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Liste des jeux sortis et annoncés confirmés

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Liste des jeux sortis et annoncés confirmés Empty Liste des jeux sortis et annoncés confirmés

Message par zouzzz Lun 24 Juin 2013 - 13:08


Voici la liste des jeux sortis et prévus pour la Ouya. Elle est offerte par ouyaforum.com. Plus de 700 jeux.

Jeux OUYA confirmés :
- 100 Rogues
- 14px - Drummer Games
- 1900 - 12hitcombogames
- 2Balls - Mad Monkey Militia
- 2 Hando Commando - Good Hustle
- 3D Robot Game (working title) - Boundless Games
- 8Bit Ninjas - Ethan Redd
- Ace Invaders
- Acorn Assault - High Tale Studios
- Afterdeath - Nonadecimal Creative
- Aggro Tactics - GodlyPerfection
- Airborne Dynamo
- Air Hockey 3D - Apollo Software
- AirMech - Carbon Games
- Airstrike - NJUN Studios
- Alien Patrol - inane games
- Alien Space Retro - Owens Rodriguez
- AmpGear - treeCL
- Amsterdam
- Ancient Axes: Heroes on Paper - Planet lo Entertainment
- Android, The Arena Fighter - Clockwind
- Angry Ninjas
- Another Castle - Uncade
- ARDrone Sim: Zombies
- Arena of Heroes
- Aries and The Mighty Rams (working title) - Renegadeware
- Aritana and the Chieftan’s Disease (Portuguese)
- ARMED! - Sickhead Games
- Armored Tank Assault 2 - Ameon Entertainment
- Around the Rock Disc Golf Challenge - Tribaloid
- Artificial - FlyingCatGames
- A Space Shooter For 2 Bucks - Frima Studio
- Asso 91 - Urustar
- A Tofu Tail - alchemedium
- Atomic Run - S7 Design
- Aura Tactics - Ingredient Blu
- AuroraBowler - Skipcloud
- AvaTower (working title)
- Averix
- Avesus Chronicle - Espiragen Interactive
- Avner
- AVP: Evolution - Angry Mob Games
- A Walk in The Rain - LunchGameStudio
- Awesome Repair Crew - PlayPerro
- Azorian Kings TCG - Azorian
- Back to Bed - Bedtime Gaming
- Bacteria - SinisterSoft
- Bad Bros. - GameOverdose
- BAKED. GPD - Juicy Cupcake
- Balls In Your Face - AlexiHusky
- Banzai Blowfish - Red Piston
- Batsphere - Cascavelo Games
- Battle Camel: The Search for Antarah - Jibberish Games
- Battle Gnomes - EverFire Studios
- Battle Worlds: Kronos
- Beast Boxing Turbo - Goodhustle Studios- Bubblegum Pop - Lighty Kid
- Beastie Troopers
- Beat Bros. (working title) - UltimateWalrus
- Before My Time (working title) - 50ply
- Big and Small
- Big Bang Battle
- Big Top Ballet - VectorBloom
- Bimey (working title)
- Bionauts - DFT Games for Hawk Industries
- Bite Size Tails - SeveredArts
- BitMonsterFlux - ThomasKlokosch
- Black Hole
- Blackjack: Empire Rise - Rebel Software
- Blackreef Pirates - Subvert Games
- Bled - Grenade Tree Games
- Blockables Golf!
- Bob The Hampster - Dirt Dig
- Bombball - EMcNeill
- Bomberman Free - Ratalaika Games
- BombSquad
- Born A Dragon - Midnight Tinkering
- Boticus The Game - HagerApps
- Boundless (working title)
- Bowling Pro - Apollo Software
- Box Race HD
- Breath - SETENTIA
- Bro. - White Bread Games
- Broken Age - Double Fine & 2 Player Productions
- Broken Sword: The Serpent's Curse Adventure - Revolution Software
