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Xenocider, les différentes news

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Xenocider, les différentes news - Page 11 Empty Re: Xenocider, les différentes news

Message par Pad'Lézard Ven 16 Oct 2020 - 10:07

oui j'ai tout fourni ! mais Carlos de Rétrosumus fait la sourde oreille. le vilain :/
Grand X
Grand X

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Xenocider, les différentes news - Page 11 Empty Re: Xenocider, les différentes news

Message par hombreimaginario Mer 4 Nov 2020 - 0:08

The game is finally done Very Happy
Here you have a video preview of one of the latest builds!

Pad'Lézard a écrit:oui j'ai tout fourni ! mais Carlos de Rétrosumus fait la sourde oreille. le vilain :/

"Le vilain".
I don't know if you are the guy who emailed us recently. If you are, you know I told you I needed a few days and you answered "take the time you need". If you're not, believe me when I say I have no other refund-related emails.

If you are, then I don't undetstand this comment. I've had some serious health/family issues to take care of and my life has not been easy lately. Sorry that you had to wait a few more days...

@hombreimagina | Writer @retrosumus
Moyen X
Moyen X

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Xenocider, les différentes news - Page 11 Empty Re: Xenocider, les différentes news

Message par bomb78 Mer 4 Nov 2020 - 0:19

Thanks for the good news despite the bad times you’ve gone through, promising video, any target release date ?
Grand X
Grand X

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Date d'inscription : 01/03/2014

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Message par hombreimaginario Mer 4 Nov 2020 - 0:25

bomb78 a écrit:Thanks for the good news despite the bad times you’ve gone through, promising video, any target release date ?
Honestly? At this point, it all depends on factory times and, sadly, how international postal services work in this, uh, weird climate we're living.

Our plan is for the game to be manufactured, sealed and ready to ship in a couple weeks, but it's not 100% up to us now.

@hombreimagina | Writer @retrosumus
Moyen X
Moyen X

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Date d'inscription : 29/09/2015
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Message par bomb78 Mer 4 Nov 2020 - 0:38

Ok thanks for your quick answer let’s be optimistic we’ll be able to enjoy it in 2020 after this dark and sad year
Grand X
Grand X

Messages : 646
Date d'inscription : 01/03/2014

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Message par fafadou Mer 4 Nov 2020 - 23:05

Finally, you did it.
How did you feel putting the final point ?
I wish you to be fine and your familly.
It's a shame you can't introduce the game boy yourself during some exhibitions.
Newseur DC

Messages : 1025
Date d'inscription : 21/10/2016

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Message par hombreimaginario Ven 13 Nov 2020 - 23:09

bomb78 a écrit:Ok thanks for your quick answer let’s be optimistic we’ll be able to enjoy it in 2020 after this dark and sad year

Hopefully yes.

fafadou a écrit:Finally, you did it.
How did you feel putting the final point ?
I wish you to be fine and your familly.
It's a shame you can't introduce the game boy yourself during some exhibitions.

Thank you for your words Smile

It felt good... and weird. We are now putting together some extra (printed) material while running compatibility tests at the manufacturing plant. So my part is not done yet, but the software part is. We just can't wait to begin shipping... and jump on the next project, to be honest Razz

@hombreimagina | Writer @retrosumus
Moyen X
Moyen X

Messages : 134
Date d'inscription : 29/09/2015
Age : 41
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Xenocider, les différentes news - Page 11 Empty Re: Xenocider, les différentes news

Message par zouzzz Sam 14 Nov 2020 - 9:08

Maybe Ameba ? :-)

Nicolas et Marjolaine

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Xenocider, les différentes news - Page 11 Empty Re: Xenocider, les différentes news

Message par fafadou Dim 15 Nov 2020 - 12:10

Hope the game will sell as your expectation.

Maybe it's a little too soon to talk about the next project.
Now you have mastered the 3D, I confess I expect a new 3D game ^^

But for me, focus on xenociders first.

Newseur DC

Messages : 1025
Date d'inscription : 21/10/2016

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Xenocider, les différentes news - Page 11 Empty Re: Xenocider, les différentes news

Message par Pad'Lézard Mer 16 Déc 2020 - 11:03

Je n'ai toujours pas été remboursé de ce Xenocider ! alors que par mail Retrosumus m'avait dit le 4 novembre 2020 : "Sorry for the delay. Your order is now refunded."

