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SD-Hack : English tut

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SD-Hack : English tut Empty SD-Hack : English tut

Message par zouzzz Lun 13 Mai 2013 - 10:13

English tut by neslou.


So, you have built or received your SD-Hack or just bought one X-Card here in this forum?
What is the next step for starting your roms?
Here is a comprehensive tutorial that will explain you how to use ConvertX software.

Hardware Equipment used in this tutorial:
• Your SD-Hack or your X-Card
• A 4 GB micro SD card (2GB are more than sufficient)
• A USB card reader (for reading and writing to the micro SD)
• A computer running Windows Seven Home 64 or above.
Software I used:
• MVS/AES Roms
• ConvertX Rom v3b, in order to download : here
• Covers image pack, you will find some made by members: here

Doing the Roms conversion :
• In the [Roms]/[Icons]/ folder, place the covers image of the pack. Be sure the file “bouchetrou.png” is present.

SD-Hack : English tut 463208311

• In the [roms] folder / put your roms in. Zip format (do not unzip). Make sure the file “neogeo.zip” exist.

SD-Hack : English tut 494121962

• Start ConvertX Rom.
• Start the Roms Scan (Click the [Scan!] button).

SD-Hack : English tut 883330323

• The listing of previously placed Roms then appears.
• Check the box below (in 1) and press the [ Action!] button (2)

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The software is doing all the task list below:

• converting Roms
• renaming Roms
• find the corresponding covers (will take a default cover if the software don’t find a matching)
• renaming covers
• Storing roms in packs of 50 (maximum)
• create a configuration file for the roms previoulsly packaged
• create a log file resuming all the actions that have be done

• Once the various operations are completed, you will hear a sound (default).

SD-Hack : English tut 425860635

You canl find a “recap.txt” file in the Roms folder / summarizing the different file conversions performed.
New folders named “Finsh-1”, “Finsh-2”, “Finsh-3”…., were created in the Roms/Finish/. folder
Each contains:

• Some converted roms
• the covers
• the configuration file

Preparing the microSD card:

• Format the microSD card in FAT (16 or 32).
• Rename the card in “card_game”.
• Create a folder named [card_game] on the card. (do not type the brackets “[“ “]” lol)

SD-Hack : English tut 946029306

• Place the full content of a Finish-* folder in the [card_game] folder.

Launch games on the Neo-Geo X:

• When your Neo-Geo X Console is turned off, put your SD-Hack (or your
X-card) in the SD slot of the Neo-Geo X with the micro SD installed
• Turn on the console
• Select Game Card
• Choose your game and ... play ^ ^

Nicolas et Marjolaine

Messages : 8408
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2012
Localisation : Poitiers


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