
12 ANTA-CGAR Start on round 3
13 ATTA-CJAR Start on round 4
14 AYTA-CLAR Start on round 5
15 A2TA-CNAR Start on round 6
16 A6TA-CRAR Start on round 7
17 BATA-CTAR Start on round 8
18 BETA-CWAR Start on round 9
Forgotten Worlds
1 CTWA-CAFC Player 1 starts at half strength
2 CTWT-CAAR Player 2 starts at half strength
3 AAWA-CAFT Player 1 starts with 0 Zenny instead
of 2,500
4 AAWA-DL7T Player 1 starts with 7,500 Zenny
5 ANWA-CAFR Player 1 starts with 32,500 Zenny
6 AAWT-CABC Player 2 starts with 0 Zenny instead
of 2,500
7 AAWT-DL3C Player 2 starts with 7,500 Zenny
8 ANWT-CABA Player 2 starts with 32,500 Zenny
9 AD8T-AEE2 Tiny coin is worth 200 Zenny instead
of 100
10 AD8T-BAE2 Tiny coin is worth 1,000 Zenny
11 AD8T-AEE6 Regular coin is worth 200 Zenny
instead of 500
12 AD8T-BAY6 Regular coin is worth 5,000 Zenny
13 AD8T-ALFA Large coin is worth 500 Zenny
instead of 1,000
14 AH8T-AAE8 Large coin is worth 11,000 Zenny
15 AM8T-AAFC Huge coin is worth 20,000 Zenny
instead of 10,000
16 A18T-AAFC Huge coin is worth 50,000 Zenny
17 CD8T-BE6J + TH8T-AD6L All coins are worth 1,000 Zenny
18 R18T-BE6J + TH8T-AD6L All coins are worth 7,500 Zenny
19 ATGA-CA2W Enemy attacks do not reduce strength
20 AVCA-CA60 Getting trapped by obstacles does not
reduce strength
21 BM8T-BJ9L POW prize gives less strength
22 FD8T-BJ9L POW prize gives more strength
23 AX8T-BJ9W Drum prize gives less strength
24 CX8T-BJ9W Drum prize gives more strength
25 2M8A-CAFA Paramecium is harder to kill
26 2D8A-CAFA Paramecium is easier to kill
27 2D8A-CAFA + AM8A-CAPC Paramecium is much easier to kill
28 AJPT-CACR Machinery Room leads to Wasteland
instead of Doomed Harbor
29 ANPT-CACR Machinery Room leads to
Stone Corridors
30 ATPT-CACR Machinery Room leads to Inner
31 A2PT-CACR Machinery Room leads to Miasma
32 BAPT-CACR Machinery Room leads to
Tower of Dread
Formula One
1 AA9T-6A8A Pit crew time is 0
2 JA9T-7EZ4 Pit crew time is 2x normal
3 JA9T-7TZ4 Pit crew time is 1/2x normal
4 JA9T-7AZ4 Pit crew time is 1/4x normal
5 AJ5A-6A2N Tires don't wear out from normal driving
6 ABBT-6AD0 Tires don't wear out from bumping some cars
or some rough driving
7 ABBA-6ACC Tires don't wear out from bumping other cars
or other rough driving
8 ABAT-6ADR Tires don't wear out from hitting some trees,
signs, etc.
9 ABBA-6AF8 Tires don't wear out from hitting other trees,
signs, etc.
10 ABKT-6EG4 + AA9T-6ECA Tires last 1/4x long as normal
11 ABKT-6JG4 + AA9T-6JCA Tires last 1/2x long as normal
12 ABKT-7AG4 + AA9T-7ACA Tires last 2x long as normal
13 ABKT-7TG4 + AA9T-7TCA Tires last 3x long as normal
14 AT5A-6A4J No warning to pit when tires are worn
15 AJ2A-6A5L Each race is 1 lap
16 AJ2A-6A48 Each race is infinite laps (lap never counts
17 AYRT-6AB0 + AYRT-6AB6 Highest gear with manual
transmission is 5th
18 ATRT-6AB0 + ATRT-6AB6 Highest gear with manual
transmission is 4th
19 ANRT-6AB0 + ANRT-6AB6 Highest gear with manual
transmission is 3rd
20 AJRT-6AB0 + AJRT-6AB6 Highest gear with manual
transmission is 2nd
21 AERT-6AB0 + AERT-6AB6 Highest gear with manual
transmission is 1st
1 AECT-AAE6 Start with 2 ships
2 AJCT-AAE6 Start with 3 ships
3 A6CT-AAE6 Start with 8 ships
4 BECT-AAE6 Start with 10 ships
5 AJEA-AA20 Infinite ships
6 AECT-AAFC Start with 1 credit instead of 5
7 ANCT-AAFC Start with 3 credits
8 A6CT-AAFC Start with 7 credits
9 BECT-AAFC Start with 9 credits
10 A2ET-AA98 Infinite credits
11 AJEA-AA6J Don't lose weapon type when you lose a ship
12 DAEA-AA58 Don't lose weapon type or power level when
you lose a ship
13 AK4A-AA6N Break defender lasts forever
14 RECT-A60A+9TCT-BCRC+AJCT-ACGE Start with P-cannon
15 RECT-A60A+9TCT-BCRC+AJCT-AEGE Start with G-beam
16 RECT-A60A+9TCT-BCRC+AJCT-AGGE Start with S-laser
17 RECT-A60A+9TCT-BCRC+AJCT-AJGE Start with T-missile
18 RECT-A60A+9TCT-BCRC+AJCT-ALGE Start with H-laser
19 RECT-A60A+9TCT-BCRC+AJCT-ANGE Start with V-laser
20 RECT-A60A+9TCT-BCRC+AJCT-ARGE Start with R-collider
21 RECT-A60A+9TCT-BCRC+AJCT-ATGE Start with E-smash
28 AJCT-AA8T Combine with Codes 14 thru 27 to start that
weapon with max power
Gain Ground
1 D3GA-AAE2 30 seconds to complete round
2 HVGA-AAE2 1 minute to complete round
3 MKGA-AAE2 1 minute 30 seconds to
complete round
4 SBGA-AAE2 2 minutes to complete round
5 0VGA-AAE2 3 minutes to complete round
6 8BGA-AAE2 4 minutes to complete round
7 97GA-AAE2 4 minutes, 15 seconds to
complete round
8 AVGA-AA8E Infinite time to complete round
9 AK9T-AA5E Must get everybody to the exit to
complete round
10 SB9T-BLXE Each dead enemy counts as 2
11 SB9T-BRXE Each dead enemy counts as 3
12 SB9T-BWXE Each dead enemy counts as 4
13 SB9T-B0XE Each dead enemy counts as 5
14 SB9T-B4XE Each dead enemy counts as 6
15 SB9T-B8XE Each dead enemy counts as 7
16 SB9T-BCXE Each dead enemy counts as 8
17 SAYT-BJVE + SAYT-BJVJ Play every other stage (1, 3, 5, 7 . . .)
18 SAYT-BNVE + SAYT-BNVJ Play every 3rd stage
19 SAYT-BTVE + SAYT-BTVJ Play every 4th stage
20 SAYT-BYVE + SAYT-BYVJ Play every 5th stage
21 SAYT-B2VE + SAYT-B2VJ Play every 6th stage
22 SAYT-B6VE + SAYT-B6VJ Play every 7th stage
23 SAYT-BAVE + SAYT-BAVJ Play every 8th stage
Garfield: Caught in the Act
1. A02A-EAD4 Start with 5 shots
2. KR2A-EAD4 Start with 50 shots
3. NR2A-EAD4 Start with 99 shots
4. RHCA-E6Y2 + RHCA-E6Y4 Infinite ammo when standing
5. AA6A-CAGY + AA6A-CAHA Can't collect any ammo
6. RHYT-E61T + RHYT-E61W Infinite lives
7. AA5A-CAD4 Can't collect any energy
8. ADZT-EACC + RGZA-A6YJ + RGZA A6YL Don't lose energy
9. AG2A-EADC Start with very little energy energy
10. A02A-EADC Start with half energy
11. BC2A-EADC Start with about 3/4 energy
12. RHDT-A6T8 + RHDT-A6VA 1 hit and you're invincible
Gauntlet 4
1 BBKT-AA8T Invincible!
2 RFKT-A6VA Don't lose health from time passing
3 NPBA-FA9C + NPBA-EAG8 Select up to 99 credits per player
4 1BYA-E0GE Maximum health per coin in 3,000
5 VBYA-FGGE Maximum health per coin in 5,000
6 CBYA-ERRE Maximum health per coin in 10,000
7 BJGA-AAD0 + BJGA-AADE Start Arcade mode on Level 10
8 CTGA-AAD0 + CTGA-AADE Start Arcade mode on Level 20
9 GJGA-AAD0 + GJGA-AADE Start Arcade mode on Level 50
10 NTGA-AAD0 + NTGA-AADE Start Arcade mode on Level 100
11 AKXT-AA66 + RFXT-A6X4 Infinite keys on pick-up--can
switch on/off
12 RFXT-A6X4 You can open doors without a key
13 AKGT-AA5W Infinite potions on pick-up--can switch
14 AKGT-AA3G + AKGT-AASW You can use a potion even if you
don't have one
15 PB4T-ACAY Temporary invisibility lasts 1/3x normal
16 DV4T-AEAY Temporary invisibility lasts 1/2x normal
17 RB4T-ATAY Temporary invisibility lasts 2x normal
18 ZB4T-A2AY Temporary invisibility lasts 3x normal
19 REFA-E6YL Temporary invisibility lasts forever
20 AJDA-CA5Y + AJCT-CA84 Set attributes to anything you
want in Camp
21 AM9T-AA58 All items that you can afford are free
22 B59A-AA86 All items are free
23 H6BA-CACA Start with heal drink, warp wing and all rings
from vendors
24 AJ2A-CA54 Don't lose heal drink when used
25 AJ2A-CA8C Don't lose warp wing when used
1 BWST-AA54 Protection from most damage
2 96CT-BTAR Start with 24 life bar ticks instead of 16
3 96CT-A2AR Start with 12 life bar ticks
4 96CT-ATAR Start with 8 life bar ticks
5 96CT-AJAR Start with 4 life bar ticks
6 ATCT-AAAG Start with 5 rounds
7 AYCT-AAAG Start with 6 rounds
8 A2CT-AAAG Start with 7 rounds
9 A6CT-AAAG Start with 8 rounds
10 BACT-AAAG Start with 9 rounds
11 BECT-AAAG Start with 10 rounds
12 96CT-BYA0 Start with 26 energy bar ticks
13 96CT-A2A0 Start with 12 energy bar ticks
14 96CT-AJA0 Start with only 4 energy bar ticks
15 ACTT-ACH6 $10 ghosts worth $100
16 ACTT-BAH6 $10 ghosts worth $1,000
17 ACTT-BAS6 $10 ghosts worth $3,000
18 ACTT-AEH8 $20 ghosts worth $200
19 ACTT-AAS8 $20 ghosts worth $2,000
20 ACTT-BA18 $20 ghosts worth $5,000
21 ACVA-AGAA $30 ghosts worth $300
22 ACVA-BAJA $30 ghosts worth $3,000
23 ACVA-BATA $30 ghosts worth $5,000
24 ACVA-ALAC $50 ghosts worth $500
25 ACVA-BATC $50 ghosts worth $5,000
26 AV0T-AA4C Infinite bombs
27 NNCT-AABN Start with 99 bombs
28 CJCT-AABN Start with 18 bombs
29 EYCT-AABN Start with 37 bombs
30 AACT-AABN Start with 0 bombs
Ghouls 'N Ghosts
2 A3WT-AA6G Infinite lives
3 9TZA-ABZY + BJZA-AAF0 Each point worth 10
4 9TEA-BCKL + TTEA-B93R + AEEA-AABN Start on floating island
5 9TEA-BCKL + TTEA-B93R + AAEA-ACBN Start in windmall village
6 9TEA-BCKL + TTEA-B93R + AEEA-ACBN Start in town of fire
7 9TEA-BCKL + TTEA-B93R + AAEA-AEBN Start in Baron Rankle's tower
8 9TEA-BCKL + TTEA-B93R + AEEA-AEBN Start in horrible faced mountains
9 9TEA-BCKL + TTEA-B93R + AAEA-AGBN Start in crystal forest
10 9TEA-BCKL + TTEA-B93R + AEEA-AGBN Start on ice slides and giant hands
11 9TEA-BCKL + TTEA-B93R + AAEA-AJBN Start on dragons and demons
12 9TEA-BCKL + TTEA-B93R + AEEA-AJBN Start on base of morningstar ladder
13 9TEA-BCKL + TTEA-B93R + AAEA-ALBN Start on Prince of Darkness
14 AF3T-AAFY Instant charge on magic
Golden Axe
1 BB1A-AA78 Infinite hit points
2 RF8A-A6W6 Infinite magic
3 FGYT-BJVY Each magic pot worth 2
4 FGYT-BNVY Each magic pot worth 3
5 KB8T-AA46 Infinite lives
6 AJVT-AA2T Infinite credits
7 AJ7T-BA28 Start with 2 credits instead of 4
8 A27T-BA28 Start with 6 credits
9 BA7T-BA28 Start with 8 credits
10 ABBA-ACC4 Start with 1 life instead of 3--1st credit
11 ABBA-ALC4 Start with 5 lives--1st credit only
12 ABBA-ARC4 Start with 7 lives--1st credit only
13 ABBA-AWC4 Start with 9 lives--1st credit only
14 AAVT-ACBR Continue with 1 life instead of 3
15 AAVT-ALBR Continue with 5 lives
16 AAVT-ARBR Continue with 7 lives
17 AAVT-AWBR Continue with 9 lives
18 ABBA-AEDA Start with 2 magic pots instead of 1
19 ABBA-AJDA Start with 4 magic pots
20 SA8A-BET2 Start on stage 2
21 SA8A-BJT2 Start on stage 3
22 SA8A-BNT2 Start on stage 4
23 SA8A-BTT2 Start on stage 5
24 SA8A-BYT2 Start on stage 6
25 SA8A-B2T2 Start on stage 7
26 SA8A-B6T2 Start on stage 8
Golden Axe 2
1 AEBT-AADN Player 1 starts with 1 life
2 AJBT-AADN Player 1 starts with 2 lives
3 AYBT-AADN Player 1 starts with 5 lives
4 A6BT-AADN Player 1 starts with 7 lives
5 BEBT-AADN Player 1 starts with 9 lives
6 AEBT-AAE2 Player 2 starts with 1 life
7 AJBT-AAE2 Player 2 starts with 2 lives
8 AYBT-AAE2 Player 2 starts with 5 lives
9 A6BT-AAE2 Player 2 starts with 7 lives
10 BEBT-AAE2 Player 2 starts with 9 lives
11 AGXA-AADR Both players continue with 1 life
12 ALXA-AADR Both players continue with 2 lives
13 A0XA-AADR Both players continue with 5 lives
14 A8XA-AADR Both players continue with 7 lives
15 BGXA-AADR Both players continue with 9 lives
16 BTJA-AA48 Infinite lives--both players
17 FEPA-BJYA Each magic book is worth 2
18 FEPA-BNYA Each magic book is worth 3
Greatest Heavyweight
1 BJ6A-ACD6 Rounds are 1 minute
2 BJ6A-AED6 Rounds are 2 minutes
3 BJ6A-AJD6 Rounds are 4 minutes
4 BJ6A-AND6 Rounds are 6 minutes
5 BJ6A-AWD6 Rounds are 9 minutes
6 CTXT-AA46 Rounds are infinitely long--must win by
7 AJ4T-AA2A Infinite rounds, must win by knockout
8 RH7A-A6YA Set attributes to whatever you want when
creating a new boxer
9 RH9A-A6TE Attributes aren't reduced after a fight
10 RH9T-A6VN + BM9T-AA9W Pick as many training items as
you want
Greendog the Beached Surfer Dude
1 ATNT-AA4E Infinite lives
2 AYPA-AADE Start with 6 lives
3 A2PA-AADE Start with 7 lives