@hombreimaginario ! I want my refund Now... a lot of months ago you tell me that you will do it. then the 4 nov by email you told me " Sorry for the delay. Your order is now refunded." but nothing on my paypal ...

I do not know what to think anymore

And the Game ,when will it come ???????
Grand X
Grand X

Messages : 1033
Date d'inscription : 06/02/2013
Age : 53
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Xenocider, les différentes news - Page 11 Empty Re: Xenocider, les différentes news

Message par hombreimaginario Mer 16 Déc 2020 - 23:48

Pad'Lézard a écrit:Je n'ai toujours pas été remboursé de ce Xenocider ! alors que par mail Retrosumus m'avait dit le 4 novembre 2020 : "Sorry for the delay. Your order is now refunded."

@hombreimaginario ! I want my refund Now... a lot of months ago you tell me that you will do it. then the 4 nov by email you told me " Sorry for the delay. Your order is now refunded." but nothing on my paypal ...

Man... seriously. Your order WAS refunded on nov 4th. I can send you the screenshot of what we see on our online store.

Instead of calling me a villain and then accusing me of something, just an email to ask would be enough. IF there was an error on my part, I am more than glad to check and help. Always have :/

According to our store checkout, the order IS refunded. So if you can email me a screenshot of the Paypal transaction on your end, I'll double check and see what I can do.

I can only offer my cooperation, to every single single user/customer. I always reply EVERY email.

Pad'Lézard a écrit:And the Game ,when will it come ???????

As we explained on our social media accounts, the game is finished and in the process of being manufactured. We are now running some compatibility tests and making sure all the discs are in optimal condition, also printing the extra material before shipping. And then we're done.

However, you're getting your refund, so nevermind Smile

@hombreimagina | Writer @retrosumus
Moyen X
Moyen X

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Date d'inscription : 29/09/2015
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Xenocider, les différentes news - Page 11 Empty Re: Xenocider, les différentes news

Message par Pad'Lézard Jeu 17 Déc 2020 - 0:04

I also sent you an email the same day, before posting on this forum.
I just checked my paypal again, I have no refund from you on November 4th! and neither before nor after.
I am going to send you an email again with the screenshots of my paypal.
I never had a problem with paypal. Check on your side, it must not have happened ... I only see that ...
I am writing to you by email tomorrow. it is time for this case to be closed because it has been going on for too long.

I'm fed up with avoriating myself every time! same as for Paprium: I will not have the game and I do not have any repayment!
I will consider that in our case it is a bug with paypal.

I need this money for my CHRISTMAS! so look at your mail tomorrow, you will have the desired information.

In any case, I will never pre-order any video game whatsoever, whether at home or elsewhere.
Tired of being fooled every time!

PUTAIN j'en ai RAS le bol les mecs .. avec toutes ces conneries entre l'autre enculé de GIRGIS, la Mégalo de Fonzie, le star riber, aussi deux kick sur commodore 64
je me suis fait niquer près de 1000 euros !

Plus jamais je ne précommanderai un jeu vidéo. jamais !
Grand X
Grand X

Messages : 1033
Date d'inscription : 06/02/2013
Age : 53
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Message par hombreimaginario Jeu 17 Déc 2020 - 0:12

Pad'Lézard a écrit: !

This has NOTHING to do with Paprium. We never stopped answering emails, tweets and whatnot. We kept updating our social media profiles and showing our progress.

As I said, I'll do everything I can to fix this if there's been an error, and I apologize in advance if that's the case.

Anyone who's dealed with us knows we offer total transparency.

I'll wait for your email and hopefully we can sort this out. Best regards.

@hombreimagina | Writer @retrosumus
Moyen X
Moyen X

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Date d'inscription : 29/09/2015
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Message par hombreimaginario Dim 20 Déc 2020 - 23:55

Pad'Lézard a écrit:
I am going to send you an email again with the screenshots of my paypal.

Just in case, I haven't received any email.

I am more than happy to solve this issue whenever suits you.

@hombreimagina | Writer @retrosumus
Moyen X
Moyen X

Messages : 134
Date d'inscription : 29/09/2015
Age : 41
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Xenocider, les différentes news - Page 11 Empty Re: Xenocider, les différentes news

Message par Pad'Lézard Lun 21 Déc 2020 - 10:13

hombreimaginario a écrit:
Pad'Lézard a écrit:
I am going to send you an email again with the screenshots of my paypal.