- Brotherhood of Violence - Realtech VR
- Brotherhood of Violence 2: Blood Impact - Realtech VR
- bubblr - Dummy in Trouble - heavily loaded games
- Bullet Train Hell - Logic Drill Games
- bummperball - Paul Holt
- Burn Zombie Burn - RetroBurn Games
- Bushil Bash - Greenhill Games Pty Ltd
- Busted - PimEntertainment
- Cannon Battle - Crucial Games
- Cape Chronicles - HeliumIntStudios
- Caped Soul - Pauls Code
- CapsBall - Retromadegames
- Captain Backwater - Intermediaware
- Car Jumper - BFA Games
- Carrera 4
- Cascade - Fayju
- Caster - elecorn
- Castle Conflict 2 - Broken Kings
- CastleQuest: The Return of Count Dracula - Moonlight Games
- Catch-22 Game - MangoDown
- Cat 'N Jack - Laughinggull
- Chandler & Zay: We're Not going to Old School - Chandler & Zay Productions
- Chandler's Ol'School Collection - Chandler & Zay Productions
- Cherokee Language Numbers Maze - Michael Joyner
- Chess 2: The Sequel - Ludeme Games
- Chomp n Destroy
- Chomp's Wacky Worlds
- Chopper Mike - VAMflax
- Chrono & Cash - Orange Pixel
- ChronoBlade - nWay
- Chuck's Challenge 3D
- Cibug - Couch Potato Studio
- Circuit Chaser - Ink Vial Games
- CLARK - GoldenTricycle
- Cloudbase Prime - Tyrus Peace
- cmyk (working title) - elephantatwork
- Color Thief - TroubleImpact
- Combat Mission Touch - Battlefront
- Command Crisis: Callsign - Ariah Studios
- Cosmix - Memorix Pilgrim
- Coward Knight - Studio Leaves (very high likelyhood but not 100% confirmed)
- Crazy Snowboard - ezone
- Creator - Invinity INSI.DE Studio
- Crest of War - Warvene Games
- Critical Missions: Space - Studio OnMars
- Critical Missions: SWAT - Studio OnMars
- Critical Strike - Retroburn Games
- Cryamore - NostalgiCO
- Cube and Creature
- Cubey! - Lost Key Games
- Curiosity (working title) - zeStudio
- Curves - Levire
- Cyber Solstice - Everfire Studios
- Daiboken - Midnight Games
- Dark Currents (working title) - psema4Technologies
- Darkened Light - Rider Games
- Dark Red - The Co Studio
- Dark Reflections - Jonay Rosales Gonzalez
- Dark Scavenger - Psydra Games
- Dark Space Rings - Level41225
- Darkwurm- Bovine Software
- Dark Zeta Vol 2
- Dash Blaster - EverFire Studios
- Dawn Earth - IndieHex
- Dead Dog - Vortex Studios (Not 100% confirmed but pretty confident (see link))
- Death Castle - LoadedToaster
- Death Goat - Nocturnal Studio
- Death Squad - Blaho Bros.
- Deep - Kaleidoscope Games
- Defend Against Zombies - One More Go Games
- Delta Defense - Neptum Studios
- Delver's Drop - Pixelscopic
- Demagition - Pawel Bartkiewicz
- Depths of Marlayo - Thomas Pendergrass
- Desensitized
- Destroy the Reflective Space Turtle - EmpireGaming
- Devon Carmicheal - GameLogic/HDS
- DevNation - Flux Game Studio
- Dig! - Tasty Poison Games
- Digger - Ratalaika Games
- Dillo Hills 2
- Dillos - Wreck Center Games / Perpetual Games
- DitraFall - Ditrabox
- Diversion - ezone
- DNA - Inhuman Entertainment
- Doom Riders
- Doomsday Zombies - Ameon Entertainment
- Downward Dungeon - Armandra Studios
- Dragon Delivery Service - deBACLE Games