4 BEPA-AADE Start with 10 lives
5 ABYA-CAAN Spikes don't hurt
6 AYNA-BE5Y Start on Ancient Aztec Crypts level
7 A6NA-BE5Y Start on Mustique level
8 BJNA-BE5Y Start on Curacao level
9 BNNA-BE5Y Start on Underwater Crypts of Curacao level
10 BYNA-BE5Y Start on Skateboard level 1
11 B2NA-BE5Y Start on Jamaica level
12 B6NA-BE5Y Start on Skateboard level 2
13 CENA-BE5Y Start on Saba level
14 CJNA-BE5Y Start on Crypts after Saba level
15 CTNA-BE5Y Start on St. Vincent level
16 CYNA-BE5Y Start on the final Skateboard level
17 AACA-CAC4 Cola doesn't restore energy
18 AJCA-CAC4 Cola restores less energy than normal
19 DTCA-CAC4 Cola restores more energy than normal
20 GACA-CAC4 Cola completely restores energy
21 AD8A-AACL Fish don't hurt
22 AX8A-AACL Fish hurt more than normal
23 CD8A-AACL Fish are devastating
24 AC6A-AABG Birds don't hurt
25 BC6A-AABG Birds hurt more than normal
26 CC6A-AABG Birds are devastating
2 R1XA-C6W2 Infinite energy
3 AVHT-AA6W Infinite credits
4 ABPA-GAC8 Each pistol has 0 bullets
5 AKPA-GAC8 Each pistol has 2 bullets
6 AVPA-GAC8 Each pistol has 4 bullets
7 BBPA-GAC8 Each pistol has 8 bullets
8 AW9T-AA4Y Each pistol has infinite bullets
9 ABPA-GADA Each AK-47 has 0 bursts
10 AKPA-GADA Each AK-47 has 2 bursts
11 AVPA-GADA Each AK-47 has 4 bursts
12 A3PA-GADA Each AK-47 has 6 bursts
13 AXAA-AA5N Each AK-47 has infinite bursts
14 ABPA-GADC Each rocket launcher has 0 rockets
15 AKPA-GADC Each rocket launcher has 2 rockets
16 A3PA-GADC Each rocket launcher has 6 rockets
17 BBPA-GADC Each rocket launcher has 8 rockets
18 AXAT-AA3A Each rocket launcher has infinite rockets
19 ACHT-B69T Each object picked up is nothing
20 AGHT-B69T Each object picked up is a knife
21 ALHT-B69T Each object picked up is an iron bar
22 ARHT-B69T Each object picked up is a sword
23 AWHT-B69T Each object picked up is a pistol
24 A0HT-B69T Each object picked up is an AK-47
25 A4HT-B69T Each object picked up is a rocket launcher
26 A8HT-B69T Each object picked up is a whip
27 BCHT-B69T Each object picked up is a grenade
Gunstar Heroes
2 AL4T-AA3A Protection against most hits
3 AAJT-CAFA Protection from falling off screen
4 HX6T-BAKN Vitality-up worth much more
5 BDTT-CAF6 Start with lightning weapon instead of force
6 BXTT-CAF6 Start with chaser weapon
7 CDTT-CAF6 Start with fire weapon
8 8X1T-ACGJ Start stage 1 with 500 vitality instead of
9 691T-AGGJ Start stage 1 with 999 vitality instead of
10 8X1T-ACGL Start stage 2 with 500 vitality instead of
11 691T-AGGL Start stage 2 with 999 vitality instead of
12 8X1T-ACGR Start stage 3 with 500 vitality instead of
13 691T-AGGR Start stage 3 with 999 vitality instead of
14 8X1T-ACG0 Start stage 4 with 500 vitality instead of
15 691T-AGG0 Start stage 4 with 999 vitality instead of
16 8X1T-ACHT Start stage 5 with 500 vitality instead of
17 691T-AGHT Start stage 5 with 999 vitality instead of
18 8X1T-ACHW Start stage 6 with 500 vitality instead of
19 691T-AGHW Start stage 6 with 999 vitality instead of
20 AM2T-AA4N Always have 999 vitality (infinite vitality)
1A RF0T-A60J Pitchers don't get tired
1B RF0T-A60J
2A AKSA-AA3E Infinite innings
3A AL5A-AA6A + AK5T-AA9A Infinite outs
4A AK5T-AA7R Infinite strikes
5A AK5T-AA6A Infinite balls
6A AF5T-AAF8 + AF2T-AADJ Only need 1 strike for a strikeout
7A AK5T-AAF8 + AK2T-AADJ Only need 2 strikes for a strikeout
8A AV5T-AAF8 + AV2T-AADJ Must get 4 strikes for a strikeout
9A AZ5T-AAF8 + AZ2T-AADJ Must get 5 strikes for a strikeout
AGNA-AAAW + AGSA-AAHA Only need 1 ball for a walk
ALNA-AAAW + ALSA-AAHA Only need 2 balls for a walk
ARNA-AAAW + ARSA-AAHA Only need 3 balls for a walk
A0NA-AAAW + A0SA-AAHA Need 5 balls for a walk
14A A35T-AAE2 + A32T-AAEA + A4HT-AABC +
A4NA-AAAW + A4SA-AAHA Need 6 balls for a walk
14B A32T-AAEE + A35T-AAE6 + A4HT-AADJ +
Heavy Nova
1 ATHA-AA3N Infinite energy--player 1
2 ATHA-AA4E Infinite power--player 1
3 ATJT-AA60 Infinite energy--player 2
(or computer in a 1-player game)
4 ATJT-AA7R Infinite power--player 2
(or computer in a 1-player game)
5 AART-ANEA+ AART-ANEG Limit player 2 (or computer in a
1-player game) to power level 6
6 AART-AJEA+ AART-AJEG Limit player 2 (or computer in a
1-player game) power level 4
7 AART-AEEA+ AART-AEEG Limit player 2 (or computer in a
1-player game) to power level 2
8 VA1T-DJTJ+ 2E1T-DCJL Start computer at low energy level
9 B3AT-AA9R Infinite time
10 AFAT-AAHJ+ AFAT-AAHW Run time down at 1/2x normal speed
11 SFAT-BJZW Run time down at 2x normal speed
12 SFAT-BNZW Run time down at 3x normal speed
13 SFAT-BTZW Run time down at 4x normal speed
14 SFAT-BAZW Run time down at 8x normal speed
15 ATET-AA4W Infinite continues
16 BE0T-CACJ 9 continues
17 AE0T-CACJ 1 continue
18 AA0T-CACJ No continues
1 ATZA-AA9R Infinite Hellfire(tm) missiles
2 ATYA-AA4J Infinite lives
3 SEXA-BNTW First power-up item worth more
4 SEXA-BATW First power-up item gives max power
5 AALA-BA9A Start with no missiles instead of 2
6 ATLA-BA9A Start with 4 missiles
7 A2LA-BA9A Start with 6 missiles
8 BALA-BA9A Start with 8 missiles
9 AERA-AABR Start with 1 player instead of 3
10 BARA-AABR Start with 8 players
11 DERA-AABR Start with 25 players
12 GJRA-AABR Start with 50 players
13 NNRA-AABR Start with 99 players
Common codes:
2 JP4T-AE0N All weapons are made immediately
3 DV4T-AA6R Infinite money
4 AJ7A-AA36 Infinite energy
5 B2HA-AA98 Infinite ammunition
6 ATNA-AA32 Infinite stamina against anti-aircraft fire
7 AJLT-AA7W Infinite stamina against bullets
8 BCGT-AA5L Infinite total strength
9 RGFA-A602 Immediate energy recovery
10 NCFA-BE92 Immediate ammunition recovery
11 RGFA-A6ZY Immediate stamina recovery
12 AF0A-AADY Total strength starts at 1
13 NV0A-AADY Total strength starts at 100
14 8V0A-ACDY Total strength starts at 500
15 VB0A-BGDY Total strength starts at 5,000
16 LB0A-AHXY Total strength starts at 50,000
Player 1 codes:
17 AAEA-BA36 Never get money
18 JAEA-BJV6 Get 80 G's per second in 1st battle stage,
200 in stages 2 thru 8
19 JAEA-BNV6 Get 120 G's per second in 1st battle stage,
240 in stages 2 thru 8
20 JAEA-BTV6 Get 160 G's per second in 1st battle stage,
280 in stages 2 thru 8
21 JAEA-BYV6 Get 200 G's per second in 1st battle stage,
320 in stages 2 thru 8
22 JAEA-B2V6 Get 240 G's per second in 1st battle stage,
360 in stages 2 thru 8
23 JAEA-B6V6 Get 280 G's per second in 1st battle stage,
400 in stages 2 thru 8
24 JAEA-BAV6 Get 320 G's per second in 1st battle stage,
440 in stages 2 thru 8
25 AA0T-AAFY Start with no G's
26 NT0T-AAFY Start with 1,000 G's
27 8T0T-ACFY Start with 5,000 G's
28 VA0T-BGFY Start with 50,000 G's
29 CA0T-ARPY Start with 100,000 G's
30 ZA0T-AC7Y Start with 250,000 G's
31 LA0T-AHZY Start with 500,000 G's (maximum)
Player 2 codes:
32 AAEA-BA50 Never get money
33 JAEA-BJX0 Get 80 G's per second in 1st battle stage,
200 in stages 2 thru 8
34 JAEA-BNX0 Get 120 G's per second in 1st battle stage,
240 in stages 2 thru 8
35 JAEA-BTX0 Get 160 G's per second in 1st battle stage,
280 in stages 2 thru 8
36 JAEA-BYX0 Get 200 G's per second in 1st battle stage,
320 in stages 2 thru 8
37 JAEA-B2X0 Get 240 G's per second in 1st battle stage,
360 in stages 2 thru 8
38 JAEA-B6X0 Get 280 G's per second in 1st battle stage,
400 in stages 2 thru 8
39 JAEA-BAX0 Get 320 G's per second in 1st battle stage,
440 in stages 2 thru 8
40 AA1A-AAEA Start with no G's
41 NT1A-AAEA Start with 1,000 G's
42 8T1A-ACEA Start with 5,000 G's
43 VA1A-BGEA Start with 50,000 G's
44 CA1A-ARNA Start with 100,000 G's
45 ZA1A-AC6A Start with 250,000 G's
46 LA1A-AHYA Start with 500,000 G's (maximum)
The Immortal
2 BAVT-CA4N Infinite vitality--most battles
3 RHAT-A600 Infinite fireball shots while you
have fireballs in your inventory
4 AWAT-AA9J Infinite continues
5 BEOT-CAH6 Start with 10 continues instead of 3
6 AAOT-CAH6 Start with 1 continue
7 AYOT-CAH6 Start with 6 continues
8 ABYA-AAGN Start new game with 0 gold
instead of 20
9 GVYA-ACGN Start new game with 520 gold
10 CBYA-ANGN Start new game with 160 gold
11 ABMA-AAGC Slime oil costs nothing instead of
80 or 60 gold
12 AMCA-AA4T Many items are free
13 STVT-DWA8 + AAVT-CABA Destroy most enemies in battle
with one hit
The Incredible Hulk
1. ALVT-8A82 Level select screen appears after you start
2. DVPV-AA9Y Don't take damage as Hulk/Super-Hulk
3. DVRB-AA6W Don't take damage when "Hulked-Out"
4. A4YT-8A46 Don't lose health with time when "Hulked-out"
5. ABDV-AAA6 No lives lost from running out of health
6. ABNB-AAGT No lives lost from falling in water
7. ACYA-8AG2 Infinite transformation capsules
8. AC5A-8AB4 Infinite time to defeat bosses
9. ABRV-AAFN Guns have infinite ammo
10. BKJV-AAE6 Can perform Super Hulk moves at 10%
11. CVJV-AAE6 Can perform Super Hulk moves at 20%
12. D3JV-AAE6 Can perform Super Hulk moves at 30%
13. AJ2V-AA64 Regular gamma capsules don't max out at 70%
(can Hulk-Out)
14. CT3B-AAAJ Capsules add twice as much (Hulk only)
15. D23B-AAAJ Capsules add three time as much (Hulk only)
16. KR4A-8AEN Start 1st life with 75% health
17. KRXA-8AE8 Start all lives but 1st with 75% health
18. PC4A-8AEN Start 1st life with 100% health
19. PCXA-8AE8 Start all lives but 1st with 100% health
20. AG4A-8AEY Start with 1 life
21. AL4A-8AEY Start with 2 lives
22. AW4A-8AEY Start with 4 lives
23. A04A-8AEY Start with 5 lives
24. A84A-8AEY Start with 7 lives
25. BG4A-8AEY Start with 9 lives
Insector X
1 AVZA-AA3G Keep shot power after dying
2 AVZA-AA3N Keep special weapons after dying
3 BVSA-AA2W Infinite stock
4 AVWA-AA2W Infinite credits
5 AAFA-AAFY 1 credits
6 AEFA-AAFY 2 credit
7 AJFA-AAFY 3 credits
8 AYFA-AAFY 6 credits
9 BJFA-AAFY 11 credits
10 CTFA-AAFY 21 credits
11 BJDA-AAD4 + BJBT-AABA Start with 10 stock
12 B6DA-AAD4 + B6BT-AABA Start with 15 stock
13 CTDA-AAD4 + CTBT-AABA Start with 20 stock
14 DEDA-AAD4 + DEBT-AABA Start with 25 stock
15 GJDA-AAD4 + GJBT-AABA Start with 50 stock
16 NTDA-AAD4 + NTBT-AABA Start with 100 stock
17 9JDA-AAD4 + 9JBT-AABA Start with 250 stock
18 8TDA-ACD4 + 8TBT-AABA Start with 500 stock
19 7ADA-AGD4 + 7ABT-AABA Start with 1,000 stock
20 BKZA-AABY Starting speed of 10
21 B7ZA-AABY Starting speed of 15
22 CVZA-AABY Starting speed of 20
23 D3ZA-AABY Starting speed of 30
24 EPZA-AABY Starting speed of 35
25 GKZA-AABY Starting speed of 50
26 SFYT-BNT0 Each P worth 3 (half) shot power
27 SFYT-B2T0 Each P worth 6 (full) shot power
28 SFYT-BJT0 Each P worth 2 & each PP worth
3 shot power
29 SFYA-B218 Each PP worth 6 (full) shot power
2 AHAA-AAEE Start with 2 lives
3 AMAA-AAEE Start with 3 lives
4 AXAA-AAEE Start with 5 lives
5 A1AA-AAEE Start with 6 lives
6 A9AA-AAEE Start with 8 lives
7 BMAA-AAEE Start with 11 lives
8 WCPA-GCA8 Start with 400 ammo
9 8WPA-GCA8 Start with 500 ammo
10 MCPA-GEA8 Start with 600 ammo
11 1WPA-GEA8 Start with 700 ammo
12 ECPA-GGA8 Start with 800 ammo
13 TWPA-GGA8 Start with 900 ammo
14 7CPA-GGA8 Start with 1000 ammo
15 FC1A-GAAG Start with 40 chaff
16 GL1A-GAAG Start with 50 chaff
17 HW1A-GAAG Start with 60 chaff
18 J41A-GAAG Start with 70 chaff
19 LC1A-GAAG Start with 80 chaff
20 ML1A-GAAG Start with 90 chaff
21 NW1A-GAAG Start with 100 chaff
22 1B7T-BLYW Fuel burns 2x faster than normal
23 1B7T-BRYW Fuel burns 4x faster than normal
24 1B7T-BGZA Afterburner fuel consumption 2x normal
