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Inside the NeoGeo X

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Inside the NeoGeo X Empty Inside the NeoGeo X

Message par Letiteuf55 Ven 21 Déc 2012 - 1:33

Trouvé dans la neogeo X

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Finalburn Alpha - FBA320 v1.0 - (August 31, 2009)
For the A320 Dingoo running Linux
Port by Slaanesh


Final Burn Alpha is an emulator specializing in emulating arcade video game machines based on M68000 and Z80 CPUs. A large number of well know arcade machines fall under this category including the famous Neo Geo, CPS1/2, Cave, Toaplan and PGM hardware.
The Dingoo's FBA320 port is a combination of the GP2X and PSP ports of Final Burn Alpha - think of it as part Linux (GP2X heritage) and part MIPS (PSP/Dingoo CPU).
Final Burn Alpha is available for many other handhelds including but not limited to the GP2X, Wiz, PSP, Windows Mobile and even Mobile Phones.

Official web page for news, additional information and donations:



Standard in-game FBA320 controls. For the sake of consistency, these are similar to that of MAME4ALL Dingoo.

Horizonal games:
SELECT+L Volume Down
SELECT+R Volume Up
L+R+START Exits from emulator (default back to fba320.dge)
L+R+SELECT Enter Service mode (for some games)

Vertical games
(as for horizontal with the following changes)



FBA320 can be run directly from the 'fba' executable by using command line options. However, a far easier way of running FBA320 is using the 'fba320.dge' Game Selector. This will launch 'fba' with the options chosen.

The Game Selector will automatically save specific options for each game.

The Game Selector will search for FBA ROMs (either .zip or .fba) found in the ./roms directory. Games found will be displayed in the game list.

- Use UP and DOWN to select a game.
- Use LEFT and RIGHT to page up and page down.
- Press A to select the game to play.
- Press SELECT+L+R to exit.

After selecting a game, configuration options are available:

- Use UP and DOWN to select the option you want to change.
- Use LEFT and RIGHT to change the option.
- Press A to start the game (and save the configured options).
- Press B to go back to the game list.
- Press START to start the game and display profiling data at the end. Note in this mode, the original fba320.dge is not run again. Normally to play a game use press A.

Configuration options:

-- Dingoo Clock --
300 - 420 MHz options are available. 336 MHz is the standard value. Use greater values at your own risk!.

-- Video Scale/Aspect --
The video aspect is configured with the following combination of options:

Nominal video resolution (320x240). Games with a resolution less than this have a black border. Games with a resolution higher are cropped.

Scale Horizontal:
Useful for CPS1/CPS2 games like Knights of the Round and Dungeon and Dragons: Tower of Doom, etc.

Scale Fast:
This is a specific MIPS assembler scaler which currently is only working for CPS1/CPS2 games. Highly recommended for all CPS games.

-- Sound --
The sound options are the following ones:
ON: The sound is activated. 8, 16, 24, 32 KHz sound mixing rates are available.
OFF: The sound is disabled. Unlike MAME, there is often no speed advantage to switching off sound. Some game drivers may even crash.

-- Volume --
Set the starting volume of the game. Most games start very loudly! Use this to save your ears.
Max: Full volume (DEFAULT).
Medium: Volume reduced a bit.
Low: Volume reduced more.
Quiet: Most likely barely audible but depends on the game.

-- Zip or Cache --
This is only useable if you have both a .zip and .fba version in the ./roms directory.

-- Brightness --
Set the screen brightness in increments of 10%. 100% is maximum. 80% is the default.


FBA320 can be installed in any directory under the "local" directory of your SD card.

A typical installation may go in /local/fba320 or /local/games/fba320 of your SD card.

