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Message par zouzzz Mar 11 Déc 2012 - 19:58

... indirectement du moins. En effet le grossiste officiel fournissant les sites revendeurs de pack Gold tel que funstock ou
acrodeal, a contacté un des responsables de funstock par e-mail. Voici le copié-collé du message :

Dear Andy,
We are collecting the NeoGeo X consoles and joysticks directly from the manufacturer between the 19th – 22nd December. We are going to air freight these over (may I add at great expense) on a priority chartered service.

Can you please provide all of the outstanding orders (and please keep me updated with new orders as they come through) and we will ship these directly from our warehouse to your customers – this will save some critical days and ensure your customers receive the product as quickly as possible. We have cancelled all Christmas leave for all our employees until the last unit has been shipped to your customers. This is not as drastic as it sounds as all our team volunteered this, of course, including myself. We expect to ship between Christmas and New Year. As per our discussion, please also remain open to process enquiries, customer support and additional orders during this period.

[color=#ffa500]We will ship using either DHL or FedEx (depending upon who will deliver the quickest) and we will provide the tracking information to all of your customers to you, so you can quickly and easily track all deliveries.

We might miss Christmas by a few days, but we are doing all we can to ensure that your customers get the NEO GEO X Gold System as quickly as is humanely possible!

Sorry again for the delay, please apologise to your customers on our behalf for this and although all the issues have been completely out of the control of BLAZE, we are doing all we can to make this right. Feel free to forward our email address to anyone that would like to speak to us directly, we don’t have any secrets!


Vous l'aurez compris, il va falloir encore attendre bien plus que le 18 décembre pour pouvoir toucher à sa X.

Merci à odin1979, membre du forum, pour ce relai d'information, confirmé ici.

Nicolas et Marjolaine

Messages : 8406
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2012
Localisation : Poitiers


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Message par odin1979 Mer 12 Déc 2012 - 18:47

de rien !! des que j'aurai d'autres infos, vous le saurez

Le futur est maintenant... mais ça donne mieux en anglais...
Futur is now SNK
Petit X
Petit X

Messages : 13
Date d'inscription : 03/12/2012
Age : 45
Localisation : belgique - Mons

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Message par metallica47 Mer 12 Déc 2012 - 20:20

merci pour l'info ! entre noel et le jour de l'an, voila ce que je retiens !
Petit X
Petit X

Messages : 17
Date d'inscription : 28/11/2012

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