- Dragon Dojo - Yellow Bouncy Ball
- Dragon Maze - FelineArts
- Dragon Plunder - city41
- Draoust
- Drawing Universe
- Dreamland Delivery - Puca Studios
- Dropsy The Clown
- Dual Core - Behold Studios
- Dual Stick Sushi (working title) - UnderC Kitchen
- Duplicity - Taco Grave Yard
- Dungeon (working title) - Bioroid Studios
- Dungeon Panic! - Josh Lesnick
- Dungeon Quest - Shiny Box Games
- Dusty Revenge (spinoff) - PD Design Studio
- Dwarf - Nightvision Game
- Dynabot: The Robo Marble - Level 1 Games
- Earth Defense (working title)
- Eat Fast-Food (working title) - UV Games
- Elliot Quest - Ansimuz
- Epic Wizzard Battles - AlexiHusky
- ePSXe (PSX Emulator)
- Ernie Urban Presents: A Starship Called Sin - GameLogic/HDS
- Escape - AMA Studios
- Escape From Abidon - brink3D
- Eterno Retorno - PiX Juegos
- EVAC - Hexage
- Everland: Unleash the Magic
- Evilot
- Executive Star - Crystalline Green
- Expendable Rearmed - Retrobomb
- Experiment - Headup Games
- Fail Dude - Chandler & Zay Productions
- Fallen Heroes - PHD Gaming
- Falling Numbers
- Fantasy Dreamer
- FancyAsteroids - Blazing Cloud and 2-Complex
- Farm Fight - Doubleyou
- Farm Invasion USA - Handy Games
- Fast Fast Laser Laser - UtahRaptorGames
- Fatal Frontline
- Fear of Tomorrow - Grenade Tree Games
- Festival of Magic - Snow Castle Games
- Fetid Estate - Lune Game Studio
- Fez - Polytron Corporation
- Final Fantasy III - Square Enix
- Fire Chaos
- Fire Hoop Racer - MetaPhx
- Fireworks
- First ConTactics
- FishMoto
- Fish Vs. Crabs - Swift Creek Games
- Fist of Awesome - I Fight Bears
- Fixie Joe - Retromadegames
- Flashout 3D - Jujubee
- FLD 3D Lite (Tower Defense) - Akebulan Enterprises LLC
- FlipOut
- Flummox - MagPieGames
- Floris
- Flying Car - gribbly
- Focal - Kiwicoco
- Fold
- Fomka: orthodox fighting tales - HalfBusStudio
- Forced - BetaDwarf
- Fortitude (working title) - JSIDD
- Forts Warfare - Hotfix Development
- Fractured Universe (working title) - Ardor Games
- Freefall - DNA Games
- Friction 2200 - Caustic Ideas
- Fright Fight - Appsolute Games
- From Space
- Frozen Bubble
- Fur Fighters - Muffin Games
- G.E.A.R. (working title) - Subvert Games
- G4meBytes - Chef Hat Studios
- Gamestar
- Gamius Type IV - Mikeware
- Gaps Between Art (had a working title of 'Colorless') - Frooxius
- Gareno (working title)
- Garnatron - PiX Juegos
- Gemini
- Generations
- Geo Wars - The Co
- Get on Top - D7Games
- Giana Sisters - Bad Monkee
- G.I.G.A.R.
- Gigi's Garden - My Purple Time-Machine
- Giraffestache and the Helpful Hyrax - Giraffysics
- Glob the game
- Gobandroid HD - ligi
- Goblin's Bounty
- God of Blades - White Whale Games
- Goldilock and the 3000 Bears - Fayju Games
- Gorgeous Guardians: Kiken
- Go! Spy Car, Go!
- Got A Block 4 You - CarvedGames
- Gouya Car Wars - Lunch Game Studio
- Gravestompers - Mad Menace Ent
- Gravi - Hashbang Games
- Gravitation - DemonStudios
- Gremlin Gears - Krusmir
- Grey: The Lost Technology - Team Aurora
- Grid Game - Paul DiPastina
- Gridlock - Daniel Jost
- Grid Racer - hotzenplotz