The following files and directories may exist in the fba directory.
Optional entries are noted with [*].

fba320.dge -> Frontend game selector.
fba320.png -> [*] 128x78 sized frontend game icon for use with DinguXMB.
fba320_small.png-> [*] 32x32 alternative sized frontend game icon.
fba -> Core FBA emulator.
main -> [*] Auto launch FBA320 without using application launcher.
frontend/ -> FBA320 configuration files.
roms/ -> ROM and Cache directory.
skins/ -> [*] Frontend skins directory

To auto launch FBA320 (ie. not using an application launcher) copy the "main" script in the following location of your SD card:



The Win32 version of FBA supports over 1000 romsets.
The Dingoo version suppports around 740 games, however not all will work (yet!). For more details, see "gamelist.txt" file.
As a rough guide, CPS1, CPS2, Neo Geo, Cave and Toaplan games should work. There are many exceptions however and most games that require a cache to work needs specific Dingoo source code changes.
As of v1.0:

CPS1 games do not need cache.
CPS2 games generally do need cache.
Neo Geo games almost always need cache.
Other cache games have not yet been tested - some will work - some will not.
Specifically, WWF Wrestle Fest and Guwange are supported.

Games must be copied into the <installdir>/roms/ folder on the SD card.
For example if fba320.dge and fba are installed in /usr/local/fba then the roms dir would be /usr/local/fba/roms.


Games are listed in "gamelist.txt" file.
Games should either be <rom>.zip or a specially created cache file <rom>.fba


Included is a FBA cache creation program called fbacache.exe.
This will NOT run on the A320 Dingoo - currently it runs as a command line Win32 program - either under a CMD prompt or a cygwin shell.
fbacache.exe can be used to generate the necessary cache files required to run the largest ROMS.

The easiest way of running fbacache.exe is to connect your Dingoo A320 to your computer using the original firmware's USB mode.
This will map the internal memory and SD card to drives. My SD card happens to be mapped to "l:" drive in the example below.

Here is an sample run converting kof94 under cygwin. Annotations are below:

/home> cd /l/local/fba
/l/local/fba> ./fbacache.exe
FinalBurn Alpha Dingoo v1.0 [cache dump tools]
Usage: ./fbacache [-d] <rom.zip>
/l/local/fba> ls -l ./roms/kof94.*
-rw-r--r-- 1 anthony None 12771667 Aug 16 08:44 ./roms/kof94.zip
/l/local/fba> ./fbacache -d kof94.zip
dumping rom cache file ...
Loading 055-c1.bin ... 2048Kb graphics (OK)
Loading 055-c2.bin ... 2048Kb graphics (OK)
Loading 055-c3.bin ... 2048Kb graphics (OK)
Loading 055-c4.bin ... 2048Kb graphics (OK)
Loading 055-c5.bin ... 2048Kb graphics (OK)
Loading 055-c6.bin ... 2048Kb graphics (OK)
Loading 055-c7.bin ... 2048Kb graphics (OK)
Loading 055-c8.bin ... 2048Kb graphics (OK)
Loading sfix.sfx ... 128Kb BIOS graphics (OK)
Loading 055-s1.bin ... 128Kb graphics (OK)
Loading 055-p1.bin ... 2048Kb program (OK)
Loading 055-m1.bin ... 128Kb program (OK)
Loading 055-v1.bin ... 2048Kb sound (OK)
Loading 055-v2.bin ... 2048Kb sound (OK)
Loading 055-v3.bin ... 2048Kb sound (OK)
Loading asia-s3.rom ... 128Kb BIOS program (OK)
Loading sm1.sm1 ... 128Kb BIOS program (OK)
Loading 000-lo.lo ... 64Kb BIOS (OK)
Dump Cache Code ... 3265KB
Dump Cache Sprite ... 16384KB
Dump Cache Text ... 256KB
Dump Cache PCM A ... 6144KB
Dump Cache PCM B ... 0KB
Dump Cache Sprite Attr... 128KB
Dump Cache Text Attr ... 8KB
dump OK!
/l/local/fba> ls -l ./roms/kof94.*
-rw-r--r-- 1 anthony None 26813696 Aug 27 10:22 ./roms/kof94.fba
-rw-r--r-- 1 anthony None 12771667 Aug 16 08:44 ./roms/kof94.zip


(1). Just typing the fbacache.exe without arguments will display the usage msg.
(2). Check that the desired game to convert is in the ./roms directory.
(3). Run the conversion. Note that you just specify the name of the ROM.
The path name is automatically added by fbacache.exe.


