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Compensation pour les backers Ouya

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Compensation pour les backers Ouya Empty Compensation pour les backers Ouya

Message par cyberxander Sam 3 Aoû 2013 - 2:28

Je viens de recevoir ce mail :

To our beloved backers,

It’s been 11 months and 26 days (360 days for those who prefer a more exact count) since we left the gates of Kickstarter and set out to turn our vision into a reality.

It wasn’t OK that some of you—our most loyal supporters—didn’t get your OUYA until after it was on store shelves. Others had an issue with our still-new customer service. Despite your frustrations, you’ve played on, putting up with our bumps and bugs as we work to get better every day.

That being the case, we want to do more than tell you how much we appreciate you—we want to show it.

If you feel you’ve had any kind of less-than-OUYA experience with us (a polite way of saying at any time you felt pissed at us for whatever the reason: late shipment, missing controllers, a delayed response to a CS ticket you opened), we’d like to give you a store credit of $13.37 to use toward any purchase(s) on DISCOVER.

If you are annoyed with us, we hope this is a first step to winning back your <3. CLICK HERE to get your redemption code.

And for those that are loving on us, love on.

We’ve learned a lot over the past year and we’re going to continue making OUYA better every day!

Play on,

J'ai suivi leur lien ce qui m'a généré un code que j'ai entré dans la Ouya, j'ai reçu en retour un bon d'achat de 13.37$ sur le store Ouya \o/
Géant X
Géant X

Messages : 2159
Date d'inscription : 28/12/2012
Age : 41
Localisation : Hauts-de-Seine

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Compensation pour les backers Ouya Empty Re: Compensation pour les backers Ouya

Message par zouzzz Sam 3 Aoû 2013 - 10:27

Nicolas et Marjolaine

Messages : 8408
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2012
Localisation : Poitiers


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