- Guardian - Aiyra
- Guiding Light
- Gunblitz - Rapture Game Studios
- GunFire - Happy Bomb Games
- Gunslugs - OrangePixel
- Guns N Glory: WW2 - Handy Games
- Happy Vikings - HandyGames
- Hatfields and MacCoys - Cascavelo Games
- Hazardous Space: Origins - Sethos Studios
- Hazelrun - Sushee
- Heist 8080 - Nimble Gorilla
- Hell IX - Retromadegames
- Heroes of Loot - OrangePixel
- Heroes of Umbra
- HeroTown - Nextmap Studio
- Hexicheckers - Federmeyer Software
- Hey! Piggy! (working title)
- Hidden in Plain Sight
- High Flyer Death Defyer
- HolyShield: Journey to Hell - Dogbox-Studio
- Honey Fields Forever - Knife Media
- Hot Asphalt - Green Juice Team
- Huff-Puff HUSTLE - Team Aurora
- Human Element (Prequel / not yet named) - Robotoki
- Hunter - Unleashed Games
- Hyperbike
- Hyperspace - Wolfos
- Ignite The Skies - Blunt Instrument
- iHurt - Mad Monkey Militia
- iMech Online - Mobula Games
- INC: The Beginning - OrangePixel
- Infinity Arena - Pixelblimp
- In Gauge Space - TanokaGames
- Invaders Pretty Sure From Outer Space - Round 2 - Freak Mind Games
- Invasor X - Magician Games
- Ionic Stormers
- Island
- Isomeva - caou
- Ittle Dew - Ludosity
- Jane Wilde - Levelbitgames
- Jelly Bounce - 3DiVi Company
- Jex Quest - Spicy Gyro Games
- Jump RPG (working title) - Marcus Körner
- Kaiju Combat - Sunstone Games
- Kana (working title) - No-Weekend
- Karmageddon Khaos - TeamKK
- Kartex - Pixelapp
- Kid Electro - Seantron
- Killing Floor: Calamity (working title) - Tripwire Interactive
- King of Booze - Day Games
- King of the Hill - 9vsoftware
- King Slash
- King's Shroud - Mercurial Forge
- Kinito Music Puzzle - Delirium Studios
- Kinito Ninja - Delirium Studios
- Kinito Sports - Delirium Studios
- Kitaru - Aoineko Studios
- Knight of Cosmos
- Knightmare Tower - Juicy Beast Studio
- Knight's Trial - Fire Horse Studio
- Land-n-Mine - PiggyBankSoftware
- Land of Ikabod - GhazWorks
- La pesadilla de Ripollés - PiX Juegos
- Last Stand At Iabreth
- Lazer Owl
- League of Evil - Noodlecake Studios
- Left 2Die - Guilherme Molin
- Legacy of Barubash - Kactus Games
- Legacy of the Summoner - Game Radiator
- Legend of Dungeon - Robot Loves Kitty
- Legends of Aethereus - ThreeGates
- Leisure Suit Larry - Replay Games
- Lemming Rampage 2 - Rarebyte
- Leroux - Taylor Balbi
- Lets Go Mother F*cker - Overclock Studios (due to the name we are not sure about this one)
- Lifenals - Hejiabin
- Liran's Lab - Entity Games
- Little Red & Professor Wolf
- LivingShield - Insignia
- Lonely Golem
- Looking for love - Delirium Studios
- Look Into the Light - Eye Six Games
- los rios de alice - Delirium Studios
- Love+ - Trunk's Workshop
- Machinations - GrahamGames
- Mad Cow - Digital Vizions
- Mad Monkeys - Glenn Bacon
- MagBall - Swift Fox Software
- Magic Escape - Quasar Game Studios
- Magnetism Battle
- Mammoth Gravity Battles
- Manaiko - CineTek
- Manic Mole - Apparition Games
- MANOS: The Hands of Fate - FreakZone Games
- Marblesss - Fuzzy Game Studios
- Master of the Seven Teas - Gaslight Games