25 1B7T-BLZA Afterburner fuel consumption 3x normal
26 1B7T-BWZA Afterburner fuel consumption 5x normal
27 1B7T-B0ZA Afterburner fuel consumption 6x normal
The Faery Tale Adventure
2 ABTT-AAD0 Julian starts with 0 coins instead of 20
3 NVTT-AAD0 Julian starts with 100 coins
4 8VTT-ACD0 Julian starts with 500 coins
5 67TT-AGD0 Julian starts with 999 coins
6 ABTT-AADT Julian starts with 0 kindness points instead of 15
7 GKTT-AADT Julian starts with 50 kindness points
8 NPTT-AADT Julian starts with 99 kindness points
9 ABTT-AADL Julian starts with 0 luck points instead of 20
10 GKTT-AADL Julian starts with 50 luck points
11 NPTT-AADL Julian starts with 99 luck points
12 ABTT-AADE Julian starts with 0 bravery points instead of 35
13 GKTT-AADE Julian starts with 50 bravery points
14 NVTT-AADE Julian starts with 100 bravery points
15 FVTT-ACDE Julian starts with 300 bravery points
16 8VTT-ACDE Julian starts with 500 bravery points
17 A2DA-CA38 All items are free even though the price still
shows on screen
18 AJYT-AA9E Swim without losing vitality points
19 GKVT-BA8R Julian, Phillip, and Kevin start with 50
vitality points
20 NVVT-BA8R Julian, Phillip, and Kevin start with 100
vitality points
21 FVTT-ACEC Phillip starts with 300 bravery points instead of 20
22 NPTT-AAEJ Phillip starts with 99 luck points instead of 35
23 NPTT-AAER Phillip starts with 99 kindness points instead of 15
24 NVTT-AAEY Phillip starts with 100 coins instead of 15
25 FVTT-ACFE Kevin starts with 300 bravery points instead of 15
26 NPTT-AAFL Kevin starts with 99 luck points instead of 20
27 NPTT-AAFT Kevin starts with 99 kindness points instead of 35
28 NVTT-AAF0 Kevin starts with 100 coins instead of 10
1 RFVA-A6WT Infinite small spells
2 RFVA-A6VJ Infinite large spells
3 ATVA-AA78 Infinite lives
4 RFRT-A6XR Infinite strength against obstacles
5 JBRT-AEYW Infinite strength under water
Fatal Fury 2
1 ATTT-CA4Y Infinite credits
2 AG3A-AAD2 Player 1's health starts at 1% in 1P and VS
3 DC3A-AAD2 Player 1's health starts at 25% in 1P and VS
4 GC3A-AAD2 Player 1's health starts at 50% in 1P and VS
5 KC3A-AAD2 Player 1's health starts at 75% in 1P and VS
6 S83A-AAD2 Player 1's health starts at 132% in 1P and VS
games-ignore energy bar
7 AG3A-AAEJ Player 2's health starts at 1% in 1P and VS
8 DC3A-AAEJ Player 2's health starts at 25% in 1P and VS
9 GC3A-AAEJ Player 2's health starts at 50% in 1P and VS
10 KC3A-AAEJ Player 2's health starts at 75% in 1P and VS
11 S83A-AAEJ Player 2's health starts at 132% in 1P and VS
12 AG3A-AABL + AG2T-AAGN Player 1's health starts at 1% in
Survival games
13 DC3A-AABL + DC2T-AAGN Player 1's health starts at 25% in
Survival games
14 GC3A-AABL + GC2T-AAGN Player 1's health starts at 50% in
Survival games
15 KC3A-AABL + KC2T-AAGN Player 1's health starts at 75% in
Survival games
16 S83A-AABL + S82T-AAGN Player 1's health starts at 132%
in Survival games-ignore energy bar
17 AG3A-AACY + AG2T-AAG6 Player 2's health starts at 1% in
Survival games
18 DC3A-AACY + DC2T-AAG6 Player 2's health starts at 25% in
Survival games
19 GC3A-AACY + GC2T-AAG6 Player 2's health starts at 50% in
Survival games
20 KC3A-AACY + KC2T-AAG6 Player 2's health starts at 75% in
Survival games
21 S83A-AACY + S82T-AAG6 Player 2's health starts at 132%
in Survival games
22 AG3A-AAGA Player 1 needs 1 victory for a win in 1P
23 AR3A-AAGA Player 1 needs 3 victories for a win in 1P
24 AW3A-AAGA Player 1 needs 4 victories for a win in 1P
25 A03A-AAGA Player 1 needs 5 victories for a win in 1P
26 AG3A-AAGE Player 2 needs 1 victories for a win in 1P
27 AR3A-AAGE Player 2 needs 3 victories for a win in 1P
28 AW3A-AAGE Player 2 needs 4 victories for a win in 1P
29 A03A-AAGE Player 2 needs 5 victories for a win in 1P
Fatal Fury
1 ADJT-CEYN All hits are nothing
2 AHJT-DA6N All hits are very weak
3 A1JT-DA6N All hits are weak
4 BMJT-DA6N All hits are average
5 CMJT-DA6N All hits are strong
6 EDJT-DA6N All hits are very strong
7 S5JT-DA6N All hits are lethal
8 ACVA-AAAA Infinite time to fight
9 AXBA-AA3C Infinite credits
10 S8AT-AABT + S8AT-AACA Initial health for you at 144% (maximum)
11 J4AT-AABT + J4AT-AACA Initial health for you at 80%
12 G0AT-AABT + G0AT-AACA Initial health for you at 60%
13 ERAT-AABT + ERAT-AACA Initial health for you at 40%
14 CLAT-AABT + CLAT-AACA Initial health for you at 20%
15 AGAT-AABT + AGAT-AACA Initial health for you at 1%
16 S8AT-AAB2 + S8AT-AACJ Initial health for opponent at 144% (maximum)
17 J4AT-AAB2 + J4AT-AACJ Initial health for opponent at 80%
18 G0AT-AAB2 + G0AT-AACJ Initial health for opponent at 60%
19 ERAT-AAB2 + ERAT-AACJ Initial health for opponent at 40%
20 CLAT-AAB2 + CLAT-AACJ Initial health for opponent at 20%
21 AGAT-AAB2 + AGAT-AACJ Initial health for opponent at 1%
22 AGGT-AAHY 1 globe required for you to win match
23 ARGT-AAHY 3 globes required for you to win match
24 A0GT-AAHY 5 globes required for you to win match
25 BLGT-AAHY 10 globes required for you to win match
26 CWGT-AAHY 20 globes required for you to win match
27 GLGT-AAHY 50 globes required for you to win match
28 AGGT-AAH2 1 globe required for opponent to win match
29 ARGT-AAH2 3 globes required for opponent to win match
30 A0GT-AAH2 5 globes required for opponent to win match
31 BLGT-AAH2 10 globes required for opponent to win match
32 CWGT-AAH2 20 globes required for opponent towin match
33 GLGT-AAH2 50 globes required for opponent towin match
Fatal Labyrinth
2 CBFA-AAER + CBFA-AAET Start with 10/10 hit points
instead of 50/50
3 ABFA-ACER + ABFA-ACET Start with 100/100 hit points
4 ABFA-ALER + ABFA-ALET Start with 500/500 hit points
5 ABFA-BAER + ABFA-BAET Start with 1,000/1,000 hit points
6 ABFA-ALNR + ABFA-ALNT Start with 2,500/2,500 hit points
7 ABFA-BAYR + ABFA-BAYT Start with 5,000/5,000 hit points
8 C4NT-AA5N Almost infinite hit points
9 AV2A-B22T Restore hit points 4x as fast
10 BB2A-B22T Restore hit points 8x as fast
11 CV2A-B22T Restore hit points 20x as fast
12 AKFA-AAE0 Start with 2 food instead of 10
13 EBFA-AAE0 Start with 20 food
14 LBFA-AAE0 Start with 50 food
15 XFFA-AAE0 Start with 99 food
16 BDBA-BA6T Most armor items worth 6 to 8
armor points instead of 1 or 2
17 CXBA-BA6T Most armor items worth 12 to 16
armor points
18 AF3T-BJ3C Each food item worth 10 instead of 30
19 AZ3T-BJ3C Each food item worth 40
20 AB2A-AAEE Never need food for exploring
21 AK2A-AAEE Use up food twice as fast
22 BK3T-AAD6 Each gold item worth 10 instead of 30
23 HV3T-AAD6 Each gold item worth 60
24 BKJA-AA9A Kill most enemies with one blow!
Fifa International Soccer
2 GBVA-DJZY Each goal worth 2--both players
3 GBVA-DNZY Each goal worth 3--both players
4 GBVA-DYZY Each goal worth 5--both players
5 GBVA-DAZY Each goal worth 8--both players
6 PYNA-DEYJ Player 1 starts each game with 2 more pts.
7 PYNA-DNYJ Player 1 starts each game with 6 more pts.
8 PYNA-DYYJ Player 1 starts each game with 10 more pts.
9 PYNA-DAYJ Player 1 starts each game with 16 more pts.
Fire Shark
1 9TEA-BGKC + AYEA-AABE Start with 5 lives
2 9TEA-BGKC + A2EA-AABE Start with 6 lives
3 9TEA-BGKC + A6EA-AABE Start with 7 lives
4 9TEA-BGKC + BAEA-AABE Start with 8 lives
5 9TEA-BGKC + BEEA-AABE Start with 9 lives
6 ATEA-AA5J Infinite lives
7 AFMT-AAEC Start with 1 bomb
8 AZMT-AAEC Start with 5 bombs
9 A7MT-AAEC Start with 7 bombs
10 BFMT-AAEC Start with 9 bombs
11 AFMT-AACC Start with 1 bomb after losing a life
12 AZMT-AACC Start with 5 bombs after losing a life
13 A7MT-AACC Start with 7 bombs after losing a life
14 BFMT-AACC Start with 9 bombs after losing a life
15 AK8T-AA4L Infinite bombs
16 ANEA-BE2A Start with 4 credits
17 A6EA-BE2A Start with 8 credits
18 BEEA-BE2A Start with 10 credits
19 DEEA-BE2A Start with 26 credits
20 GJEA-BE2A Start with 51 credits
21 NNEA-BE2A Start with 100 credits
22 ATFA-AA3R Infinite credits
23 LCGA-BNWY Each power-up item is worth 3x normal
24 BBMT-AACA Keep regular weapon upgrade
1 AJ2T-AA3C Never lose a shield when shot--MAY MAKE
2 AT2T-AA44 Protection from some falls--SOME FALLS
3 AM2A-WAH4 Start with 1 shield
4 AS2A-WAH4 Start with 2 shields
5 AX2A-WAH4 Start with 3 shields
6 A52A-WAH4 Start with 5 shields
7 BS2A-WAH4 Start with 10 shields
8 C12A-WAH4 Start with 20 shields
9 GS2A-WAH4 Start with 50 shields
10 N12A-WAH4 Start with 100 shields
11 GM6T-WAA4 Start with 50 credits
12 NX6T-WAA4 Start with 100 credits
13 HV9T-BELR + NV9T-AACT Credit packs worth 100 credits
14 HV9T-BELR + 7B9T-AGCT Credit packs worth 1,000 credits
15 HV9T-BELR + CB9T-ARLT Credit packs worth 10,000 credits
16 RGBT-A6T4 Always have enough money to buy
17 RGBT-A6XN Don't need to charge magnetic cartridge
2 AETA-CAAJ Start with 1 life
3 AJTA-CAAJ Start with 2 lives
4 ATTA-CAAJ Start with 4 lives
5 AYTA-CAAJ Start with 5 lives
6 BJTA-CAAJ Start with 10 lives
7 B6TA-CAAJ Start with 15 lives
8 CTTA-CAAJ Start with 20 lives
9 AVCA-CA30 Infinite lives
10 AABT-AAFE Hi score starts at 0, not 100,000
11 AJTA-CEAR Start on round 2
12 ANTA-CGAR Start on round 3
13 ATTA-CJAR Start on round 4
14 AYTA-CLAR Start on round 5
15 A2TA-CNAR Start on round 6
16 A6TA-CRAR Start on round 7
17 BATA-CTAR Start on round 8
18 BETA-CWAR Start on round 9
Forgotten Worlds
1 CTWA-CAFC Player 1 starts at half strength
2 CTWT-CAAR Player 2 starts at half strength
3 AAWA-CAFT Player 1 starts with 0 Zenny instead
of 2,500
4 AAWA-DL7T Player 1 starts with 7,500 Zenny
5 ANWA-CAFR Player 1 starts with 32,500 Zenny
6 AAWT-CABC Player 2 starts with 0 Zenny instead
of 2,500
7 AAWT-DL3C Player 2 starts with 7,500 Zenny
8 ANWT-CABA Player 2 starts with 32,500 Zenny
9 AD8T-AEE2 Tiny coin is worth 200 Zenny instead
of 100
10 AD8T-BAE2 Tiny coin is worth 1,000 Zenny
11 AD8T-AEE6 Regular coin is worth 200 Zenny
instead of 500
12 AD8T-BAY6 Regular coin is worth 5,000 Zenny
13 AD8T-ALFA Large coin is worth 500 Zenny
instead of 1,000
14 AH8T-AAE8 Large coin is worth 11,000 Zenny
15 AM8T-AAFC Huge coin is worth 20,000 Zenny
instead of 10,000
16 A18T-AAFC Huge coin is worth 50,000 Zenny
17 CD8T-BE6J + TH8T-AD6L All coins are worth 1,000 Zenny
18 R18T-BE6J + TH8T-AD6L All coins are worth 7,500 Zenny
19 ATGA-CA2W Enemy attacks do not reduce strength
20 AVCA-CA60 Getting trapped by obstacles does not
reduce strength
21 BM8T-BJ9L POW prize gives less strength
22 FD8T-BJ9L POW prize gives more strength
23 AX8T-BJ9W Drum prize gives less strength
24 CX8T-BJ9W Drum prize gives more strength
25 2M8A-CAFA Paramecium is harder to kill
26 2D8A-CAFA Paramecium is easier to kill
27 2D8A-CAFA + AM8A-CAPC Paramecium is much easier to kill
28 AJPT-CACR Machinery Room leads to Wasteland
instead of Doomed Harbor
29 ANPT-CACR Machinery Room leads to
Stone Corridors
30 ATPT-CACR Machinery Room leads to Inner
31 A2PT-CACR Machinery Room leads to Miasma
32 BAPT-CACR Machinery Room leads to
Tower of Dread
Formula One
1 AA9T-6A8A Pit crew time is 0
2 JA9T-7EZ4 Pit crew time is 2x normal
3 JA9T-7TZ4 Pit crew time is 1/2x normal
4 JA9T-7AZ4 Pit crew time is 1/4x normal
5 AJ5A-6A2N Tires don't wear out from normal driving
6 ABBT-6AD0 Tires don't wear out from bumping some cars
or some rough driving
7 ABBA-6ACC Tires don't wear out from bumping other cars
or other rough driving
8 ABAT-6ADR Tires don't wear out from hitting some trees,
signs, etc.