Just in case, I haven't received any email.

I am more than happy to solve this issue whenever suits you.

sorry for the delay, I just send you the email with the information.Tell me if that is what you want.

have a good day
Grand X
Grand X

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Date d'inscription : 06/02/2013
Age : 53
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Xenocider, les différentes news - Page 11 Empty Re: Xenocider, les différentes news

Message par Pad'Lézard Mar 29 Déc 2020 - 17:27

Voilà c'est fait ! Remboursement bien reçu :-)
Un grand merci à carlos de Retrosumus pour son patience et le temps consacré à cette faire
car ça n'a pas été sans mal. Il y avait un Bug avec Paypal sur cette transaction qui datait d'avril 2017.

En tout cas Merci à Rétrosumus pour son sérieux.

Grand X
Grand X

Messages : 1033
Date d'inscription : 06/02/2013
Age : 53
Localisation : franche-comté

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Xenocider, les différentes news - Page 11 Empty Re: Xenocider, les différentes news

Message par hombreimaginario Mer 30 Déc 2020 - 11:33

Pad'Lézard a écrit:Voilà c'est fait ! Remboursement bien reçu :-)
Un grand merci à carlos de Retrosumus pour son patience et le temps consacré à cette faire
car ça n'a pas été sans mal. Il y avait un Bug avec Paypal sur cette transaction qui datait d'avril 2017.

En tout cas Merci à Rétrosumus pour son sérieux.

Thank you for your comment.

As I said, we never stopped answering emails/tweets/comments, and we didn't disappear with anyone's money. We are nothing without our reputation, specially until Xenocider is released, hopefully in a matter of a few days.

I'm happy that this is all solved now.

Have a happy New Year celebration, everyone!

@hombreimagina | Writer @retrosumus
Moyen X
Moyen X

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Date d'inscription : 29/09/2015
Age : 41
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Message par Spirale Mer 30 Déc 2020 - 22:18

Gracias hombreimaginario. Feliz año nuevo.

Moyen X
Moyen X

Messages : 124
Date d'inscription : 08/11/2013

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Message par zouzzz Jeu 31 Déc 2020 - 9:31

Thanks. Happy New year you too.

Nicolas et Marjolaine

Messages : 8424
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2012
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Xenocider, les différentes news - Page 11 Empty Re: Xenocider, les différentes news

Message par hombreimaginario Mar 19 Jan 2021 - 21:35

Well guys... this is it. Xenocider is here Smile

Sorry for the crappy vieo quality. We couldn't wait for a better camera to immortalize the first ever factory-pressed copy we unsealed and tested xD

Available now!

@hombreimagina | Writer @retrosumus
Moyen X
Moyen X

Messages : 134
Date d'inscription : 29/09/2015
Age : 41
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Message par zouzzz Mar 19 Jan 2021 - 21:41

Ohoh good news !

Nicolas et Marjolaine

Messages : 8424
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2012
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Xenocider, les différentes news - Page 11 Empty Re: Xenocider, les différentes news

Message par Fei Mer 20 Jan 2021 - 13:32

Great news !
Congratulations !
Géant X
Géant X

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Xenocider, les différentes news - Page 11 Empty Re: Xenocider, les différentes news

Message par Metaljet Mer 20 Jan 2021 - 18:40

Congrats hombreimaginario, i think i will order a copy soon Smile
Moyen X
Moyen X

Messages : 195
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2017

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Message par hombreimaginario Ven 22 Jan 2021 - 21:24

Metaljet a écrit:Congrats hombreimaginario, i think i will order a copy soon Smile

We will probably close our store on sunday in order to prepare shipping and all that, and reopen on monday. Pre-order exclusive extras are only available until then Smile

@hombreimagina | Writer @retrosumus
Moyen X
Moyen X

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Date d'inscription : 29/09/2015
Age : 41
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Message par Metaljet Sam 23 Jan 2021 - 12:50

hombreimaginario a écrit:
Metaljet a écrit:Congrats hombreimaginario, i think i will order a copy soon Smile

We will probably close our store on sunday in order to prepare shipping and all that, and reopen on monday. Pre-order exclusive extras are only available until then Smile

Oh thanks for the information, i've just ordered the game, the poster looks so great! Very Happy
Good luck to preparing the shipment.
Moyen X
Moyen X

Messages : 195
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2017

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