- Match Dash - Travis Chen
- Maze-a-holic - Metanokid
- Mazinger - MediaTech Games
- MechKnight - Dinosaur Games
- Mech Squad - CodeZombie
- Medieval Munch - Hensoupstudios
- Megacoaster - Space Walrus Studio
- Megaman X: Eclipse
- Meganoid - Orange Pixel
- Meganoid 2 - Orange Pixel
- Mercenary Kings - Tribute Games
- MGMS - Nuclear Heart Games
- Midgard Rising
- Minebuilder - Space Walrus Studio
- Mirrored Fairy Tale - Tanookee Games
- MirrorMoon EP
- Mogg (working title) - Mogg Studios
- Monkey Vs. Robots - PixelAtom Games
- Monorider - Raliza Software
- Monster Slayer - Mooney Studios
- Monster's Syndicate Madness (working title) - Imaginoix
- Monster Truck Racing - Meltdown Interactive
- Moog Dash
- MoonRush - SlipSpace Studios
- Morbirith (working title) - Rogue Fairy Studio
- Mosaic
- Mouse Bros - Game Radiator
- Mrs. Dad vs. Körv - Grapefrukt
- Multispace - Kanki Bros
- Munch Face - Wicked Loot
- MurderDollz: Home For Demented Toys - FatCatGameWorks
- My Beloved Company - OGGO1ndie
- myKana - Josue Martinez
- My Country, My Name - Vortex Studios (Not 100% confirmed but pretty certain (see link))
- Natural Soccer
- Neon Shadow
- Neoteria - Orange Pixel
- NewGame+ - Orb0
- Nifl - Darix Studios
- Night Light Arena
- Nightmare
- Ninja PVP - Ninjutsu Games
- Ninjas vs Zombies - Gbanga
- No Gravity - Realtech VR
- Number Wolf
- Oconner's Space X - GameLogic/HDS
- Oddball - Velvety Couch Games
- Odium
- Offensive Combat (all new games in the series) - U4iA
- One Tap Hero - Coconut Island Studio
- Onslaught (working title)
- OpenArena - pelya
- Operation Giant - Fenixfire
- Opposites
- Orc Genocide - InspiredAndroid
- Oscar Papa - OPifex Entertainment
- Outer Recon - MeCorpGames
- OutPost Z - Tyrbyn Games
- Outstanding Wrestling - Chandler & Zay Productions
- OverLight - Frooxius
- Paintball "Fields of Battle" - Greg Hastings
- Paintball War - StrangeGames
- Pandarazzi - Floor Is Lava Design
- Pandum - Davy Rives
- Panic Flight - AMA Studios
- Paper Wings - Tokkao
- Pathways - MoonberryStudios
- Peak Snowboarding - Digital Iris
- Pee for Peace - LingPlay LLC
- Penguin Armageddon
- Penguins (working title)
- Penumbear - Taco Graveyard (Not 100% confirmed, but it's their goal)
- Phobocore (Phobocore X) - OMGWTFGAMES
- Phoenix Revival - Syraca Studios
- Pier Solar and the Great Architects - WaterMelon Co.
- Pig Eat Ball - MommysBestGames
- Piggyback Dungeon Ryder - MikeLovesRobots
- Pingo - 1-Pup
- PIPNIS - SantaRagione
- Pirates Forever
- Pitch Wreck
- Pix'nLove Rush - AMA Studios
- PiX Bros - PiX Juegos
- PiX Dash - PiX Juegos
- Pixel Pig Deluxe - Smorpheus
- Pixels in Space Suits
- Pixelverse
- PiX Frogger - PiX Juegos
- PiX Pang - PiX Juegos
- Planet Grind - Studio Evil
- Platform R - Daylater Studios
- Pocket RPG - TastyPoisonGames
- Pod Gunner - Digital Iris
- Polarity - Bluebox
- Politico - Sodafountain
- Positron - Retroburn Games
- Power Up - Psychotic Psoftware
- Power Ups that Kill
- Pratfall - Big Fat Brain
- Product 7 - BronerGames
- Project:C (working title) - Robot Ractorial