9 ABBA-6AF8 Tires don't wear out from hitting other trees,
signs, etc.
10 ABKT-6EG4 + AA9T-6ECA Tires last 1/4x long as normal
11 ABKT-6JG4 + AA9T-6JCA Tires last 1/2x long as normal
12 ABKT-7AG4 + AA9T-7ACA Tires last 2x long as normal
13 ABKT-7TG4 + AA9T-7TCA Tires last 3x long as normal
14 AT5A-6A4J No warning to pit when tires are worn
15 AJ2A-6A5L Each race is 1 lap
16 AJ2A-6A48 Each race is infinite laps (lap never counts
17 AYRT-6AB0 + AYRT-6AB6 Highest gear with manual
transmission is 5th
18 ATRT-6AB0 + ATRT-6AB6 Highest gear with manual
transmission is 4th
19 ANRT-6AB0 + ANRT-6AB6 Highest gear with manual
transmission is 3rd
20 AJRT-6AB0 + AJRT-6AB6 Highest gear with manual
transmission is 2nd
21 AERT-6AB0 + AERT-6AB6 Highest gear with manual
transmission is 1st
1 AECT-AAE6 Start with 2 ships
2 AJCT-AAE6 Start with 3 ships
3 A6CT-AAE6 Start with 8 ships
4 BECT-AAE6 Start with 10 ships
5 AJEA-AA20 Infinite ships
6 AECT-AAFC Start with 1 credit instead of 5
7 ANCT-AAFC Start with 3 credits
8 A6CT-AAFC Start with 7 credits
9 BECT-AAFC Start with 9 credits
10 A2ET-AA98 Infinite credits
11 AJEA-AA6J Don't lose weapon type when you lose a ship
12 DAEA-AA58 Don't lose weapon type or power level when
you lose a ship
13 AK4A-AA6N Break defender lasts forever
14 RECT-A60A+9TCT-BCRC+AJCT-ACGE Start with P-cannon
15 RECT-A60A+9TCT-BCRC+AJCT-AEGE Start with G-beam
16 RECT-A60A+9TCT-BCRC+AJCT-AGGE Start with S-laser
17 RECT-A60A+9TCT-BCRC+AJCT-AJGE Start with T-missile
18 RECT-A60A+9TCT-BCRC+AJCT-ALGE Start with H-laser
19 RECT-A60A+9TCT-BCRC+AJCT-ANGE Start with V-laser
20 RECT-A60A+9TCT-BCRC+AJCT-ARGE Start with R-collider
21 RECT-A60A+9TCT-BCRC+AJCT-ATGE Start with E-smash
28 AJCT-AA8T Combine with Codes 14 thru 27 to start that
weapon with max power
Gain Ground
1 D3GA-AAE2 30 seconds to complete round
2 HVGA-AAE2 1 minute to complete round
3 MKGA-AAE2 1 minute 30 seconds to
complete round
4 SBGA-AAE2 2 minutes to complete round
5 0VGA-AAE2 3 minutes to complete round
6 8BGA-AAE2 4 minutes to complete round
7 97GA-AAE2 4 minutes, 15 seconds to
complete round
8 AVGA-AA8E Infinite time to complete round
9 AK9T-AA5E Must get everybody to the exit to
complete round
10 SB9T-BLXE Each dead enemy counts as 2
11 SB9T-BRXE Each dead enemy counts as 3
12 SB9T-BWXE Each dead enemy counts as 4
13 SB9T-B0XE Each dead enemy counts as 5
14 SB9T-B4XE Each dead enemy counts as 6
15 SB9T-B8XE Each dead enemy counts as 7
16 SB9T-BCXE Each dead enemy counts as 8
17 SAYT-BJVE + SAYT-BJVJ Play every other stage (1, 3, 5, 7 . . .)
18 SAYT-BNVE + SAYT-BNVJ Play every 3rd stage
19 SAYT-BTVE + SAYT-BTVJ Play every 4th stage
20 SAYT-BYVE + SAYT-BYVJ Play every 5th stage
21 SAYT-B2VE + SAYT-B2VJ Play every 6th stage
22 SAYT-B6VE + SAYT-B6VJ Play every 7th stage
23 SAYT-BAVE + SAYT-BAVJ Play every 8th stage
Garfield: Caught in the Act
1. A02A-EAD4 Start with 5 shots
2. KR2A-EAD4 Start with 50 shots
3. NR2A-EAD4 Start with 99 shots
4. RHCA-E6Y2 + RHCA-E6Y4 Infinite ammo when standing
5. AA6A-CAGY + AA6A-CAHA Can't collect any ammo
6. RHYT-E61T + RHYT-E61W Infinite lives
7. AA5A-CAD4 Can't collect any energy
8. ADZT-EACC + RGZA-A6YJ + RGZA A6YL Don't lose energy
9. AG2A-EADC Start with very little energy energy
10. A02A-EADC Start with half energy
11. BC2A-EADC Start with about 3/4 energy
12. RHDT-A6T8 + RHDT-A6VA 1 hit and you're invincible
Gauntlet 4
1 BBKT-AA8T Invincible!
2 RFKT-A6VA Don't lose health from time passing
3 NPBA-FA9C + NPBA-EAG8 Select up to 99 credits per player
4 1BYA-E0GE Maximum health per coin in 3,000
5 VBYA-FGGE Maximum health per coin in 5,000
6 CBYA-ERRE Maximum health per coin in 10,000
7 BJGA-AAD0 + BJGA-AADE Start Arcade mode on Level 10
8 CTGA-AAD0 + CTGA-AADE Start Arcade mode on Level 20
9 GJGA-AAD0 + GJGA-AADE Start Arcade mode on Level 50
10 NTGA-AAD0 + NTGA-AADE Start Arcade mode on Level 100
11 AKXT-AA66 + RFXT-A6X4 Infinite keys on pick-up--can
switch on/off
12 RFXT-A6X4 You can open doors without a key
13 AKGT-AA5W Infinite potions on pick-up--can switch
14 AKGT-AA3G + AKGT-AASW You can use a potion even if you
don't have one
15 PB4T-ACAY Temporary invisibility lasts 1/3x normal
16 DV4T-AEAY Temporary invisibility lasts 1/2x normal
17 RB4T-ATAY Temporary invisibility lasts 2x normal
18 ZB4T-A2AY Temporary invisibility lasts 3x normal
19 REFA-E6YL Temporary invisibility lasts forever
20 AJDA-CA5Y + AJCT-CA84 Set attributes to anything you
want in Camp
21 AM9T-AA58 All items that you can afford are free
22 B59A-AA86 All items are free
23 H6BA-CACA Start with heal drink, warp wing and all rings
from vendors
24 AJ2A-CA54 Don't lose heal drink when used
25 AJ2A-CA8C Don't lose warp wing when used
1 BWST-AA54 Protection from most damage
2 96CT-BTAR Start with 24 life bar ticks instead of 16
3 96CT-A2AR Start with 12 life bar ticks
4 96CT-ATAR Start with 8 life bar ticks
5 96CT-AJAR Start with 4 life bar ticks
6 ATCT-AAAG Start with 5 rounds
7 AYCT-AAAG Start with 6 rounds
8 A2CT-AAAG Start with 7 rounds
9 A6CT-AAAG Start with 8 rounds
10 BACT-AAAG Start with 9 rounds
11 BECT-AAAG Start with 10 rounds
12 96CT-BYA0 Start with 26 energy bar ticks
13 96CT-A2A0 Start with 12 energy bar ticks
14 96CT-AJA0 Start with only 4 energy bar ticks
15 ACTT-ACH6 $10 ghosts worth $100
16 ACTT-BAH6 $10 ghosts worth $1,000
17 ACTT-BAS6 $10 ghosts worth $3,000
18 ACTT-AEH8 $20 ghosts worth $200
19 ACTT-AAS8 $20 ghosts worth $2,000
20 ACTT-BA18 $20 ghosts worth $5,000
21 ACVA-AGAA $30 ghosts worth $300
22 ACVA-BAJA $30 ghosts worth $3,000
23 ACVA-BATA $30 ghosts worth $5,000
24 ACVA-ALAC $50 ghosts worth $500
25 ACVA-BATC $50 ghosts worth $5,000
26 AV0T-AA4C Infinite bombs
27 NNCT-AABN Start with 99 bombs
28 CJCT-AABN Start with 18 bombs
29 EYCT-AABN Start with 37 bombs
30 AACT-AABN Start with 0 bombs
Ghouls 'N Ghosts
2 A3WT-AA6G Infinite lives
3 9TZA-ABZY + BJZA-AAF0 Each point worth 10
4 9TEA-BCKL + TTEA-B93R + AEEA-AABN Start on floating island
5 9TEA-BCKL + TTEA-B93R + AAEA-ACBN Start in windmall village
6 9TEA-BCKL + TTEA-B93R + AEEA-ACBN Start in town of fire
7 9TEA-BCKL + TTEA-B93R + AAEA-AEBN Start in Baron Rankle's tower
8 9TEA-BCKL + TTEA-B93R + AEEA-AEBN Start in horrible faced mountains
9 9TEA-BCKL + TTEA-B93R + AAEA-AGBN Start in crystal forest
10 9TEA-BCKL + TTEA-B93R + AEEA-AGBN Start on ice slides and giant hands
11 9TEA-BCKL + TTEA-B93R + AAEA-AJBN Start on dragons and demons
12 9TEA-BCKL + TTEA-B93R + AEEA-AJBN Start on base of morningstar ladder
13 9TEA-BCKL + TTEA-B93R + AAEA-ALBN Start on Prince of Darkness
14 AF3T-AAFY Instant charge on magic
Golden Axe
1 BB1A-AA78 Infinite hit points
2 RF8A-A6W6 Infinite magic
3 FGYT-BJVY Each magic pot worth 2
4 FGYT-BNVY Each magic pot worth 3
5 KB8T-AA46 Infinite lives
6 AJVT-AA2T Infinite credits
7 AJ7T-BA28 Start with 2 credits instead of 4
8 A27T-BA28 Start with 6 credits
9 BA7T-BA28 Start with 8 credits
10 ABBA-ACC4 Start with 1 life instead of 3--1st credit
11 ABBA-ALC4 Start with 5 lives--1st credit only
12 ABBA-ARC4 Start with 7 lives--1st credit only
13 ABBA-AWC4 Start with 9 lives--1st credit only
14 AAVT-ACBR Continue with 1 life instead of 3
15 AAVT-ALBR Continue with 5 lives
16 AAVT-ARBR Continue with 7 lives
17 AAVT-AWBR Continue with 9 lives
18 ABBA-AEDA Start with 2 magic pots instead of 1
19 ABBA-AJDA Start with 4 magic pots
20 SA8A-BET2 Start on stage 2
21 SA8A-BJT2 Start on stage 3
22 SA8A-BNT2 Start on stage 4
23 SA8A-BTT2 Start on stage 5
24 SA8A-BYT2 Start on stage 6
25 SA8A-B2T2 Start on stage 7
26 SA8A-B6T2 Start on stage 8
Golden Axe 2
1 AEBT-AADN Player 1 starts with 1 life
2 AJBT-AADN Player 1 starts with 2 lives
3 AYBT-AADN Player 1 starts with 5 lives
4 A6BT-AADN Player 1 starts with 7 lives
5 BEBT-AADN Player 1 starts with 9 lives
6 AEBT-AAE2 Player 2 starts with 1 life
7 AJBT-AAE2 Player 2 starts with 2 lives
8 AYBT-AAE2 Player 2 starts with 5 lives
9 A6BT-AAE2 Player 2 starts with 7 lives
10 BEBT-AAE2 Player 2 starts with 9 lives
11 AGXA-AADR Both players continue with 1 life
12 ALXA-AADR Both players continue with 2 lives
13 A0XA-AADR Both players continue with 5 lives
14 A8XA-AADR Both players continue with 7 lives
15 BGXA-AADR Both players continue with 9 lives
16 BTJA-AA48 Infinite lives--both players
17 FEPA-BJYA Each magic book is worth 2
18 FEPA-BNYA Each magic book is worth 3
Greatest Heavyweight
1 BJ6A-ACD6 Rounds are 1 minute
2 BJ6A-AED6 Rounds are 2 minutes
3 BJ6A-AJD6 Rounds are 4 minutes
4 BJ6A-AND6 Rounds are 6 minutes
5 BJ6A-AWD6 Rounds are 9 minutes
6 CTXT-AA46 Rounds are infinitely long--must win by
7 AJ4T-AA2A Infinite rounds, must win by knockout
8 RH7A-A6YA Set attributes to whatever you want when
creating a new boxer
9 RH9A-A6TE Attributes aren't reduced after a fight
10 RH9T-A6VN + BM9T-AA9W Pick as many training items as
you want
Greendog the Beached Surfer Dude
1 ATNT-AA4E Infinite lives
2 AYPA-AADE Start with 6 lives
3 A2PA-AADE Start with 7 lives
4 BEPA-AADE Start with 10 lives
5 ABYA-CAAN Spikes don't hurt
6 AYNA-BE5Y Start on Ancient Aztec Crypts level
7 A6NA-BE5Y Start on Mustique level
8 BJNA-BE5Y Start on Curacao level
9 BNNA-BE5Y Start on Underwater Crypts of Curacao level
10 BYNA-BE5Y Start on Skateboard level 1
11 B2NA-BE5Y Start on Jamaica level
12 B6NA-BE5Y Start on Skateboard level 2
13 CENA-BE5Y Start on Saba level
14 CJNA-BE5Y Start on Crypts after Saba level
15 CTNA-BE5Y Start on St. Vincent level
16 CYNA-BE5Y Start on the final Skateboard level
17 AACA-CAC4 Cola doesn't restore energy
18 AJCA-CAC4 Cola restores less energy than normal
19 DTCA-CAC4 Cola restores more energy than normal
20 GACA-CAC4 Cola completely restores energy
21 AD8A-AACL Fish don't hurt
22 AX8A-AACL Fish hurt more than normal
23 CD8A-AACL Fish are devastating
24 AC6A-AABG Birds don't hurt
25 BC6A-AABG Birds hurt more than normal
26 CC6A-AABG Birds are devastating
2 R1XA-C6W2 Infinite energy
3 AVHT-AA6W Infinite credits
4 ABPA-GAC8 Each pistol has 0 bullets
5 AKPA-GAC8 Each pistol has 2 bullets
6 AVPA-GAC8 Each pistol has 4 bullets
7 BBPA-GAC8 Each pistol has 8 bullets
8 AW9T-AA4Y Each pistol has infinite bullets
9 ABPA-GADA Each AK-47 has 0 bursts
10 AKPA-GADA Each AK-47 has 2 bursts
11 AVPA-GADA Each AK-47 has 4 bursts
12 A3PA-GADA Each AK-47 has 6 bursts
13 AXAA-AA5N Each AK-47 has infinite bursts
14 ABPA-GADC Each rocket launcher has 0 rockets
15 AKPA-GADC Each rocket launcher has 2 rockets
16 A3PA-GADC Each rocket launcher has 6 rockets
17 BBPA-GADC Each rocket launcher has 8 rockets
18 AXAT-AA3A Each rocket launcher has infinite rockets
19 ACHT-B69T Each object picked up is nothing
20 AGHT-B69T Each object picked up is a knife
21 ALHT-B69T Each object picked up is an iron bar