It is VITAL that each line beginning with "Loading <romname> ..." indicates
that it has loaded successfully (OK).
Anything other than (OK) is NOT good and the cache file will fail.
The main reason for not saying (OK) is an absent or bad .zip file.

(4). Conversion takes a few seconds and you should be left with both the
original .zip file and the newly created .fba cache file.

Barry Harris, Jan_Klaassen, KEV, LoopMaster, Mike Haggar, Hyper Yagami and Ayeye. FB Alpha is based on the original FinalBurn by Dave.

See http://www.barryharris.me.uk/fba_history1.php for full details.


- FBA320 by Slaanesh based on source code from the GP2X and PSP ports of FBA.


August 31, 2009 - Version 1.0. First version.

Developed with:
- Cygwin.
- Custom mipsel-linux-g++ v4.3.3 toolchain.
- GpBinConv by Aquafish (www.multimania.com/illusionstudio/aquafish/).
- Image manipulation with Paint Shop Pro 7.


In order of priority:

- Improve support for cache games.
- Speed optimizations.
- Add Sega games?
- Have roms directory anywhere on filesystem.


- Squidge: Originally porting FBA to GP2X.
- HeadoverHeels: Continuing work on FBA2X.
- Libyciene: Work on the PSP version of FBA.
- Booboo: For the amazing "Dingux" Linux for Dingoo (http://www.dingux.com/).


The graphic skin used in the fronted can be changed by adding two new files:
skins/fbasplash.bmp -> Game selector intro screen.
skins/fbamenu.bmp -> Game selector background screen.

Bitmaps MUST be 320x240 pixels x 256 colors (8 bit).
The resulting file should be exactly 77878 bytes in size. If it is not, then
it's not in the right format. Paint Shop Pro saves BMPs in the correct format.


Q: Why isn't Neo Geo game 'X' not working?

A: It's probably a cache problem. Let me know which one it is and I'll try and fix it.


Q: Why port FBA when you've already done MAME4ALL?

A: MAME is about accuracy. FBA is about speed.


Q: The game fails to start.

A: Large games may exceed the Dingoo's memory limitations. Even some "smaller" games may fail to load. For example wwfwfest.zip uncompresses to 9MB. FBA then needs to decode the graphics - often doubling the size of the graphic ROM areas. MAME also needs to allocate runtime memory to the emulated machine's hardware. This can vary enormously but sophisticated hardware often needs a lot of RAM again. There is no solution to this at the moment, though I have some ideas.


Q: My game fails to start. I don't think size is the problem.

A: Okay, it may be a bug. Let me know on the forums.


Q: The game runs slowly. It runs fine on the GP2X or Wiz (or some other handheld).

A: The GP2X/Wiz have a very nice selection of assembler-based libraries. In particular Cyclone and DrZ80. This can speed up games which use the M68000 and Z80 CPUs enormously. When the game starts up, an information screen describes the hardware. If there are M68000/Z80 CPUs on this list, this may be the problem. There possibly faster cores available for the Dingoo, I will investigate for future releases.

There are few ways of increasing the running speed of a game:

(1). Increase the Dingoo MHZ speed from the default 336Mhz.
(2). Decrease the sound quality - try using 8000hz.
(3). Try using a .zip file instead of an .fba
(4). Don't use Booboo's SD-card corruption 'workaround' kernel for cache games.


Q: Why can't I see the entire game screen?

A: The hardware being emulated varies enormously. Some hardware has screen resolution which exceeds the Dingoo's 320x240 screen resolution. As a result, you can't see the entire game screen at once. Scaling the game screen to fit into the Dingoo's screen will solve this problem. Try using one of the scalers: Scale Horizontal is great for CPS1/CPS2 games.


Q: What can I do to get a game to work?

A: First try running the game as a .zip file. If it doesn't run, it generally means there is insufficient memory. Try using a .fba version instead.
In mose cases, CPS2 and Neo Geo games will need be converted to .fba cache files.
Other games may support cache - however there are TWO factors. The fbacache.exe must support creating a cache and FBA320 must support using the cache. Again, let me know and I'll see if I can add cache support in the next version.


Q: What non-NeoGeo and non-CPS2 games are known to work with a cache?