Dernière édition par zouzzz le Mar 9 Juil 2013 - 17:49, édité 1 fois

Nicolas et Marjolaine

Messages : 8424
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2012
Localisation : Poitiers


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Liste des jeux sortis et annoncés confirmés Empty Re: Liste des jeux sortis et annoncés confirmés

Message par zouzzz Lun 24 Juin 2013 - 13:08

- Project: Darwin - Playware Entertainment
- Project Omega - Game Radiator
- Project Potato - appfull.de
- Project Timeline - An Arborescent Calculus
- Project Trivea (working title) - Chrono Gaming
- Project Unity Alice (working title) - United Alice
- Project Zambaria
- Project Z01 (working title) - Hammer Falcon
- PropulScion (working title) - SteelCitrus Entertainment
- Proton Pulse - PushyPixels
- Protorings (working title) - EatPi
- Protoxide: Death Race - HeroCraft
- Puddle
- Puny Earthlings
- Push (working title)
- Puzzle 2 HD - AMA Studios
- Quench - Axon Digital Arts
- Quest for Infamy - Infamous Quests
- Quintet
- Quizall
- Raccoon Rumble - vidiludi games
- Race Illegal: High Speed 3D - HeroCraft
- Racer - badlogicgames
- Radiant - Hexage
- Rage Runner - Hypercane Studios
- Raw - Detour Games
- RED - Knife Media
- Regular Ordinary Boy
- Reincarnation: The Root of All Evil - B-GROUP Productions
- Relapse: Awakening
- Resonance
- Retroformer - Paradigm-softworks
- Retro Racing - Mrqwak
- RGB Agent - Unfinished Pixel
- Riding Rhodri
- Riot
- Rival Threads - Studio Kontrabida
- Roasty Rooster - Aptual
- Rob Gilbert’s The Cave - Double Fine Studios
- RoboFrenzy - Paradigm-softworks
- Robotek - Hexage
- Roboto 2 - FenixFire
- roboXcape - Marco Giogini Production
- rockdodger - Paul Holt
- Rocks and Diamonds - Ratalaika Games
- Rock Zombie
- Rogueya - Epparddev
- Rogue Rainbow
- Role Mouse - Pixel Oaks
- Rolo - Volcanic-Penguin
- Rom Hacking: The Game
- Roogoo - Wreck Center Games / Spidermonk
- Rose & Time - Sophie Houlden
- Rossman - Saturn Games
- Rubber Puck Hockey
- Ruin - Trickzterz
- Run and Shoot Football
- Runner Game - Simon Jacoby
- Rupture Point - Sundry Games
- Rush (working title) - New World Games
- Rush Brothers
- S7 Racing - S7 Design
- Saga Heroes - Wasatch Games
- Sansarom - Schoen Development
- Saturday Morning RPG - Mighty Rabbit Studio
- Save the Puppies - Handy Games
- Scary Robots - iterationGAMES
- Sci-Fi Battle - Headup Games
- Sea States - Kactus Games
- Sector 13 - Reactor Interactive
- Senshi Samurai
- Seven Haunted Seas - Manv Games
- Shadowgun - MADFINGER Games
- Shadow Racers - Retroburn Games
- Shadowrun Online
- Shooter (working title)
- Shorty & The Big Deal 2600 - Suese
- Shrike Bowling - Digital Iris
- Shrike PUB Darts - Digital Iris
- Shrike Jewels - Digital Iris
- Shuttle Rush - Takusan Works
- Signs - badlogicgames
- Silent Enemy - Minority Media
- Singularity Gear Squad - Green Juice Team
- Sinclair - DictionofGame
- Sky Arena - Hammer Labs
- Sky Fury
- Sky Maze 3D - Karga Games
- Skyrizer - Seantron
- Slayers - White Whale Games
- Slendertubbies
- SlipSpace - Slipspace Studios
- Snakes On a 2D Plane - irreverentQ
- Sniffies - GameLogic/HDS
- Snowball Scuffle (working title)
- Snowman Race - Sunset Software
- Snowman Scuffle - Unreasonably Good Software
- Soc-car
- Soccer Rally 2 - Iceflame
- Soliloquy of a Madman - Grant Moore 3D
- Solitairium - DrewFX
- Sonata Kingdom
- Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I - SEGA
- Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II - SEGA
- Sonic CD - SEGA
- Sophia's World - Intermediaware
- Space Bubble Shooter - Magory
- Space Buggers - Kanki Bros.
- Space Cube - UnleasedGames Studio
- Space Farmer 2035 - HuleStudios
- Space Operetta
- Space Qube - fallingcat
- Space Race - Neoteny
- Spaceracer (working title)
- Spaceroads - Wurd Industries
- Space Tech Quality Assurance - Pixel Mushroom Games
- Space Wars - Shiny Box Games
- Space Waves - Shiny Box Games
- Sparklight Station Adventure (current title is Brainbots 5000) - Headrushgames
- Special Olympus Chandler Basketball - Chandler & Zay Productions
- Spectrum - Colony Studios
- Spike Jumper - DeerAndCat
- Spin Cycle (working title) - The Brave Companions
- SPiN WARS - Brightside Games
- Splat - NJUN Studios
- Spread The Party - Waku Doki Ltd.
- Squadron
- Square Off - Gnomic Studios
- Stalagflight - Electronic Milk
- Star Bandits - Pixel Balloon
- Starbound - Tiyuri