22 ARHT-B69T Each object picked up is a sword
23 AWHT-B69T Each object picked up is a pistol
24 A0HT-B69T Each object picked up is an AK-47
25 A4HT-B69T Each object picked up is a rocket launcher
26 A8HT-B69T Each object picked up is a whip
27 BCHT-B69T Each object picked up is a grenade
Gunstar Heroes
2 AL4T-AA3A Protection against most hits
3 AAJT-CAFA Protection from falling off screen
4 HX6T-BAKN Vitality-up worth much more
5 BDTT-CAF6 Start with lightning weapon instead of force
6 BXTT-CAF6 Start with chaser weapon
7 CDTT-CAF6 Start with fire weapon
8 8X1T-ACGJ Start stage 1 with 500 vitality instead of
9 691T-AGGJ Start stage 1 with 999 vitality instead of
10 8X1T-ACGL Start stage 2 with 500 vitality instead of
11 691T-AGGL Start stage 2 with 999 vitality instead of
12 8X1T-ACGR Start stage 3 with 500 vitality instead of
13 691T-AGGR Start stage 3 with 999 vitality instead of
14 8X1T-ACG0 Start stage 4 with 500 vitality instead of
15 691T-AGG0 Start stage 4 with 999 vitality instead of
16 8X1T-ACHT Start stage 5 with 500 vitality instead of
17 691T-AGHT Start stage 5 with 999 vitality instead of
18 8X1T-ACHW Start stage 6 with 500 vitality instead of
19 691T-AGHW Start stage 6 with 999 vitality instead of
20 AM2T-AA4N Always have 999 vitality (infinite vitality)
1A RF0T-A60J Pitchers don't get tired
1B RF0T-A60J
2A AKSA-AA3E Infinite innings
3A AL5A-AA6A + AK5T-AA9A Infinite outs
4A AK5T-AA7R Infinite strikes
5A AK5T-AA6A Infinite balls
6A AF5T-AAF8 + AF2T-AADJ Only need 1 strike for a strikeout
7A AK5T-AAF8 + AK2T-AADJ Only need 2 strikes for a strikeout
8A AV5T-AAF8 + AV2T-AADJ Must get 4 strikes for a strikeout
9A AZ5T-AAF8 + AZ2T-AADJ Must get 5 strikes for a strikeout
AGNA-AAAW + AGSA-AAHA Only need 1 ball for a walk
ALNA-AAAW + ALSA-AAHA Only need 2 balls for a walk
ARNA-AAAW + ARSA-AAHA Only need 3 balls for a walk
A0NA-AAAW + A0SA-AAHA Need 5 balls for a walk
14A A35T-AAE2 + A32T-AAEA + A4HT-AABC +
A4NA-AAAW + A4SA-AAHA Need 6 balls for a walk
14B A32T-AAEE + A35T-AAE6 + A4HT-AADJ +
Heavy Nova
1 ATHA-AA3N Infinite energy--player 1
2 ATHA-AA4E Infinite power--player 1
3 ATJT-AA60 Infinite energy--player 2
(or computer in a 1-player game)
4 ATJT-AA7R Infinite power--player 2
(or computer in a 1-player game)
5 AART-ANEA+ AART-ANEG Limit player 2 (or computer in a
1-player game) to power level 6
6 AART-AJEA+ AART-AJEG Limit player 2 (or computer in a
1-player game) power level 4
7 AART-AEEA+ AART-AEEG Limit player 2 (or computer in a
1-player game) to power level 2
8 VA1T-DJTJ+ 2E1T-DCJL Start computer at low energy level
9 B3AT-AA9R Infinite time
10 AFAT-AAHJ+ AFAT-AAHW Run time down at 1/2x normal speed
11 SFAT-BJZW Run time down at 2x normal speed
12 SFAT-BNZW Run time down at 3x normal speed
13 SFAT-BTZW Run time down at 4x normal speed
14 SFAT-BAZW Run time down at 8x normal speed
15 ATET-AA4W Infinite continues
16 BE0T-CACJ 9 continues
17 AE0T-CACJ 1 continue
18 AA0T-CACJ No continues
1 ATZA-AA9R Infinite Hellfire(tm) missiles
2 ATYA-AA4J Infinite lives
3 SEXA-BNTW First power-up item worth more
4 SEXA-BATW First power-up item gives max power
5 AALA-BA9A Start with no missiles instead of 2
6 ATLA-BA9A Start with 4 missiles
7 A2LA-BA9A Start with 6 missiles
8 BALA-BA9A Start with 8 missiles
9 AERA-AABR Start with 1 player instead of 3
10 BARA-AABR Start with 8 players
11 DERA-AABR Start with 25 players
12 GJRA-AABR Start with 50 players
13 NNRA-AABR Start with 99 players
Common codes:
2 JP4T-AE0N All weapons are made immediately
3 DV4T-AA6R Infinite money
4 AJ7A-AA36 Infinite energy
5 B2HA-AA98 Infinite ammunition
6 ATNA-AA32 Infinite stamina against anti-aircraft fire
7 AJLT-AA7W Infinite stamina against bullets
8 BCGT-AA5L Infinite total strength
9 RGFA-A602 Immediate energy recovery
10 NCFA-BE92 Immediate ammunition recovery
11 RGFA-A6ZY Immediate stamina recovery
12 AF0A-AADY Total strength starts at 1
13 NV0A-AADY Total strength starts at 100
14 8V0A-ACDY Total strength starts at 500
15 VB0A-BGDY Total strength starts at 5,000
16 LB0A-AHXY Total strength starts at 50,000
Player 1 codes:
17 AAEA-BA36 Never get money
18 JAEA-BJV6 Get 80 G's per second in 1st battle stage,
200 in stages 2 thru 8
19 JAEA-BNV6 Get 120 G's per second in 1st battle stage,
240 in stages 2 thru 8
20 JAEA-BTV6 Get 160 G's per second in 1st battle stage,
280 in stages 2 thru 8
21 JAEA-BYV6 Get 200 G's per second in 1st battle stage,
320 in stages 2 thru 8
22 JAEA-B2V6 Get 240 G's per second in 1st battle stage,
360 in stages 2 thru 8
23 JAEA-B6V6 Get 280 G's per second in 1st battle stage,
400 in stages 2 thru 8
24 JAEA-BAV6 Get 320 G's per second in 1st battle stage,
440 in stages 2 thru 8
25 AA0T-AAFY Start with no G's
26 NT0T-AAFY Start with 1,000 G's
27 8T0T-ACFY Start with 5,000 G's
28 VA0T-BGFY Start with 50,000 G's
29 CA0T-ARPY Start with 100,000 G's
30 ZA0T-AC7Y Start with 250,000 G's
31 LA0T-AHZY Start with 500,000 G's (maximum)
Player 2 codes:
32 AAEA-BA50 Never get money
33 JAEA-BJX0 Get 80 G's per second in 1st battle stage,
200 in stages 2 thru 8
34 JAEA-BNX0 Get 120 G's per second in 1st battle stage,
240 in stages 2 thru 8
35 JAEA-BTX0 Get 160 G's per second in 1st battle stage,
280 in stages 2 thru 8
36 JAEA-BYX0 Get 200 G's per second in 1st battle stage,
320 in stages 2 thru 8
37 JAEA-B2X0 Get 240 G's per second in 1st battle stage,
360 in stages 2 thru 8
38 JAEA-B6X0 Get 280 G's per second in 1st battle stage,
400 in stages 2 thru 8
39 JAEA-BAX0 Get 320 G's per second in 1st battle stage,
440 in stages 2 thru 8
40 AA1A-AAEA Start with no G's
41 NT1A-AAEA Start with 1,000 G's
42 8T1A-ACEA Start with 5,000 G's
43 VA1A-BGEA Start with 50,000 G's
44 CA1A-ARNA Start with 100,000 G's
45 ZA1A-AC6A Start with 250,000 G's
46 LA1A-AHYA Start with 500,000 G's (maximum)
The Immortal
2 BAVT-CA4N Infinite vitality--most battles
3 RHAT-A600 Infinite fireball shots while you
have fireballs in your inventory
4 AWAT-AA9J Infinite continues
5 BEOT-CAH6 Start with 10 continues instead of 3
6 AAOT-CAH6 Start with 1 continue
7 AYOT-CAH6 Start with 6 continues
8 ABYA-AAGN Start new game with 0 gold
instead of 20
9 GVYA-ACGN Start new game with 520 gold
10 CBYA-ANGN Start new game with 160 gold
11 ABMA-AAGC Slime oil costs nothing instead of
80 or 60 gold
12 AMCA-AA4T Many items are free
13 STVT-DWA8 + AAVT-CABA Destroy most enemies in battle
with one hit
The Incredible Hulk
1. ALVT-8A82 Level select screen appears after you start
2. DVPV-AA9Y Don't take damage as Hulk/Super-Hulk
3. DVRB-AA6W Don't take damage when "Hulked-Out"
4. A4YT-8A46 Don't lose health with time when "Hulked-out"
5. ABDV-AAA6 No lives lost from running out of health
6. ABNB-AAGT No lives lost from falling in water
7. ACYA-8AG2 Infinite transformation capsules
8. AC5A-8AB4 Infinite time to defeat bosses
9. ABRV-AAFN Guns have infinite ammo
10. BKJV-AAE6 Can perform Super Hulk moves at 10%
11. CVJV-AAE6 Can perform Super Hulk moves at 20%
12. D3JV-AAE6 Can perform Super Hulk moves at 30%
13. AJ2V-AA64 Regular gamma capsules don't max out at 70%
(can Hulk-Out)
14. CT3B-AAAJ Capsules add twice as much (Hulk only)
15. D23B-AAAJ Capsules add three time as much (Hulk only)
16. KR4A-8AEN Start 1st life with 75% health
17. KRXA-8AE8 Start all lives but 1st with 75% health
18. PC4A-8AEN Start 1st life with 100% health
19. PCXA-8AE8 Start all lives but 1st with 100% health
20. AG4A-8AEY Start with 1 life
21. AL4A-8AEY Start with 2 lives
22. AW4A-8AEY Start with 4 lives
23. A04A-8AEY Start with 5 lives
24. A84A-8AEY Start with 7 lives
25. BG4A-8AEY Start with 9 lives
Insector X
1 AVZA-AA3G Keep shot power after dying
2 AVZA-AA3N Keep special weapons after dying
3 BVSA-AA2W Infinite stock
4 AVWA-AA2W Infinite credits
5 AAFA-AAFY 1 credits
6 AEFA-AAFY 2 credit
7 AJFA-AAFY 3 credits
8 AYFA-AAFY 6 credits
9 BJFA-AAFY 11 credits
10 CTFA-AAFY 21 credits
11 BJDA-AAD4 + BJBT-AABA Start with 10 stock
12 B6DA-AAD4 + B6BT-AABA Start with 15 stock
13 CTDA-AAD4 + CTBT-AABA Start with 20 stock
14 DEDA-AAD4 + DEBT-AABA Start with 25 stock
15 GJDA-AAD4 + GJBT-AABA Start with 50 stock
16 NTDA-AAD4 + NTBT-AABA Start with 100 stock
17 9JDA-AAD4 + 9JBT-AABA Start with 250 stock
18 8TDA-ACD4 + 8TBT-AABA Start with 500 stock
19 7ADA-AGD4 + 7ABT-AABA Start with 1,000 stock
20 BKZA-AABY Starting speed of 10
21 B7ZA-AABY Starting speed of 15
22 CVZA-AABY Starting speed of 20
23 D3ZA-AABY Starting speed of 30
24 EPZA-AABY Starting speed of 35
25 GKZA-AABY Starting speed of 50
26 SFYT-BNT0 Each P worth 3 (half) shot power
27 SFYT-B2T0 Each P worth 6 (full) shot power
28 SFYT-BJT0 Each P worth 2 & each PP worth
3 shot power
29 SFYA-B218 Each PP worth 6 (full) shot power
larska- Moyen X
- Messages : 119
Date d'inscription : 10/03/2016
Age : 52
Re: [Tuto] Rom avec code game genie
les codes son pour la super nintendo
Aaahhhhh! Vrais monstres
Énergie infinie C282-04A7
Détritus infinis DD8E-4DD7
Obtenez rien pour chaque sac poubelle DDC8-0FAF
Obtenez 20 pour chaque sac poubelle 4DC8-0FAF
Obtenez 100 pour chaque sac poubelle 88C8-0FAF
Vies infinies DDC0-3FDF
Les alarmes infinies DDAA-1464
1 rien ne vaut rien DDCE-6F6D
1 valeur en valeur 3 D7CE-6F6D
1 valeur en valeur 5 D9CE-6F6D
Commence avec 1 vie DFC7-17FC
Commencez avec 10 vies DBC7-17FC
Commencez avec 50 vies 0BC7-17FC
Commencez avec 0 avertissements spéciaux DD69-37BF
Commencez avec 10 alertes spéciales FD69-37BF
Commencez avec 20 alertes spéciales 4D69-37BF
Les livres de monstres ne valent rien DDCA-AF0D
Les livres de monstres valent 2 D4CA-AF0D
Les livres de monstres valent 10 FDCA-AF0D
La plupart des power-ups de la santé ne valent rien DDCB-A7DD
La plupart des power-ups de la santé en vaut la peine D4CB-A7DD
Séquences presque invincibles en action 2264-6FD4
Commencer avec 1/2 énergie (1er jeu seulement) D081-6DD8
Arrêter le minuteur DD8B-D4D8
Minuterie plus rapide FD86-D4A8
Minuterie plus lente 9D86-D4A8
Mourir avec un coup EE81-6DD8
Commencez avec plus d'énergie 1 FF81-6DD8
Énergie infinie 2 F781-6DD8
Commence avec 86 vies en action Séquences CC62-DF6B
Commence avec 250 points de sort dans les séquences RPG EC85-6D68
Vies infinies DD68-6D6D
Débloquer le mode professionnel DD67-D7AD
MP Infini C9BD-6467
Avoir un sort magique et 24 MP en mode professionnel 3 69C4-AF6C
## C4-A4AC
Points de sort infinis CEA5-6DA3
Sélection de scène en mode professionnel 4 ## CD-A7DC
Tuer des boss avec 2 coups, ennemis avec 1 coup B36D-ADD4
# Remarque
1 Ce code fonctionne dans les deux modes.
2 Ce code fonctionne dans les deux modes et vous devez commencer un nouveau jeu pour obtenir une énergie infinie. Il vous donnera automatiquement une énergie infinie pour le reste du jeu.