A: The following are specific cache enabled games which I have worked on:


Petit X
Petit X

Messages : 31
Date d'inscription : 20/12/2012


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Inside the NeoGeo X Empty Re: Inside the NeoGeo X

Message par Letiteuf55 Ven 21 Déc 2012 - 2:28

J'ai l'impression que la Neogeo X est proche de la Dingoo.....
j'espère !

Tout ce qui parle de jeux vidéo nous intéresse : http://allgaming.fr
Recrute rédacteurs et testeurs !
Petit X
Petit X

Messages : 31
Date d'inscription : 20/12/2012


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Inside the NeoGeo X Empty Re: Inside the NeoGeo X

Message par xsander94 Ven 21 Déc 2012 - 4:52

tu as trouvé ça sur la mémoire interne de la console en la reliant au PC?

Jettez un oeil à ça http://dingoo.a320.free.fr/roms-neogeo.php
Moyen X
Moyen X

Messages : 188
Date d'inscription : 13/12/2012

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Inside the NeoGeo X Empty Re: Inside the NeoGeo X

Message par zouzzz Ven 21 Déc 2012 - 8:02


Je ne comprends pas où exactement tu as trouvé ça, pourrais-tu être bien plus explicite stp ?
Merci Smile.

Nicolas et Marjolaine

Messages : 8424
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2012
Localisation : Poitiers


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Inside the NeoGeo X Empty Re: Inside the NeoGeo X

Message par Scavs Ven 21 Déc 2012 - 8:39

Mouais, on dirait clairement un article/readme copié collé sur la Dingoo trouvé sur le Net + sa faq et autres émulateurs (Final Burn et Mame sont mentionnés). Rien à voir avec la console Neo Geo X à mes yeux (j'ai survolé l'article mais je n'ai pas vu la Neo Geo X mentionné).
Petit X
Petit X

Messages : 42
Date d'inscription : 20/12/2012

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Inside the NeoGeo X Empty Re: Inside the NeoGeo X

Message par zouzzz Ven 21 Déc 2012 - 9:03

Je ne mets pas du tout en doute le message de Letiteuf55, je recherche plus d'information pour mes news. Smile

Nicolas et Marjolaine

Messages : 8424
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2012
Localisation : Poitiers


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Inside the NeoGeo X Empty Re: Inside the NeoGeo X

Message par Letiteuf55 Ven 21 Déc 2012 - 9:37


J'ai trouvé ce texte dans le fichier UNIX disponible à la racine de la NGX quand je l'ai branché sur mon mac.

Inside the NeoGeo X Neogeousb

J'ai ouvert ce fichier avec un éditeur de texte, le code est illisible mais les FAQ concernant les émulateurs de la dingoo sont présent.

Je vais essayer de mettre à dispo ce fichier sur un hébergeur.

Tout ce qui parle de jeux vidéo nous intéresse : http://allgaming.fr
Recrute rédacteurs et testeurs !
Petit X
Petit X

Messages : 31
Date d'inscription : 20/12/2012


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Inside the NeoGeo X Empty Re: Inside the NeoGeo X

Message par Letiteuf55 Ven 21 Déc 2012 - 10:13

Le voici : http://www.partage-fichiers.com/upload/8k2qyyc1/
J'espère qu'il n'est pas altéré et que tout le monde va pouvoir lire ce que j'ai lu Smile

[EDIT] C'est OK, je l'ouvre avec TextEdit et il suffit de faire une recherche "dingoo"

Inside the NeoGeo X Dingoo

Dernière édition par Letiteuf55 le Ven 21 Déc 2012 - 10:19, édité 1 fois

Tout ce qui parle de jeux vidéo nous intéresse : http://allgaming.fr
Recrute rédacteurs et testeurs !
Petit X
Petit X

Messages : 31
Date d'inscription : 20/12/2012


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Inside the NeoGeo X Empty Re: Inside the NeoGeo X

Message par zouzzz Ven 21 Déc 2012 - 10:18

J'ajoute à la news. Merci Letiteuf55.

Nicolas et Marjolaine

Messages : 8424
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2012
Localisation : Poitiers


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