- Stardash - Orange Pixel
- Starslinger Kings - 2 Hit Studio
- Star Way - One Happy Elk
- Steam Bandits
- Steam Punk Showdown - Ameon Entertainment
- StickySticky - caou
- Stikbold - Team Stikbold
- Strange Happenings on Murder Isle (working title) - Free Lives
- Street Racing 2
- Striker Soccer 2 - U-Play online
- Striker Soccer London - U-Play online
- Stop Those Kittens - YAYitsAndrew
- Subatomic Kangaroo World Tour - Tyrus Peace
- Subject 33 - Red Ant Games
- SUBJET - Konzeptzwei
- SubSnatcher - Corbomite Games
- Super Adventure: Sword Quest (working title) - Useless Studios
- Super Battle Ball - ShinyBoxGames
- Super BeatDown Academy - irreverentQ
- Super Crate Box - Vlambeer
- Super Grid Run - Refresh Creations
- Super Daddio 2 - Glenn Bacon
- Super Drake Tracker 2000 EX - Dan Teasdale
- Super Dungeon Bros
- Super Retro Squad - Exploding Rabbit
- Super Robot Space Fight - Tyrus Peace
- Super Space Bucks - ThinkingFungus
- Super Ubi Land - Notion Games
- Super Ushi Adventures - Bright Side Games
- Super Yonder Fighters (working title) - Nuclear Heart Games
- Surf Prodigy - DrewFX
- Survival - Rubix
- Survival Run with Bear Grylls - F84 Games
- survivorZ - LavaAurora
- Swarm - Erik Skoglund
- Swindler: The Spoils of War - Open Mind Gaming
- Syder Arcade - StudioEvil
- Taapi
- Tainted Keep - Ravnstudio
- Tales of People
- Tank A Geddon - Yellow Bouncy Ball
- Television - Laboratory Games
- Terra Incognita - Dan Steer
- The Amazing Frog - Fayju
- The Ball - Tripwire Interactive
- The Banner Saga Factions - Stoic
- The Bards Tale - inXile
- The Battlecruiser Dilemma
- The Colony - Mooney Studios
- The Courageous Captain Pussyfoot
- The Curse of Shadow House - Eric Shofe
- The Great Escape
- The Hero's Journey
- The Hunted (working title) - SMASHWORX
- The Legacy of Barubash: Chapter 1 - KactusGames
- The Little Crane That Could - Stolk
- The Lost Heroes - Magory
- The Lost Souls Ch. 2
- The New Housemate
- The Other Brothers - 3D Attack
- The Pedobear Returns - Orbis
- The Runthrough - Djek Studios
- The Secret of Universe Alpha - Dreamzle
- The Siege Online - DFTGAmes
- The Sounds Of Progress (working title)
- The Traveler - Adventure Works
- The Vestibule
- The War© Series - GameSheik Studio
- The Zybourne Clock - Team FiveAces
- Thunderpig: Trails of Grimlock - The Kilted Coder
- Time - Bossa Studios
- Time Robo - Dapper Games & Pewter Games
- Tiny Artillery - Myriad Radikal
- Tiny Dungeon World - Ratalaika Games
- Tiny Runner - Jarcas Studios
- To Dungeons Deep and Caverns Old
- Tossers
- Total Recoil - Eiconic Games Finland
- Towerfall - Matt Thorson
- Triangles
- Tristoy - Uniworlds Game Studios
- Tropical Treasures 2 Deluxe - Software Amusements
- TUG - Never Done Games
- Turbo Flick - DrewFX
- Twin Robots - Thinice Games
- Twisted Tourney
- Ultra Pool - Retroburn Games
- Ultrash - Ulin Game Works
- Umi Force Unlimited - MediaTech Games
- Undead Empire: Hellfire - Big Rook Games
- Underwars - Shifty Tectonics
- Urisis: The Darkthrone
- Vacant Sky: Awakening - Bishop Myers
- Vax Gravity - WildRune
- Vector
- Velocity
- Vendetta Online
- Vertex Blaster
- VirtualArtsGames Presents : Bowling - VirtualArtsGames
- Visorman - Polygon Gaming
- Volgarr the Viking - Crazy Viking Studios
- VR Paint - Kaj Toet
- WarCards - Shock Industry Ru
- War Fighters - Tropic Mods Development
- Wasabi - Dark Doors
- Whispering Willows - Night Light Interactive
- WhiteWater 3D - Laughing Gull Productions
- Wild Blue
- Wings: Director's Cut - Cinemawear
- Wizard of Fakery: The Stairhouse Adventure
- Wizard Volcano - Morgan Quirk
- Wizorb - Tribute Games
- Wolf and Dragon - GameLogic/HDS
- Woopaloo - Ratatoskr Games
- Word Shaker - AFKSoft
- WordTrap Dungeon - Crunching Koalas
- World Destroyers - HardHead Games
- Worm From Hell
- Wraithborne - Alpha Dog Games
- Wrecking Balls Arena - Team Kakumei
- Wrestling Revolution
- Yipe! 5 - Idle Hands
- You Don't Know Jack! - Jellyvision Games
- Yummy Circus - Puzzl
- Zambaria - MotherRock Studios
- Zebs Tale - A Zombie Story - Sam J
- Zeitgeist - g1i1ch
- Ziggy Putts - Phime Studio
- Zombie Ass Kicking Games (working title) - Big Fat Soda Co
- Zombie Dash - Red Piston
- Zombie Death Metal Jam
- Zombie Hunter 3D - Apollo Software
- Zombie Pirates VS. Ninja Robots - Smashplug
- Zombies & Trains - Dragonhead Games
- Zombies Night Out - EvoFxStudio
- Zombie Strippers Ate My Brains - StrangeGames