3 DF - Boule de feu
D4 - Star Rain
D7 - Boule d' énergie
D0 - Lumière
4 Fonctionne après avoir
rempli la loi de Fillmore 1. D4 - Acte de Bloodpool 1
D7 - Acte de Bloodpool 2
D0 - Acte de Kasandora 1
D9 - Acte de Kasandora 2
D1 - Acte d'Aitos 1
D5 - Acte d'
Aitos 2 D6 - Acte de Marahna 1
DB - Acte de Marahna 2
DC - Northwall Acte 1
D8 - Acte de Northwall 2
DA - Mort Heim
Actraiser 2
Commencez avec 3 vies sur facile D727-4DD1
Commencez avec 10 vies sur facile FD27-4DD1
Commencez avec 50 vies sur facile 9D27-4DD1
Commencez avec 1 vie en mode normal DF27-4D61
Commence avec 5 vies en Normal D927-4D61
Commencez avec 10 vies en Normal FD27-4D61
Commence avec 50 vies en Normal 9D27-4D61
Commencez avec 1 vie en dur DF27-4FD1
Commencez avec 5 vies sur dur D927-4FD1
Commencez avec 10 vies sur dur FD27-4FD1
Commencez avec 50 vies en dur 9D27-4FD1
Vies infinies DD67-4468 Galoob
Commencez avec 2 points de magie sur facile D484-1F66
Commencez avec 7 points de magie sur facile D584-1F66
Commencez avec 9 points de magie sur Easy DB84-1F66
Commencez avec 1 points de magie en mode Normal ou Difficile DF8F-1766
Commencez avec 5 points de magie en mode Normal ou Difficile D98F-1766
Commencez avec 7 points de magie en mode Normal ou Difficile D58F-1766
Commencez avec 9 points de magie en mode Normal ou Difficile DB8F-1766
Points de magie infinis (Doit avoir 1 à lancer) 3C65-CFA8
Commencez avec 1/2 Santé DC8F-1F06
Commencez avec 3/4 Santé DE8F-1F06
Protection contre la plupart des ennemis C2B0-CF07
Protection contre certains dangers au sol C2B2-C7D3
Small Magic Power-Up ajoute 3 au lieu d'1 D7C0-37A7
Small Magic Power-Up Ajoute 5 D9C0-37A7 Galoob
Petite puissance magique ajoute 9 DBC0-37A7
Grande puissance magique ajoute 1 au lieu de 3 DFC9-3407
Grande puissance magique ajoute 5 D9C9-3407
Grande puissance magique ajoute 9 DBC9-3407
Petites Power-Ups santé ajouter 1 au lieu de 2 DFC7-3D67
Petites améliorations de la santé Ajouter 4 D0C7-3D67
Petites améliorations de la santé Ajouter 15 F9C7-3D67
Les petites power-ups de santé guérir complètement F0C7-3D67
Power-Ups moyenne santé Ajouter 2 au lieu de 5 D4C9-3FD7
Pouvoirs de santé moyens Ajouter 8 D6C9-3FD7
Pouvoirs de santé moyens Ajouter 15 F9C9-3FD7
Les Power-Ups de santé moyenne guérissent complètement F0C9-3FD7
Les Power-Ups de grande taille ajoutent 2 au lieu de 10 D4C7-3FA7
Grandes Power-Ups de santé Ajouter 5 D0C7-3FA7
Grandes Power-Ups de santé Ajouter 15 F9C7-3FA7
Les grandes power-ups de santé guérir complètement F0C7-3FA7
Tous les ennemis prennent 1 Hit To Kill DDB3-C764
Temps infini DD33-476F
Valeurs de la famille Addams, le
Vous devez d'abord obtenir l'arme
Roches infinies DD24-3D0F
Marbres bleus infinis DD2C-C7AF
Graines magiques infinies DD22-CF0F
Slime de marais infini DD2E-C4AF
Invincible des ennemis FFBD-C767
Invincible de tout(1) 3C8F-C40D
Commencer un nouveau jeu avec un compteur de crâne complet FA62-3F0D
Commencer un nouveau jeu avec tous les éléments dans l'inventaire (2) EE6C-320D
Cookies infinis 8E2A-1D6D
# Remarque
1 Ce code vous protège contre les ennemis, les pointes et les objets que vous collectez qui diminuent la santé lorsque vous les utilisez.
2 Utilisez ce code avec les mots de passe que vous recevez à partir de maintenant, ou certains éléments seront manquants. Lorsque vous continuez un jeu avec un mot de passe, tous les compteurs d'armes seront à moitié remplis.
Addams Family, The
Commencez avec 1 vie au lieu de 5 DFB8-6F04
Commencez avec 3 vies D7B8-6F04
Commence avec 9 vies DBB8-6F04
Commencez avec 20 vies 4DB8-6F04
Commencez avec 50 vies 9DB8-6F04
Commence avec 99 vies BBB8-6F04
Vies infinies DDA1-A4A7
Invincibilité 3CA7-A467
Chaque $ vaut 5 D9CF-DDAF
Chaque $ vaut 10 FDCF-DDAF
Chaque $ vaut 25 49CF-DDAF
Gomez invisible 3CAD-A4D4
Commencez avec 1 coeur au lieu de 2 DF61-0F0D
Commence avec 3 coeurs D761-0F0D
D761-0F6D Galoob
Commence avec 4 coeurs D061-0F0D
Commence avec 5 coeurs D961-0F0D
Commencez avec et gardez les capacités de vol Fezi-Copter (1) 3CAD-A46D
# Remarque
1 Après avoir vaincu un boss, atterrissez avant que l'écran du mot de passe ne s'affiche. En outre, si vous volez au mauvais endroit, vous pouvez vous faire piéger et devoir réinitialiser.
Aventures de Batman et Robin, Le
Commencez avec 9 vies (pas sur le mode facile) DB86-4FC9
Commencez avec 6 vies (pas sur le mode facile) D186-4FC9
Commencez avec 1 vie (pas en mode facile) DD86-4FC9
Commence avec 9 crédits DB86-4D19
Commence avec 6 crédits D186-4D19
Pas de crédits DD86-4D19
Vies infinies C988-340D
Aucun dommage des ennemis DD8A-4D6D
Ne commencez pas avec des munitions d'étoiles et de pistolets DDB3-376F
Commencez avec 25 étoiles et munitions de pistolet de pulvérisation au début du jeu FBB3-376F
Commencez avec 50 étoiles et munitions de pistolet de pulvérisation au début du jeu 77B3-376F
Ne commencez pas avec des explosifs et des bombes fumigènes DDBE-3F0F
Commence avec 25 explosifs et munitions pour bombes fumigènes FBBE-3F0F
Commence avec 50 explosifs et munitions de bombes fumigènes 77BE-3F0F
Étoiles infinies C9A1-34AF
Munitions à pistolet infini C9A5-34DF
Explosifs infinis en plastique C9AB-3D6F
Bombes à fumée infinies C9A6-3F0F
Obtenez toute l'énergie des coeurs 466B-4494
Saut de lune 4DAF-14DF
Super saut E6C7-34DF
Déplacer plus lentement DD8D-C765
Aller plus vite D08D-C765
Déplacer encore plus rapidement D58D-C765
Moon-Walk E38D-C765
Moon-Walk plus rapide E88D-C765
Moon-Walk encore plus rapide E68D-C765
Aventures du Dr. Franken, The
Temps infini C220-C7A4
Vies infinies C2B9-C4AD
Santé infinie (1) C2BB-4F0F
Boules de puissance infinies 3CB5-14AF
Arme de congélation infinie 3CBB-1F0F
Les Power-Ups de santé vous donnent une barre de santé complète D3A0-1404
# Remarque
1 Note: le code de santé infini désorganise un peu les graphismes. Quand j'aurai plus de temps, je vais bricoler avec.
Aventures de Kid Kleets, The
Temps infini C26A-3709
Santé infinie C2A6-1700
Vies infinies C282-34A1
Aventures de Rocky & Bullwinkle & Friends, The
Chances infinies C28C-1F44
Vies infinies C2CE-CF61
Munitions infinies C2CF-CF01
Ne perds pas de munitions quand tu meurs C2C9-35ED
Santé infinie C2CF-308D
Ne perdez pas les drapeaux collectés lorsque vous mourrez C2C7-C18D
Infinite continue C2E3-47C6
1-Up avec chaque drapeau recueilli DFCA-1761
Aventures de Yogi Bear
Santé infinie C2CD-1404
Vies infinies C269-47DD
Aero Fighters
Vies infinies P1 & P2 8229-37A0
Ne perdez pas les power-ups quand vous mourrez P1 & P2 8229-37D0
Bombes infinies "American F-18" P1 8237-47A1
Bombes infinies "FSX japonais" P1 8237-47A9
Bombes infinies "Suédois AJ-37" P1 8237-1D09
Bombes Infinies "British AV-8" P1 8237-17A9
Bombes infinies "American F-15" P2 823E-3D60
Bombes infinies "Japanese F-15" P2 823A-4D09
Bombes infinies "Suédois JAS-39" P2 8239-1FD9
Bombes infinies "British IDS" P2 823D-C769
Aero The Acro-Bat 2
Tirs infinis DD24-476E
La valeur des étoiles 3 D7C8-17D3
Les étoiles valent 5 D9C8-17D3
Les étoiles valent 7 D5C8-17D3
Énergie presque infinie C287-CFAE
L'icône Double Drill dure 99 secondes BBC2-C463
Double icône de foret vous permet de forer 4 fois au lieu de 2 D0C2-CD03
Double icône de foret vous permet de forer 9 fois au lieu de 2 DBC2-CD03
Peut forer 5 fois en l'air jusqu'à ce que vous récupériez une icône de forage D936-4DF1
Peut forer 9 fois en l'air jusqu'à ce que vous preniez une icône de forage DB36-4DF1
Percer autant de fois que vous voulez sans toucher le sol C26E-4F03
Aller plus vite D468-CDAA
Déplacer encore plus rapidement D768-CDAA
Saute plus haut FD67-3DD2
Super saut en position debout E66E-4F62
Volant icône vaut 99 secondes de temps de vol BBC3-3D63
Commencez chaque vie avec une énergie maximale D939-14F1
Aero Acrobat
Commencez avec plus d'énergie (1) 1A27-4D03
Ne prenez aucun dégât de la plupart des ennemis (vous pouvez toujours mourir de pointes et d'autres dangers) 3CED-3DDC
Temps infini DDEC-146A
Commence avec 19 vies 5D68-4FDD
Vies infinies DD6B-37AF
Infinite continue C26E-3724
Chaque plate-forme Star vaut 4 (au lieu d'une seule) D034-C7AD
# Remarque
1 Ces codes ont seulement été testés sur un émulateur.
Codes Joueur 1, Jeu Sauvegardé 1
Définir l'argent pour ce jeu sauvegardé à moins de 655 350 000 $ (1) DDDF-FEDD
Définir l'argent pour ce jeu enregistré à plus de 327 680 000 $ D9DF-FEDD
Réglez l'argent pour ce jeu enregistré à plus de 5 242 880 000 $ D6DF-FEDD
Définir l'argent pour ce jeu enregistré à plus de 10 485 760 000 $ FDDF-FEDD
Définir l'argent pour ce jeu enregistré à plus de 20 971 520 000 $ 4DDF-FEDD
Définir l'argent pour ce jeu enregistré à plus de 41 943 040 000 $ 0DDF-FEDD
# Remarque
1 Ce qui suit sont des codes à usage unique qui modifient seulement un jeu sauvegardé (vous devez avoir préalablement sauvegardé un jeu). Tous nécessitent le code maître pour fonctionner. Entrez le code maître et l'un des autres codes, chargez votre jeu sauvegardé, puis réenregistrez. Les codes n'ont plus besoin d'être utilisés. Reportez-vous avec d'autres codes et le code clé.
Codes Joueur 2, jeu sauvegardé 1
Définir l'argent pour ce jeu enregistré à moins de 655 350 000 $ DDD9-FEDD
Définir l'argent pour ce jeu enregistré à plus de 327 680 000 $ D9D9-FEDD
Réglez l'argent pour ce jeu enregistré à plus de 5 242 880 000 $ D6D9-FEDD
Définir l'argent pour ce jeu enregistré à plus de 10 485 760 000 $ FDD9-FEDD
Définir l'argent pour ce jeu enregistré à plus de 20 971 520 000 $ 4DD9-FEDD
Définir l'argent pour ce jeu enregistré à plus de 41 943 040 000 $ 0DD9-FEDD
codes de parties
Dans le scénario 1, Tokyo commence avec 649 280 000 $ DDA6-0DFD
Dans le scénario 1, Tokyo commence avec 7 202 880 000 $ D9A6-0DFD
Dans le scénario 1, Beijing commence avec 420 160 000 $ 94A6-0D2D
Dans le scénario 1, Beijing commence avec 7 393 600 000 $ D9A6-0FFD
Dans le scénario 1, Hong Kong commence avec 449 440 000 $ 95A6-0F2D
Dans le scénario 1, Hong Kong commence avec 7 453 600 000 $ D9A6-04FD
Dans le scénario 1, Singapour commence avec 400 640 000 $ 03A6-042D
Dans le scénario 1, Singapour commence avec 7 353 600 000 dollars D9A6-07FD
Dans le scénario 1, Sydney commence avec 297 920 000 $ 7CA6-072D
Dans le scénario 1, Sydney commence avec 7 153 600 000 $ D9AB-0DFD
Dans le scénario 1, Delhi commence avec 317 440 000 $ 73AB-0D2D
Dans le scénario 1, Delhi commence avec 7 193 600 000 $ D9AB-0FFD
Dans le scénario 1, Téhéran commence avec 239 360 000 $ 43AB-0F2D
Dans le scénario 1, Téhéran commence avec 7 033 600 000 $ D9AB-04FD
Dans le scénario 1, le Caire commence avec 249 120 000 $ 7DAB-042D
Dans le scénario 1, le Caire commence avec 7 053 600 000 dollars D9AB-07FD
Dans le scénario 1, Nairobi commence avec 200 320 000 $ 45AB-072D
Dans le scénario 1, Nairobi commence avec 6 953 600 000 $ D9AC-0DFD
Dans le scénario 1, Lagos commence avec 229 600 000 $ 4AAC-0D2D
Dans le scénario 1, Lagos commence avec 7 013 600 000 $ D9AC-0FFD
Dans le scénario 1, Moscou commence avec 289 280 000 $ DDAC-04FD
Dans le scénario 1, Moscou commence avec 6 842 880 000 $ D9AC-04FD
Dans le scénario 1, Londres commence avec 949 280 000 $ DDAC-07FD
Dans le scénario 1, Londres commence avec 7 502 880 000 $ D9AC-07FD
Dans le scénario 1, Paris commence avec 289 280 000 $ DDA8-0DFD
Dans le scénario 1, Paris commence avec 6 842 880 000 $ D9A8-0DFD
Dans le scénario 1, Rome commence avec 371 360 000 $ 06A8-0D2D
Dans le scénario 1, Rome commence avec 7 293 600 000 $ D9A8-0FFD
Dans le scénario 1, New York commence avec 189 280 000 $ DDA8-04FD
Dans le scénario 1, New York commence avec 6 742 880 000 $ D9A8-04FD
Dans le scénario 1, Vancouver commence avec 258 880 000 $ 74A8-042D
Dans le scénario 1, Vancouver commence avec 7 073 600 000 $ D9A8-07FD
Dans le scénario 1, Los Angeles commence avec 649 280 000 $ DDAA-0DFD
Dans le scénario 1, Los Angeles commence avec 7 202 880 000 $ D9AA-0DFD
Dans le scénario 1, Honolulu commence avec 268 640 000 $ 70AA-0D2D
Dans le scénario 1, Honolulu commence avec 7 093 600 000 $ D9AA-0FFD
Dans le scénario 1, Mexico débute avec 258 880 000 dollars 74AA-0F2D
Dans le scénario 1, Mexico commence avec 7 073 600 000 $ D9AA-04FD
Dans le scénario 1, Lima commence avec 180 800 000 $ 47AA-042D
Dans le scénario 1, Lima commence avec 6 913 600 000 $ D9AA-07FD
Dans le scénario 1, Rio de Janeiro commence avec 317 440 000 $ 73AA-072D
Dans le scénario 1, Rio de Janeiro commence avec 7 193 600 000 dollars D9A2-0DFD
Dans le scénario 1, Buenos Aires commence avec 210 080 000 $ 4BA2-0D2D
Dans le scénario 1, Buenos Aires commence avec 6 973 600 000 $ D9A2-0FFD
Dans le scénario 2, Tokyo commence avec 1 149 280 000 $ DDA2-04FD
Dans le scénario 2, Tokyo commence avec 7 702 880 000 $ D9A2-04FD
Dans le scénario 2, Beijing commence avec 498 240 000 $ 1FA2-042D
Dans le scénario 2, Beijing commence avec 7 553 600 000 $ D9A2-07FD
Dans le scénario 2, Hong Kong commence avec 649 760 000 $ 53A2-072D
Dans le scénario 2, Hong Kong commence avec 7 853 600 000 $ D9A3-0DFD
Dans le scénario 2, Singapour commence avec 552 160 000 dollars 18A3-0D2D
Dans le scénario 2, Singapour commence avec 7 653 600 000 dollars D9A3-0FFD
Dans le scénario 2, Sydney commence avec 581 440 000 $ 5FA3-0F2D
Dans le scénario 2, Sydney commence avec 7 713 600 000 $ D9A3-04FD
Dans le scénario 2, Delhi commence avec 517 760 000 $ 19A3-042D
Dans le scénario 2, Delhi commence avec 7 593 600 000 $ D9A3-07FD
Dans le scénario 2, Téhéran commence avec 297 920 000 $ 7CA3-072D
Dans le scénario 2, Téhéran commence avec 7 153 600 000 $ D9AE-0DFD
Dans le scénario 2, le Caire commence avec 390 880 000 $ 0AAE-0D2D
Dans le scénario 2, le Caire commence avec 7 333 600 000 dollars D9AE-0FFD
Dans le scénario 2, Nairobi commence avec 249 120 000 $ 7DAE-0F2D
Dans le scénario 2, Nairobi commence avec 7 053 600 000 dollars D9AE-04FD
Dans le scénario 2, Lagos commence avec 299 040 000 $ 7CAE-042D
Dans le scénario 2, Lagos commence avec 7 149 600 000 $ D9AE-07FD
Dans le scénario 2, Moscou commence avec 689 280 000 $ DDAD-6DFD
Dans le scénario 2, Moscou commence avec 7 242 880 000 $ D9AD-6DFD
Dans le scénario 2, London commence avec 38 560 000 $ DDAD-6FFD
Dans le scénario 2, London commence avec 6 592 160 000 $ D9AD-6FFD
Dans le scénario 2, Paris commence avec 909 280 000 $ DDAD-64FD
Dans le scénario 2, Paris commence avec 7 462 880 000 $ D9AD-64FD
Dans le scénario 2, Rome commence avec 571 680 000 $ 1EAD-642D
Dans le scénario 2, Rome commence avec 7 693 600 000 $ D9AD-67FD
Dans le scénario 2, New York commence avec 829 280 000 $ DDAF-6DFD
Dans le scénario 2, New York commence avec 7 382 880 000 $ D9AF-6DFD
Dans le scénario 2, Vancouver commence avec 420 160 000 $ 94AF-6D2D
Dans le scénario 2, Vancouver commence avec 7 393 600 000 $ D9AF-6FFD
Dans le scénario 2, Los Angeles commence avec 1 109 280 000 $ DDAF-64FD
Dans le scénario 2, Los Angeles commence avec 7 662 880 000 $ D9AF-64FD
Dans le scénario 2, Honolulu commence avec 381 120 000 $ 0CAF-642D
Dans le scénario 2, Honolulu commence avec 7 313 600 000 $ D9AF-67FD
Dans le scénario 2, Mexico commence avec 468 960 000 $ 98AF-672D
Dans le scénario 2, Mexico commence avec 7 493 600 000 $ D9A4-6DFD
Dans le scénario 2, Lima commence avec 258 880 000 $ 74A4-6D2D
Dans le scénario 2, Lima commence avec 7 073 600 000 $ D9A4-6FFD
Dans le scénario 2, Rio de Janeiro commence avec 630 240 000 $ 58A4-6F2D
Dans le scénario 2, Rio de Janeiro commence avec 7 813 600 000 $ D9A4-64FD
Dans le scénario 2, Buenos Aires commence avec 361 600 000 $ 01A4-642D
Dans le scénario 2, Buenos Aires commence avec 7 273 600 000 $ D9A4-67FD
Aaahhhhh! Vrais monstres
Énergie infinie C282-04A7
Détritus infinis DD8E-4DD7
Obtenez rien pour chaque sac poubelle DDC8-0FAF
Obtenez 20 pour chaque sac poubelle 4DC8-0FAF
Obtenez 100 pour chaque sac poubelle 88C8-0FAF
Vies infinies DDC0-3FDF
Les alarmes infinies DDAA-1464
1 rien ne vaut rien DDCE-6F6D
1 valeur en valeur 3 D7CE-6F6D
1 valeur en valeur 5 D9CE-6F6D
Commence avec 1 vie DFC7-17FC
Commencez avec 10 vies DBC7-17FC
Commencez avec 50 vies 0BC7-17FC
Commencez avec 0 avertissements spéciaux DD69-37BF
Commencez avec 10 alertes spéciales FD69-37BF
Commencez avec 20 alertes spéciales 4D69-37BF
Les livres de monstres ne valent rien DDCA-AF0D
Les livres de monstres valent 2 D4CA-AF0D
Les livres de monstres valent 10 FDCA-AF0D
La plupart des power-ups de la santé ne valent rien DDCB-A7DD
La plupart des power-ups de la santé en vaut la peine D4CB-A7DD
Séquences presque invincibles en action 2264-6FD4
Commencer avec 1/2 énergie (1er jeu seulement) D081-6DD8
Arrêter le minuteur DD8B-D4D8
Minuterie plus rapide FD86-D4A8
Minuterie plus lente 9D86-D4A8
Mourir avec un coup EE81-6DD8
Commencez avec plus d'énergie 1 FF81-6DD8
Énergie infinie 2 F781-6DD8
Commence avec 86 vies en action Séquences CC62-DF6B
Commence avec 250 points de sort dans les séquences RPG EC85-6D68
Vies infinies DD68-6D6D
Débloquer le mode professionnel DD67-D7AD
MP Infini C9BD-6467
Avoir un sort magique et 24 MP en mode professionnel 3 69C4-AF6C
## C4-A4AC
Points de sort infinis CEA5-6DA3
Sélection de scène en mode professionnel 4 ## CD-A7DC
Tuer des boss avec 2 coups, ennemis avec 1 coup B36D-ADD4
# Remarque
1 Ce code fonctionne dans les deux modes.
2 Ce code fonctionne dans les deux modes et vous devez commencer un nouveau jeu pour obtenir une énergie infinie. Il vous donnera automatiquement une énergie infinie pour le reste du jeu.
3 DF - Boule de feu
D4 - Star Rain
D7 - Boule d' énergie
D0 - Lumière
4 Fonctionne après avoir
rempli la loi de Fillmore 1. D4 - Acte de Bloodpool 1
D7 - Acte de Bloodpool 2
D0 - Acte de Kasandora 1
D9 - Acte de Kasandora 2
D1 - Acte d'Aitos 1
D5 - Acte d'
Aitos 2 D6 - Acte de Marahna 1
DB - Acte de Marahna 2
DC - Northwall Acte 1
D8 - Acte de Northwall 2
DA - Mort Heim
Actraiser 2
Commencez avec 3 vies sur facile D727-4DD1
Commencez avec 10 vies sur facile FD27-4DD1
Commencez avec 50 vies sur facile 9D27-4DD1
Commencez avec 1 vie en mode normal DF27-4D61
Commence avec 5 vies en Normal D927-4D61
Commencez avec 10 vies en Normal FD27-4D61
Commence avec 50 vies en Normal 9D27-4D61
Commencez avec 1 vie en dur DF27-4FD1
Commencez avec 5 vies sur dur D927-4FD1
Commencez avec 10 vies sur dur FD27-4FD1
Commencez avec 50 vies en dur 9D27-4FD1
Vies infinies DD67-4468 Galoob
Commencez avec 2 points de magie sur facile D484-1F66
Commencez avec 7 points de magie sur facile D584-1F66
Commencez avec 9 points de magie sur Easy DB84-1F66
Commencez avec 1 points de magie en mode Normal ou Difficile DF8F-1766
Commencez avec 5 points de magie en mode Normal ou Difficile D98F-1766
Commencez avec 7 points de magie en mode Normal ou Difficile D58F-1766
Commencez avec 9 points de magie en mode Normal ou Difficile DB8F-1766
Points de magie infinis (Doit avoir 1 à lancer) 3C65-CFA8
Commencez avec 1/2 Santé DC8F-1F06
Commencez avec 3/4 Santé DE8F-1F06
Protection contre la plupart des ennemis C2B0-CF07
Protection contre certains dangers au sol C2B2-C7D3
Small Magic Power-Up ajoute 3 au lieu d'1 D7C0-37A7
Small Magic Power-Up Ajoute 5 D9C0-37A7 Galoob
Petite puissance magique ajoute 9 DBC0-37A7
Grande puissance magique ajoute 1 au lieu de 3 DFC9-3407
Grande puissance magique ajoute 5 D9C9-3407
Grande puissance magique ajoute 9 DBC9-3407
Petites Power-Ups santé ajouter 1 au lieu de 2 DFC7-3D67
Petites améliorations de la santé Ajouter 4 D0C7-3D67
Petites améliorations de la santé Ajouter 15 F9C7-3D67
Les petites power-ups de santé guérir complètement F0C7-3D67
Power-Ups moyenne santé Ajouter 2 au lieu de 5 D4C9-3FD7
Pouvoirs de santé moyens Ajouter 8 D6C9-3FD7
Pouvoirs de santé moyens Ajouter 15 F9C9-3FD7
Les Power-Ups de santé moyenne guérissent complètement F0C9-3FD7
Les Power-Ups de grande taille ajoutent 2 au lieu de 10 D4C7-3FA7
Grandes Power-Ups de santé Ajouter 5 D0C7-3FA7
Grandes Power-Ups de santé Ajouter 15 F9C7-3FA7
Les grandes power-ups de santé guérir complètement F0C7-3FA7
Tous les ennemis prennent 1 Hit To Kill DDB3-C764
Temps infini DD33-476F
Valeurs de la famille Addams, le
Vous devez d'abord obtenir l'arme
Roches infinies DD24-3D0F
Marbres bleus infinis DD2C-C7AF
Graines magiques infinies DD22-CF0F
Slime de marais infini DD2E-C4AF
Invincible des ennemis FFBD-C767
Invincible de tout(1) 3C8F-C40D
Commencer un nouveau jeu avec un compteur de crâne complet FA62-3F0D
Commencer un nouveau jeu avec tous les éléments dans l'inventaire (2) EE6C-320D
Cookies infinis 8E2A-1D6D
# Remarque
1 Ce code vous protège contre les ennemis, les pointes et les objets que vous collectez qui diminuent la santé lorsque vous les utilisez.
2 Utilisez ce code avec les mots de passe que vous recevez à partir de maintenant, ou certains éléments seront manquants. Lorsque vous continuez un jeu avec un mot de passe, tous les compteurs d'armes seront à moitié remplis.
Addams Family, The
Commencez avec 1 vie au lieu de 5 DFB8-6F04
Commencez avec 3 vies D7B8-6F04
Commence avec 9 vies DBB8-6F04
Commencez avec 20 vies 4DB8-6F04
Commencez avec 50 vies 9DB8-6F04
Commence avec 99 vies BBB8-6F04
Vies infinies DDA1-A4A7
Invincibilité 3CA7-A467
Chaque $ vaut 5 D9CF-DDAF
Chaque $ vaut 10 FDCF-DDAF
Chaque $ vaut 25 49CF-DDAF
Gomez invisible 3CAD-A4D4
Commencez avec 1 coeur au lieu de 2 DF61-0F0D
Commence avec 3 coeurs D761-0F0D
D761-0F6D Galoob
Commence avec 4 coeurs D061-0F0D
Commence avec 5 coeurs D961-0F0D
Commencez avec et gardez les capacités de vol Fezi-Copter (1) 3CAD-A46D
# Remarque
1 Après avoir vaincu un boss, atterrissez avant que l'écran du mot de passe ne s'affiche. En outre, si vous volez au mauvais endroit, vous pouvez vous faire piéger et devoir réinitialiser.