Dernière édition par zouzzz le Mar 9 Juil 2013 - 17:50, édité 1 fois

Nicolas et Marjolaine

Messages : 8424
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2012
Localisation : Poitiers


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Liste des jeux sortis et annoncés confirmés Empty Re: Liste des jeux sortis et annoncés confirmés

Message par zouzzz Lun 24 Juin 2013 - 13:09

Aussi confirmés par OUYA eux-même :
- Covet
- Echoes of Eternia
- Heroes Call
- Megatroid
- Mutant Mudds
- Rival Threads: Last Class Heroes
- Ski Safari
- Super Retro Squad
- Talbot’s Odyssey - Studio Miniboss
- Triple Town - Spry Fox LLC - Shown on Kickstarter Video

Rumeurs de sorties :

- Canabalt - Semi Secret Software - Shown on Kickstarter Video
- Dead Trigger - MADFINGER Games - Shown on Kickstarter Video
- Dillo Hills 2 - FexLabs
- Fatal Theory - 2 Hit Studios
- Freedom Planet - GalaxyTrail
- Hawken - Adhesive Games
- Kitaru - Aoineko Studios
- Madden NFL 12 - EA Tiburon - Shown on Kickstarter Video
- Minecraft - Mojang - Rumored in the Kickstart FAQ (if demand is there for it)
- Racing Live - Storm8 Games - Shown on Kickstarter Video
- Samurai II Vengeance - MADFINGER Games - Shown on Kickstarter Video

Nicolas et Marjolaine

Messages : 8424
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2012
Localisation : Poitiers


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Liste des jeux sortis et annoncés confirmés Empty Re: Liste des jeux sortis et annoncés confirmés

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