Aventures de Batman et Robin, Le
Commencez avec 9 vies (pas sur le mode facile) DB86-4FC9
Commencez avec 6 vies (pas sur le mode facile) D186-4FC9
Commencez avec 1 vie (pas en mode facile) DD86-4FC9
Commence avec 9 crédits DB86-4D19
Commence avec 6 crédits D186-4D19
Pas de crédits DD86-4D19
Vies infinies C988-340D
Aucun dommage des ennemis DD8A-4D6D
Ne commencez pas avec des munitions d'étoiles et de pistolets DDB3-376F
Commencez avec 25 étoiles et munitions de pistolet de pulvérisation au début du jeu FBB3-376F
Commencez avec 50 étoiles et munitions de pistolet de pulvérisation au début du jeu 77B3-376F
Ne commencez pas avec des explosifs et des bombes fumigènes DDBE-3F0F
Commence avec 25 explosifs et munitions pour bombes fumigènes FBBE-3F0F
Commence avec 50 explosifs et munitions de bombes fumigènes 77BE-3F0F
Étoiles infinies C9A1-34AF
Munitions à pistolet infini C9A5-34DF
Explosifs infinis en plastique C9AB-3D6F
Bombes à fumée infinies C9A6-3F0F
Obtenez toute l'énergie des coeurs 466B-4494
Saut de lune 4DAF-14DF
Super saut E6C7-34DF
Déplacer plus lentement DD8D-C765
Aller plus vite D08D-C765
Déplacer encore plus rapidement D58D-C765
Moon-Walk E38D-C765
Moon-Walk plus rapide E88D-C765
Moon-Walk encore plus rapide E68D-C765
Aventures du Dr. Franken, The
Temps infini C220-C7A4
Vies infinies C2B9-C4AD
Santé infinie (1) C2BB-4F0F
Boules de puissance infinies 3CB5-14AF
Arme de congélation infinie 3CBB-1F0F
Les Power-Ups de santé vous donnent une barre de santé complète D3A0-1404
# Remarque
1 Note: le code de santé infini désorganise un peu les graphismes. Quand j'aurai plus de temps, je vais bricoler avec.
Aventures de Kid Kleets, The
Temps infini C26A-3709
Santé infinie C2A6-1700
Vies infinies C282-34A1
Aventures de Rocky & Bullwinkle & Friends, The
Chances infinies C28C-1F44
Vies infinies C2CE-CF61
Munitions infinies C2CF-CF01
Ne perds pas de munitions quand tu meurs C2C9-35ED
Santé infinie C2CF-308D
Ne perdez pas les drapeaux collectés lorsque vous mourrez C2C7-C18D
Infinite continue C2E3-47C6
1-Up avec chaque drapeau recueilli DFCA-1761
Aventures de Yogi Bear
Santé infinie C2CD-1404
Vies infinies C269-47DD
Aero Fighters
Vies infinies P1 & P2 8229-37A0
Ne perdez pas les power-ups quand vous mourrez P1 & P2 8229-37D0
Bombes infinies "American F-18" P1 8237-47A1
Bombes infinies "FSX japonais" P1 8237-47A9
Bombes infinies "Suédois AJ-37" P1 8237-1D09
Bombes Infinies "British AV-8" P1 8237-17A9
Bombes infinies "American F-15" P2 823E-3D60
Bombes infinies "Japanese F-15" P2 823A-4D09
Bombes infinies "Suédois JAS-39" P2 8239-1FD9
Bombes infinies "British IDS" P2 823D-C769
Aero The Acro-Bat 2
Tirs infinis DD24-476E
La valeur des étoiles 3 D7C8-17D3
Les étoiles valent 5 D9C8-17D3
Les étoiles valent 7 D5C8-17D3
Énergie presque infinie C287-CFAE
L'icône Double Drill dure 99 secondes BBC2-C463
Double icône de foret vous permet de forer 4 fois au lieu de 2 D0C2-CD03
Double icône de foret vous permet de forer 9 fois au lieu de 2 DBC2-CD03
Peut forer 5 fois en l'air jusqu'à ce que vous récupériez une icône de forage D936-4DF1
Peut forer 9 fois en l'air jusqu'à ce que vous preniez une icône de forage DB36-4DF1
Percer autant de fois que vous voulez sans toucher le sol C26E-4F03
Aller plus vite D468-CDAA
Déplacer encore plus rapidement D768-CDAA
Saute plus haut FD67-3DD2
Super saut en position debout E66E-4F62
Volant icône vaut 99 secondes de temps de vol BBC3-3D63
Commencez chaque vie avec une énergie maximale D939-14F1
Aero Acrobat
Commencez avec plus d'énergie (1) 1A27-4D03
Ne prenez aucun dégât de la plupart des ennemis (vous pouvez toujours mourir de pointes et d'autres dangers) 3CED-3DDC
Temps infini DDEC-146A
Commence avec 19 vies 5D68-4FDD
Vies infinies DD6B-37AF
Infinite continue C26E-3724
Chaque plate-forme Star vaut 4 (au lieu d'une seule) D034-C7AD
# Remarque
1 Ces codes ont seulement été testés sur un émulateur.
Codes Joueur 1, Jeu Sauvegardé 1
Définir l'argent pour ce jeu sauvegardé à moins de 655 350 000 $ (1) DDDF-FEDD
Définir l'argent pour ce jeu enregistré à plus de 327 680 000 $ D9DF-FEDD
Réglez l'argent pour ce jeu enregistré à plus de 5 242 880 000 $ D6DF-FEDD
Définir l'argent pour ce jeu enregistré à plus de 10 485 760 000 $ FDDF-FEDD
Définir l'argent pour ce jeu enregistré à plus de 20 971 520 000 $ 4DDF-FEDD
Définir l'argent pour ce jeu enregistré à plus de 41 943 040 000 $ 0DDF-FEDD
# Remarque
1 Ce qui suit sont des codes à usage unique qui modifient seulement un jeu sauvegardé (vous devez avoir préalablement sauvegardé un jeu). Tous nécessitent le code maître pour fonctionner. Entrez le code maître et l'un des autres codes, chargez votre jeu sauvegardé, puis réenregistrez. Les codes n'ont plus besoin d'être utilisés. Reportez-vous avec d'autres codes et le code clé.
Codes Joueur 2, jeu sauvegardé 1
Définir l'argent pour ce jeu enregistré à moins de 655 350 000 $ DDD9-FEDD
Définir l'argent pour ce jeu enregistré à plus de 327 680 000 $ D9D9-FEDD
Réglez l'argent pour ce jeu enregistré à plus de 5 242 880 000 $ D6D9-FEDD
Définir l'argent pour ce jeu enregistré à plus de 10 485 760 000 $ FDD9-FEDD
Définir l'argent pour ce jeu enregistré à plus de 20 971 520 000 $ 4DD9-FEDD
Définir l'argent pour ce jeu enregistré à plus de 41 943 040 000 $ 0DD9-FEDD
codes de parties
Dans le scénario 1, Tokyo commence avec 649 280 000 $ DDA6-0DFD
Dans le scénario 1, Tokyo commence avec 7 202 880 000 $ D9A6-0DFD
Dans le scénario 1, Beijing commence avec 420 160 000 $ 94A6-0D2D
Dans le scénario 1, Beijing commence avec 7 393 600 000 $ D9A6-0FFD
Dans le scénario 1, Hong Kong commence avec 449 440 000 $ 95A6-0F2D
Dans le scénario 1, Hong Kong commence avec 7 453 600 000 $ D9A6-04FD
Dans le scénario 1, Singapour commence avec 400 640 000 $ 03A6-042D
Dans le scénario 1, Singapour commence avec 7 353 600 000 dollars D9A6-07FD
Dans le scénario 1, Sydney commence avec 297 920 000 $ 7CA6-072D
Dans le scénario 1, Sydney commence avec 7 153 600 000 $ D9AB-0DFD
Dans le scénario 1, Delhi commence avec 317 440 000 $ 73AB-0D2D
Dans le scénario 1, Delhi commence avec 7 193 600 000 $ D9AB-0FFD
Dans le scénario 1, Téhéran commence avec 239 360 000 $ 43AB-0F2D
Dans le scénario 1, Téhéran commence avec 7 033 600 000 $ D9AB-04FD
Dans le scénario 1, le Caire commence avec 249 120 000 $ 7DAB-042D
Dans le scénario 1, le Caire commence avec 7 053 600 000 dollars D9AB-07FD
Dans le scénario 1, Nairobi commence avec 200 320 000 $ 45AB-072D
Dans le scénario 1, Nairobi commence avec 6 953 600 000 $ D9AC-0DFD
Dans le scénario 1, Lagos commence avec 229 600 000 $ 4AAC-0D2D
Dans le scénario 1, Lagos commence avec 7 013 600 000 $ D9AC-0FFD
Dans le scénario 1, Moscou commence avec 289 280 000 $ DDAC-04FD
Dans le scénario 1, Moscou commence avec 6 842 880 000 $ D9AC-04FD
Dans le scénario 1, Londres commence avec 949 280 000 $ DDAC-07FD
Dans le scénario 1, Londres commence avec 7 502 880 000 $ D9AC-07FD
Dans le scénario 1, Paris commence avec 289 280 000 $ DDA8-0DFD
Dans le scénario 1, Paris commence avec 6 842 880 000 $ D9A8-0DFD
Dans le scénario 1, Rome commence avec 371 360 000 $ 06A8-0D2D
Dans le scénario 1, Rome commence avec 7 293 600 000 $ D9A8-0FFD
Dans le scénario 1, New York commence avec 189 280 000 $ DDA8-04FD
Dans le scénario 1, New York commence avec 6 742 880 000 $ D9A8-04FD
Dans le scénario 1, Vancouver commence avec 258 880 000 $ 74A8-042D
Dans le scénario 1, Vancouver commence avec 7 073 600 000 $ D9A8-07FD
Dans le scénario 1, Los Angeles commence avec 649 280 000 $ DDAA-0DFD
Dans le scénario 1, Los Angeles commence avec 7 202 880 000 $ D9AA-0DFD
Dans le scénario 1, Honolulu commence avec 268 640 000 $ 70AA-0D2D
Dans le scénario 1, Honolulu commence avec 7 093 600 000 $ D9AA-0FFD
Dans le scénario 1, Mexico débute avec 258 880 000 dollars 74AA-0F2D
Dans le scénario 1, Mexico commence avec 7 073 600 000 $ D9AA-04FD
Dans le scénario 1, Lima commence avec 180 800 000 $ 47AA-042D
Dans le scénario 1, Lima commence avec 6 913 600 000 $ D9AA-07FD
Dans le scénario 1, Rio de Janeiro commence avec 317 440 000 $ 73AA-072D
Dans le scénario 1, Rio de Janeiro commence avec 7 193 600 000 dollars D9A2-0DFD
Dans le scénario 1, Buenos Aires commence avec 210 080 000 $ 4BA2-0D2D
Dans le scénario 1, Buenos Aires commence avec 6 973 600 000 $ D9A2-0FFD
Dans le scénario 2, Tokyo commence avec 1 149 280 000 $ DDA2-04FD
Dans le scénario 2, Tokyo commence avec 7 702 880 000 $ D9A2-04FD
Dans le scénario 2, Beijing commence avec 498 240 000 $ 1FA2-042D
Dans le scénario 2, Beijing commence avec 7 553 600 000 $ D9A2-07FD
Dans le scénario 2, Hong Kong commence avec 649 760 000 $ 53A2-072D
Dans le scénario 2, Hong Kong commence avec 7 853 600 000 $ D9A3-0DFD
Dans le scénario 2, Singapour commence avec 552 160 000 dollars 18A3-0D2D
Dans le scénario 2, Singapour commence avec 7 653 600 000 dollars D9A3-0FFD
Dans le scénario 2, Sydney commence avec 581 440 000 $ 5FA3-0F2D
Dans le scénario 2, Sydney commence avec 7 713 600 000 $ D9A3-04FD
Dans le scénario 2, Delhi commence avec 517 760 000 $ 19A3-042D
Dans le scénario 2, Delhi commence avec 7 593 600 000 $ D9A3-07FD
Dans le scénario 2, Téhéran commence avec 297 920 000 $ 7CA3-072D
Dans le scénario 2, Téhéran commence avec 7 153 600 000 $ D9AE-0DFD
Dans le scénario 2, le Caire commence avec 390 880 000 $ 0AAE-0D2D
Dans le scénario 2, le Caire commence avec 7 333 600 000 dollars D9AE-0FFD
Dans le scénario 2, Nairobi commence avec 249 120 000 $ 7DAE-0F2D
Dans le scénario 2, Nairobi commence avec 7 053 600 000 dollars D9AE-04FD
Dans le scénario 2, Lagos commence avec 299 040 000 $ 7CAE-042D
Dans le scénario 2, Lagos commence avec 7 149 600 000 $ D9AE-07FD
Dans le scénario 2, Moscou commence avec 689 280 000 $ DDAD-6DFD
Dans le scénario 2, Moscou commence avec 7 242 880 000 $ D9AD-6DFD
Dans le scénario 2, London commence avec 38 560 000 $ DDAD-6FFD
Dans le scénario 2, London commence avec 6 592 160 000 $ D9AD-6FFD
Dans le scénario 2, Paris commence avec 909 280 000 $ DDAD-64FD
Dans le scénario 2, Paris commence avec 7 462 880 000 $ D9AD-64FD
Dans le scénario 2, Rome commence avec 571 680 000 $ 1EAD-642D
Dans le scénario 2, Rome commence avec 7 693 600 000 $ D9AD-67FD
Dans le scénario 2, New York commence avec 829 280 000 $ DDAF-6DFD
Dans le scénario 2, New York commence avec 7 382 880 000 $ D9AF-6DFD
Dans le scénario 2, Vancouver commence avec 420 160 000 $ 94AF-6D2D
Dans le scénario 2, Vancouver commence avec 7 393 600 000 $ D9AF-6FFD
Dans le scénario 2, Los Angeles commence avec 1 109 280 000 $ DDAF-64FD
Dans le scénario 2, Los Angeles commence avec 7 662 880 000 $ D9AF-64FD
Dans le scénario 2, Honolulu commence avec 381 120 000 $ 0CAF-642D
Dans le scénario 2, Honolulu commence avec 7 313 600 000 $ D9AF-67FD
Dans le scénario 2, Mexico commence avec 468 960 000 $ 98AF-672D
Dans le scénario 2, Mexico commence avec 7 493 600 000 $ D9A4-6DFD
Dans le scénario 2, Lima commence avec 258 880 000 $ 74A4-6D2D
Dans le scénario 2, Lima commence avec 7 073 600 000 $ D9A4-6FFD
Dans le scénario 2, Rio de Janeiro commence avec 630 240 000 $ 58A4-6F2D
Dans le scénario 2, Rio de Janeiro commence avec 7 813 600 000 $ D9A4-64FD
Dans le scénario 2, Buenos Aires commence avec 361 600 000 $ 01A4-642D
Dans le scénario 2, Buenos Aires commence avec 7 273 600 000 $ D9A4-67FD
larska- Moyen X
- Messages : 119
Date d'inscription : 10/03/2016
Age : 52
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